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<andrewrk> frmdstryr, the issue for that is
<andrewrk> this issue is a bit messy and unclear but I'm planning to address it soon. after
<andrewrk> and then finally var args will be fixed or deleted
<scientes> including return inferred return types?
<tgschultz> list literals hype.
<frmdstryr> Got it, thanks
<andrewrk> that's an entirely separate issue
<scientes> oh var args
<scientes> var args and args that are "var", heh
<andrewrk> yeah, I wonder if `anytype` would be better than `var` for args
<tgschultz> yeah actually that's a lot more clear
<andrewrk> considering we have anyframe, anyerror, and there is a proposal for anyopaque
<andrewrk> although I could see people getting confused and putting `anytype` where simply `type` would be correct
<scientes> yeah thats a problem
<scientes> but type wouldn't be valid there
<scientes> or would it
<andrewrk> I kinda wanted to make it inferred if you omit the type, but josh wolfe is strongly against it, because it will encourage people to not use parameter types
<scientes> and that is the main argument against the whole thing
<scientes> but it does allow nice stuff
<scientes> and I don't think a language should be responsible for preventing the user from shooting themselves in the foot
<andrewrk> that's the plan for var args too. `args: var` and then use reflection to iterate over the struct
<andrewrk> std.fmt.format can support both array literals and struct literals. why not? so you could name your {}'s or have them be index based
<scientes> yeah that doesn't seem entirely insane
<scientes> even if they should generally be named
<scientes> but it reduces the amount of type information in the source code
* shakesoda likes inference for omitted types on args
<dimenus> hmm, that PR didn't break a lot of things on my Vulkan testbed
<dimenus> just a a bit of translate-c code
<dimenus> kjj:q
<dimenus> whoops, wrong window
<dimenus> andrewrk: there was a missed cast in lib/std/target.zig:322
<andrewrk> yeah I'm expecting there to be a handful of these
<andrewrk> apologies in advance
<dimenus> no worries, i opened a PR for the one I caught
<daurnimator> andrewrk: around at the moment?
<andrewrk> hi daurnimator
<daurnimator> andrewrk: couple of open questions for you: 1. why isn't fifo in std library docs? => is it getting missed by the test suite or something? 2. I saw you mentioned a "zig foundation" again: did you see what I said the other day about SPI/SFC?
<andrewrk> daurnimator, - I wanted to do some more work on generated docs before setting them up with CI builds. but I switched tasks to language stuff to keep myself fresh. I suppose I can implement #3402 for now
<andrewrk> I missed your comments about SPI/SFC
<daurnimator> andrewrk: SPI = software in the public interest. SFC = software freedom conservancy. They're both organisations that do all the book-keeping and other legal paperwork for open source projects
<andrewrk> I sent an application to the SFC
<daurnimator> andrewrk: ah okay. I talked to Karen about it a few weeks ago, I might be able to send a follow up if you want?
<andrewrk> I'll look into SPI
<andrewrk> sure, that sounds good
<daurnimator> andrewrk: in general, SPI take 5% and don't do much. SFC take 10% and are more fully featured
<daurnimator> andrewrk: ah doh. I didn't see that std lib docs are not built off CI
<daurnimator> I thought I had missed something in my PR :P
<andrewrk> daurnimator, as another example I don't like that the docs are for the x86_64-linux-gnu target only. I have a merge tool about 40% done
<daurnimator> yeah I figured that was in progres
<andrewrk> I pushed an update just now
<daurnimator> andrewrk: thanks!;fifo.FixedSizeFifo => I noticed the weird error set name for peekItem... so I clicked through to peekItem and I got a 404?
