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<Rebellos> Hey there
<Rebellos> Is anything unusual in stock boot.img of I9300? Or it should conform to Android bootimg standard?
<pawitp> AFAIK, Samsung boot images are raw kernel image with built in ramdisk
<pawitp> I don't know about the S3 specifically though
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<Jiangyi> pawitp: Have you got a second?
<pawitp> depend on what it's for
<Jiangyi> Want to check if a bug is on multiple devices or just the i9100g :-P
<Jiangyi> Basically, set long-press menu key to opening recent apps switcher, long-press the menu key, when it opens, let go, and see if everything's normal.
<pawitp> it disappared
<Jiangyi> Cool, so not just my device :-P
<Jiangyi> Thanks pawitp :-)
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<rhcp> looks like madmack is doing well
<rhcp> saw the renaming of the device
<rhcp> and all the other fun
<rhcp> for the note2
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<pl> Jiangyi, sorry if I bug you, but I know you have a i9100G :) I'm currently using cm10.1-20121226 and I'd like to know if you have camera problems too. I have focusing problems and the gallery app crashes every time I try to access the camera settings
<pl> Do you get anything like this?
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<Jiangyi> pl: Cam's buggy, but no constant crashes for me.
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<pl> Jiangyi, thanks. That could be because I didn't install the gapps. I just can't enter the camera settings, it immediately crashes
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<Jiangyi> No, shouldn't have anything to do with gapps.
<pl> I could file a bug, but I read that bug reports for nighlies are not accepted
<Jiangyi> They're not :-P
<Jiangyi> Post a logcat here?
<codeworkx> pl: wipe gallery data
<codeworkx> or cam app data
<pl> ok, let me try
<pl> cleared gallery data and the crash is gone :) thanks codeworkx
<codeworkx> -.-
<pl> the focusing problem is still there, but I assume that's a known issue :)
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