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<mgxm> wilsonk: great, thank you for sharing
<mgxm> i din't know about tabnine
<mgxm> neat
<scientes> simd PR rebased again. When we get further along I will also redo the @shuffle and @gather and @scatter syntax stuff
<andrewrk> scientes, nice - can you give me the first commit from that PR as a separate one?
<scientes> oh yes
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<[rg]> what release should I use on windows?
<scientes> that type of review would be easier with the linux workflow...
<[rg]> ok, what release is preferred for linux?
<scientes> [rg], everybody is using master
<scientes> git
<[rg]> ok, that makes it seem like zig is really stable
<[rg]> cool
<scientes> uggh, more the opposite
<[rg]> oh, what? lol
<wilsonk> mgxm: no problems
<scientes> we use master because things are still changing fast
<scientes> although the CI must past for every commit so if you write a test for it it will work
<andrewrk> [rg], zig is very unstable right now. give 0.5.0 a shot, and if you run into bugs or missing features then you can potentially tip your toes into master branch. but there is not planned to be a 5.0.1 release; next planned release is 0.6.0 in April
<[rg]> ok, thanks
<[rg]> I'll see if I can have some fun :)
<[rg]> ah very awesome to see a microbit projet
<andrewrk> but also know that there are already major breaking changes to the language between 0.5.0 and master. with more on the way
<andrewrk> I will make this assertion about the future: once we are shipping the self-hosted compiler (rather than stage1), the zig project will start having bug fix releases in addition to minor releases, along the path to 1.0.0
<[rg]> andrewrk, thanks
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<daurnimator> scientes: I think you could also submit 174a6d4a587e1baacd1bb659f872cd928c6fa04b sooner rather than later
<daurnimator> scientes: s/loose/lose/
<daurnimator> (in 25c5ad1be061fa36b7fdf6ee6deac4e1c9b5d16d)
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<daurnimator> andrewrk: any more merges expected today? :)
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<andrewrk> daurnimator, not today. how did you like my counter proposal to #3731
<daurnimator> andrewrk: 2 thoughts: 1. why is sentinel different enough from align() to be inside the [] vs outside 2. `:` as a separator could be confusing as its also used for bit indexing in various places
<andrewrk> (1) the [] has to do with the length of the pointer; align does not
<andrewrk> for (2) I don't think I'm interested in any feedback that isn't a counter proposal
<daurnimator> 1. fair, makes sense. 2. I guess my counter proposal is that with that confusing-ness, I'm still happy with it being outside the [] with a keyword.
<andrewrk> I see
<andrewrk> either way I think I agree with you on making it more general rather than using the word `null`
<daurnimator> `[5 sentinel(0)]u8` ?
<andrewrk> too noisy, and `sentinel` is likely to clobber an identifier. we're not trying to punish people for using null terminated strings
<andrewrk> `extern fn printf(format: [*:0]const u8, ...) c_int`
<daurnimator> why *aren't* we punishing them?
<daurnimator> don't we prefer slices with tracked length?
<andrewrk> generally, but plenty of ABIs use null termination. And tracked length is not strictly better. It has higher memory requirements, for example
<andrewrk> even if you do not interact in any way with C or libc, you need null termination for interacting with, for example, the linux syscall ABI
<daurnimator> sure; but not e.g. for windows nt.
<companion_cube> ugh, saving 1 word minus one byte
<companion_cube> and paying O(n) length, unsafe strings, and bugs aplenty :/
<daurnimator> yeah one thing I still don't like about the current null PR is that the length is only a *max*. there could be another null byte in the middle...
<andrewrk> companion_cube, this is a type feature that makes them safe
<andrewrk> if you make null pointers hard to annotate, it's not going to make people avoid null pointers; it's going to make them avoid annotating them
<companion_cube> I'm just ranting about null-terminated strings :)
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<adamkowalski> Whats the recommend way to get a string from an int?
<adamkowalski> const key = try std.fmt.allocPrint(allocator, "{}", i);
<adamkowalski> ?
<Pistahh> adamkowalski: or std.fmt.bufPrint - it takes the buffer to print into so no need for allocator
<adamkowalski> Well who allocates the buffer?
<adamkowalski> How do you know how big to make it?
<adamkowalski> I guess you know the max number of digits that an int can be at compile time
<adamkowalski> Then you can allocate the buffer once and reuse it?
<Pistahh> yes this only works if you have some idea about the max final size of the string generated. You can just allocate a buffer as a local variable, so it goes into the stack
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<daurnimator> yeah if you e.g. have a u32, then you know that it can't be longer than 10 chars
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<mq32> daurnimator, your mixin style interfaces only work "per instance", right? so i cannot create an array of different object types with the same interface?
<mq32> oh, funny bug:
<mq32> zig fmt fails when a tab is in a comment :D
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<scientes> mq32, that might be desired
<scientes> actually, that is according to spec mq32
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<mq32> scientes: huh? why that?
<mq32> it fixes tabs when in "blank space", but errors when in "comment space"?