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<daurnimator> I guess because FixedSizeFifo itself isn't public (that was an oversight; I've got a followup PR)
<andrewrk> that's an anonymous error set, should be fine eventually, but as you can see not handled well currently
<daurnimator> oh wait no sorry it is public
<andrewrk> generic types aren't done yet either
<daurnimator> so there's just the general question of: why are all the method docs 404
<daurnimator> k
<andrewrk> generic types and merging multiple builds together is the same problem
<andrewrk> we'll get there
<daurnimator> no problem
<andrewrk> some of this is limitations in the js code
<andrewrk> not the underlying semantic analysis json dump
<daurnimator> so now with that fifo data structure, how should we start using that from e.g. the socket code? In some ways it partially replaces "Buffer". In others it sort of acts like an BufferedOutStream... and in others its an InStream
<andrewrk> why would you use the fifo data structure and not InStream/OutStream?
<daurnimator> andrewrk: compared to InStream, it allows for buffering the data you get. e.g. I think a common usage of InStream might be "read a line" => you usually want to read in e.g. page sized chunks, and then find the newline character.
<andrewrk> I thought that's what BufferedInStream is for
<daurnimator> right; so it essentially would be a better replacement for that
<andrewrk> what makes it better?
<daurnimator> 1. it uses a circular buffer and is more efficient 2. it has a growable buffer
<andrewrk> 1. so let's improve BufferedInStream to be more efficient 2. why is that good?
<daurnimator> now, compared to OutStream/BufferedOutStream, fifo lets you ask for a slice to write to, and then ".update()" it: in practice i imagine this will be the common usage mode compared to the current OutStream which requires you to pass a slice fully formed
<daurnimator> andrewrk: 1. fifo is suitable to replace both BufferedInStream and BufferedOutStream: it can hit both "birds with one stone"
<daurnimator> andrewrk: 2. e.g. imagine you want to read a line in. so you read in a page of data and look for the new line => not found: you probably hit a really long line and need to read in additional pages until you find the newline (buffering the data you have).
<andrewrk> it sounds like we should do that, then
<andrewrk> it's tricky to make std lib APIs handle all the use cases correctly; let's do our best
<daurnimator> andrewrk: agreed. my question was more asking... how far should it go? first thing I have in mind is to try adding .inStream() and .outStream() methods to fifo? that might make at least BufferedOutStream and BufferedInStream removable...
<andrewrk> it's sort of the end of my day here and so I'm not really thinking clearly about these abstract things. I'll need to read some kind of proposal and mull it over
<daurnimator> I'm still trying to figure out the best course of action myself
<daurnimator> But in general, I'm not a fan of how the current stream interfaces get used. e.g. when digging into the elf parser, I found the different seek() and read() streams super weird.
<andrewrk> I think it helps to always have a concrete use case or two in mind
<andrewrk> I agree that the current stream interfaces are problematic
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<scientes> the go streaming API is pretty slick
<scientes> cause you can kinda just chain them together
<daurnimator> scientes: "kinda chain them together" => can you explain more?
<daurnimator> so one thing I'm considering for fifo is if a user should supply a "flushFn" => called when the fifo wouldn't mind flushing its contents
<andrewrk> nodejs streams are noteworthy as well:
<scientes> like you can add in a compression pass without changing your code
<daurnimator> scientes: right; so my intention is to build that sort of thing on *top* of fifo
<daurnimator> e.g. you would wrap fifo to create a "compressing fifo"
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<daurnimator> scientes: would you be interested in implementing a "compressing fifo" as a use-case?
<daurnimator> I imagine that the compression algorithm would prefer certain sized blocks to compress; maybe have alignment concerns?
<scientes> yeah a byte stream
<scientes> daurnimator, i think that should be a optimization issue only with the api as simple as possible
<scientes> and default just buffer
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<andrewrk> a good rule of thumb is that you should be able to have 2 streams and then pipe one into another, and be able to deal with all the edge cases correctly: backpressure, handling errors, clean closing, pausing and resuming
<daurnimator> scientes: huh? the fifo here *is* the buffer
<daurnimator> scientes: `const input = fifo.readableSlice(0)` => gives you a slice into the fifo's buffer: you'd then operate on that; e.g. `compressBlock(input[0..32])` e.g. if your compression algo had a 32 byte "core"
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<daurnimator> once done you call `fifo.discard(32)`
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<plumm> andrewrk: the comptime docs say All function calls cause the compiler to interpret the function at compile-time, emitting a compile error if the function tries to do something that has global run-time side effects. What exactly are global run-time side effects?
