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* iKillCypher has issues installing logcat on my laptop >:(
<iKillCypher> need to debug an application
<IbrahimA|znc> use loggy from koush
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<DAGr8> gralloc.exynos4
<DAGr8> ..
<DAGr8> make: *** No rule to make target `out/target/product/t0att/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/libsamsungion_intermediates/export_includes', needed by `out/target/product/t0att/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/gralloc.exynos4_intermediates/import_includes'. Stop.
<DAGr8> make: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
<DAGr8> stupid caps sry
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<Espenfjo> Android.mk, change libsamsungion to libsecion
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<mzaza> I have installed Cm 10 on my galaxy tab. And I feel it's not smooth as other jb devices I checked. So I have installed CM 10 from get.cm and just flashed it through the recovery does that mean I am still using the stock kernel and that's what's causing the lag? Or is that the best my hardware can offer?
<mzaza> P5100
<mzaza> Help would be appreciated :-)
<DAGr8> THX Espenfjo
<DAGr8> eill try now
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<DAGr8> #ifdef BOARD_USE_V4L2_ION
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<DAGr8> i cant find the commits tht get rid of all that stuff all around exynos4 folder
<DAGr8> i suppose thst was taken care back on jellybean tree ?
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<frankdrey> codeworkx, do you know of a omap4 donut kernel :P
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* frankdrey might have to do a VERY dirty hack to fix this dream cm10 build :(
<yath> dream?
<yath> are you from the past?
<frankdrey> yes
<frankdrey> I am
<frankdrey> so I'm getting "frameworks/av/media/libmedia/AudioRecord.cpp:133: undefined reference to 'android::AudioRecord::AudioRecord(int, unsigned int, int, unsigned int, int unsigned int, void (*)(int, void*, void*), void*, int int)'
<frankdrey> or so :P
<frankdrey> and it seems to be related to a Kineto hack
<frankdrey> I don't need Kineto
<frankdrey> so I'm gonna take the chunk of code out :P
<DAGr8> why in hell do you want donut stuff ?
<frankdrey> just for the hell of it :P
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<frankdrey> but mannn my PC builds slow
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<DAGr8> Espenfjo any idea onthis one :
<DAGr8> make: *** No rule to make target `out/target/product/t0att/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/libUMP_intermediates/export_includes', needed by `out/target/product/t0att/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/gralloc.exynos4_intermediates/import_includes'. Stop.
<frankdrey> i'm gonna make a probably incorrect guess...did you extract propriety files?
<DAGr8> yup
<DAGr8> lemme double check if they still there
<DAGr8> lol
<DAGr8> yep
<Espenfjo> gralloc links again libUMP, so you will have to set it as a shared lib. Do it in vendor/XX/XXX/proprietary/Android.mk for example
<Espenfjo> Probably the same place here you have libsecion defined
<DAGr8> hmm tht wa sin hardware
<DAGr8> ok i see it
<DAGr8> I dont think I need it
<DAGr8> or do I ?
* DAGr8 slaps Skrilax_CZ around a bit with a large trout
<DAGr8> you have a samsung device now ?
<Skrilax_CZ> DAGr8: Had a Galaxy Note II for 9 days
<Skrilax_CZ> returned though
<DAGr8> why
<DAGr8> I got that to
<DAGr8> love it
<Skrilax_CZ> fragile on drops
<DAGr8> haha
<Skrilax_CZ> I didn't like that
<DAGr8> thats sammy for ya
<Skrilax_CZ> I don't need a phone which glass breaks from 2 feet fall
<DAGr8> welli cant confirm mine didnt break
<DAGr8> :P
<DAGr8> daughter put it to the test already
<DAGr8> maybe a bit more then 2 feet with a little push
<DAGr8> needless to say my eyes werepopping out
<DAGr8> lol
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<Skrilax_CZ> well I looked on "dropped SGS III / Note II" threads and decided not to risk it
<DAGr8> haha
<DAGr8> damn it
<DAGr8> *** No rule to make target `out/target/product/t0att/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/libsecion_intermediates/export_includes', needed by `out/target/product/t0att/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/gralloc.exynos4_intermediates/import_includes'. Stop.
<DAGr8> so now its bitching at licecion instead
<DAGr8> ..
<Espenfjo> do with it as you did with libump
<DAGr8> i removed the entry :o
<DAGr8> :O
<Skrilax_CZ> (also I checked that Samsung dev support for Exynos is ... fail so far, so reasons to bail out ++)
<DAGr8> i guess that didnt work so well
<Espenfjo> why? :)
<DAGr8> yea
<DAGr8> cuz I asnt sure how to share the lib
<DAGr8> as ytou said
<DAGr8> Skrilax_CZ the folks here will fix that with time ofc
<DAGr8> i figured you were here to help
<DAGr8> so I gues sI should have asked
<DAGr8> how do I share it as shared lib ..
<DAGr8> set *
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<DAGr8> so its getting better
<DAGr8> lol
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<DAGr8> well I was missing blobs
<DAGr8> go figure
<DAGr8> ..
<DAGr8> lol
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<frankdrey> eh told yah :P
<frankdrey> propriety files ~= blobs xD
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<IbrahimA> your regex engine is funny :P
<yath> it's the lexer, actually
<frankdrey> lol
<frankdrey> just a little :D
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