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<xda_noob> hi developer
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<Adi_Pat> Hello?
<xda_noob> hi adi_pat,finally someone alive!
<Adi_Pat> HI. ?
<Adi_Pat> Lol
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<xda_noob> anyone else alive!come'oon
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<stickyboy> xda_noob: This isn't a chat channel. It's for developers. :)
<stickyboy> If you want small talk, go to #teamhacksung-support
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<xda_noob> @stickyboy i want to something realted to developent,but a non-sammy device
<cdesai> xda_noob: what exactly?
<cdesai> and your name says otherwise
<cdesai> hey stickyboy btw
<xda_noob> @cdesai: itr's similar to what u are doing for the gtab,linux kernel 3.y
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<xda_noob> @cdesai i was porting linux 3.x ,i managed to get it compile,get init to load
<xda_noob> @cdesai but stuck at this shit
<xda_noob> // /system derped up
<cdesai> that isn't the problem
<xda_noob> that all i could pick up from fbcon :D
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<_paco_> don't kill me but I wanna build aosp 4.2_r1 for sgs1/i9000
<_paco_> got sauces got my local-manifest.xml to grab the jb revisions of CyanogenMod/android_device_samsung_aries-common,...
<cdesai> the device tree won't work as-is
<_paco_> any hint?
<stickyboy> _paco_: You need lots of shit. Like support for the Exynos SoC, which isn't in AOSP.
<stickyboy> So you'll have to hax0r shit to even get it to build. Even then, it probably won't boot.
<_paco_> TheMuppets/proprietary_vendor_samsung & files from
<cdesai> also, in device tree, removal of cm-specific stuff
<cdesai> and loads of stuff in build/
<_paco_> ok. ok
<_paco_> great
<stickyboy> And AOSP doesn't support Exynos3. :)
<cdesai> stickyboy: it does
<cdesai> crespo <3
<cdesai> used to
<stickyboy> Oh shit.
<_paco_> w0rd
<stickyboy> Hah, forgot.
<cdesai> but that won't be hard, just drop in hw/sam
<stickyboy> Sorry, my mind was elsewhere. :D
<_paco_> first aosp 4.1.2 build was a crespo I thinl
<cdesai> it's dropped in 4.2
<_paco_> yes
<cdesai> stickyboy: thinking about goats?
<_paco_> no support for crespo in 4.2
<stickyboy> cdesai: Yep. Looking over CVs for an ICT management position as we speak. :\
<cdesai> good luck
<stickyboy> Lots of n00bs trying to manage our infrastructure. I'm on the interview panel so I get to ask fun questions.
<_paco_> stickyboy, which country,city?
<stickyboy> _paco_: Nairobi, Kenya.
<_paco_> :(
<Entropy512> <cdesai> but that won't be hard, just drop in hw/sam - may be some frameworks shit you need to merge back in
<cdesai> SamsungRIL
<Entropy512> either way, 4.2 is gonna be a pain in the ass for exynos3/4 maintainers
<Entropy512> because some of the 5 shit is gonna interfere
<Entropy512> 80% of it is useless on 3/4
<Entropy512> the rest will cause merge hell
<cdesai> glad they did samsung_slsi
<cdesai> i guess we could remove 5 from samsung, and let manta use samsung_slsi
<Entropy512> hardware/samsung should be OK
<Entropy512> it's frameworks/native, etc. that will be a headache
<peterperfect> new features from camera will surely be a pain
<peterperfect> photosphere, hdr etc
<peterperfect> effects
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<peterperfect> take a look of the output of the tests of Download Throughput
<peterperfect> on Gnex and on Nexus4
<peterperfect> N4 cellular architecture is far far far superior
<peterperfect> delivered a bell shape histogram on 100 samples
<peterperfect> much more stable
<peterperfect> gnex antenna seems a mess
<stickyboy> OOh, looks interesting. Lemme read.
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<tasslehoff> Is cm10 on i9300 a decent experience? I've waited for the Nexus, but now I'm tempted to go for i9300 instead..
<tasslehoff> sorry, found the issues-page on the wiki now :)
<Jiangyi> Buy the Nexus.
<Jiangyi> Don't buy Exynos4 :-P
<vladm> +1 for dont buy exynos4
<vladm> that is - if you are going to use CM
<tasslehoff> I keep changing my mind, but I think I'll listen to you guys.
<tasslehoff> If I get the S3 I have to, cause I can't stand Touchwiz
<vladm> if you are happy with stock samsung stuff - then it's irrelevant
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<tasslehoff> I run CM10 on my i9100 now
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<codeworkx> tasslehoff: cm on exynos phones isnt smooth. no fun
<tasslehoff> codeworkx: that decides it - you opinion is significant :)
<tasslehoff> thanks for the work you do
<Jiangyi> codeworkx: Did you manage to get the N4 before it all sold out? xP
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