<andrewrk> plumm, for example: calling an external function, inline assembly, writing to the file system, using the network
<andrewrk> daurnimator, here's a nice use case of stream APIs: - have a look at the implementation, it's ~150 lines
<plumm> 2
<plumm> thanks
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<Pistahh_> hi, is it possible to pass args to the compiled program with "zig build run" ?
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<dantix> Usually in this case `-- --args` (e.g `zig build run -- --args`) should do the trick, but I haven't tried it with zig
<Pistahh> that was the second one I tried (the firstr one was without the --) and it didn't work :)
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<protty> Question for std.event.Loop, does it support treating writing to sockets and reading from sockets as separate streams that can be done in parallel?
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<mq32> protty, it should, as "reading a socket" is the same operation as "reading a file" or more generic "reading any FD"
<mq32> so if there isn't a special case in std, it should just work
<mq32> but: i have not looked at the code, just reasoning about a sane implementation
<protty> it came to mind because theres loop.waitUntilFDReadable/Writable but for the case of epoll: readable & writable could come in the same event and was wondering how it notifies two parallel waitUntils
<mq32> ah, good question then
<mq32> and i'm out :D
<mq32> or well, you can both wait with epoll on a read and write event and you can distinguish those
<protty> oh, it was in a comment
<mq32> :)
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<nrdmn> good evening!
<companion_cube> oy
<mq32> hello!
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<andrewrk> Pistahh, looks like the CLI for zig run regressed. it should be the -- thing as you tried
<Pistahh> andrewrk: that was with the 0.5.0 arch linux package, I'm just compiling the latest git version to see if that works
<andrewrk> Pistahh, I think it is regressed in master as well
<Pistahh> we'll see, I had another issue which I want to test with the latest
<Pistahh> (I tried to compile something simple and there were a lot of error messages regarding some windows libs. which is weird as it was on linux)
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<keithdc> const validationLayers: [_][*] const u8 = { c"VK_LAYER_KHRONOS_validation" };
<keithdc> Is this syntax not valid anymore? I'm getting an error on it and I'm not too sure why
<andrewrk> the = is in the wrong spot
<andrewrk> move it to replace the :
<keithdc> Oh crap, my bad!
<shakesoda> what does the ! mean for return types? it's all over the place but i can't find what it actually is
<fengb> Error union
<fengb> e.g. errors.OutOfMemory!void returns OOM or nothing
<shakesoda> fengb, andrewrk: thank you
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<shakesoda> is there a documented way to get builder to spit out a header for me, i'm trying to build a library dependency that usually has a generated config.h
<shakesoda> or if i should just write the file out myself, can i ask it where i should put the thing
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<gonz_> Is there a currently best set of bindings/layer on top for SDL?
<shakesoda> gonz_: i dunno about best set but i did what's in this example and it went fine
<shakesoda> a few rough edges with sdl's macros
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<gonz_> That's to be expected.
<gonz_> I'll probably look at that, thanks.
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<shakesoda> #359 (../... exclusive/inclusive range syntax) is way too subtle and i can't help but feel like it would cause _tons_ of bugs
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<pixelherodev> Unless there's a clear difference in the token used, I think I agree
<pixelherodev> .. vs ... is waaaay too similar
<shakesoda> i would definitely confuse them constantly
<shakesoda> confuse or not even see
<shakesoda> some of the other proposed syntaxes seem fine in terms of clarity, like ..< and ..<=
<shakesoda> seems a bit awkward, but not unclear
<pixelherodev> I think I'd prefer awkward to unclear, but there's probably a better solution