<scientes> oh zig fmt
<scientes> i thought you meant the language spec
<scientes> my bad
<mq32> no, i'm talking about fmt :D
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<jacereda> hi
<jacereda> how would you write a 'ctry' function that turns ?T into !T ? To be used like "const foo = ctry(c.CreateFoo()); errdefer c.DeleteFoo;"
<mq32> foo() orelse error.OptionalWasNull
<jacereda> mq32: I'm not sure I follow... Is this the idiomatic way? "const foo = c.CreateFoo() orelse error.OptionalWasNull; errdefer c.DeleteFoo();"
<mq32> i would code it like that
<mq32> it doesn't require any special features and *should* work :D
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<muffindrake> I see that there's a choice between blocking and event-based mode in io.zig. How would I set it to use event-based processing in my code?
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<FireFox317> muffindrake: in your top level of your root file put: `pub const io_mode = .evented;`
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<muffindrake> Aah, so that's what that comment meant. Well then, thank you.
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<marler8997> andrew why create an assembler? Does LLVM not have good ones?
<mq32> marler8997: to get rid of LLVM as a dependency in the long term
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<ky0ko> i'm toying around with the idea of doing some baremetal code for old MIPS machines, is there a way i can tell the zig build system that i want to output ECOFF format binaries?
<ky0ko> the bootloader for the platform i have expects that format
<andrewrk> ky0ko, is ECOFF different than COFF?
<ky0ko> andrewrk, yes. it's a slightly modified variant of COFF. I'm quite positive LLVM supports outputting ECOFF, as well as XCOFF (another COFF variant of interest to me)
<mq32> andrewrk: would it be possible to specify any output file type for any build target?
<ky0ko> specifically ECOFF was used by MIPS operating systems and firmware from the 90s, and XCOFF was the standard for OpenFirmware machines (sparc and powerpc)
<mq32> i know it would not make sense, but emit ELF for windows builds and PE for linux builds
<andrewrk> issue #3182 is open for this
<andrewrk> if it's something that makes sense to do, then yes it's in scope
<mq32> okay, i'll write some stuff into that issue :)
<mq32> freestanding does only support ELF right now, right?
<andrewrk> correct
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<mq32> added *and* edited a comment :D
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<terinjokes> just this morning I was thinking about writing an assembler for the Sharp LR35902, and then I opened GitHub
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<gruebite> zig does not have any lambda replacement yeah?
<mq32> lambda replacement?
<gruebite> erm, lambda equivalent
<gruebite> i can kinda see something working at comptime
<adamkowalski> no lambdas yet I believe, but you can pass a function pointer
<adamkowalski> whatever you would have closed over, make them additional arguments
<gruebite> yeah, C style
<adamkowalski> if it's conveniant you can build an "environment" struct yourself which has the closed over variables and pass that in as the first argument
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<shakesoda> gruebite: there are some issues on the tracker for those
<shakesoda> idk what kind of priority they have but i would really love them, and otherwise treating functions as just values
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<adamkowalski> andrewrk: hey are you there?
<daurnimator> mq32: yes that's correct.
<mq32> daurnimator, answer to what question? :D
<daurnimator> mq32: though there's sort of a "trick" I have in mind for that: you can create a union of the two types you are interested in, provide the base function, and then mixin to the union
<daurnimator> mq32: 20:14:12 <mq32>daurnimator, your mixin style interfaces only work "per instance", right? so i cannot create an array of different object types with the same interface?
<mq32> ah
<mq32> hmm
<mq32> i'll figure it out
<mq32> i need a generic block device interface
<mq32> brb/driving home
<fengb> shakesoda: (anonymous) function expressions is scheduled for this release cycle
<fengb> Closures need a different solution since it probably needs to involve memory allocation
<daurnimator> mq32: `union(enum) { Foo: Foo, Bar: Bar, pub const ReadError = Foo.ReadError || Bar.ReadError; pub fn read(self: @This(), dst: []const u8) ReadError!usize { return switch(self) { else => |u|; } }`
<daurnimator> uh I missed the mixin: `union(enum) { Foo: Foo, Bar: Bar, pub const ReadError = Foo.ReadError || Bar.ReadError; pub fn read(self: @This(), dst: []const u8) ReadError!usize { return switch(self) { else => |u|; } usingnamespace io.InStream(@This()); }`
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<daurnimator> gruebite: you can, but it's awkward right now: `const myfunc = struct { pub fn foo() void {} }.foo;` <-- and you can e.g. return this from a compile-time function
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<mq32> daurnimator, yeah, this *may* work, but it will be kinda weird
<mq32> as i don't really have "functions" implemented on that interface except for read/write
<daurnimator> mq32: yeah that's all you're meant to have implemented....
<mq32> yes, and that's all functions i'm gonna need for that interface :D
<daurnimator> mq32: my idea for the InStream mixin is that you just implement ReadError and read(); and the rest gets filled out for you.
<mq32> yeah, that will work for instream
<mq32> i have a slightly different case
<mq32> i have functions working with generic block devices
<mq32> and i need to store them in a uniform list
<mq32> so yeah, maybe the union way
<mq32> dunno yet, i haven't even decided on how the UI for that feature should look like, so i cannot reason much about implementation for that ^^
<mq32> the plan right now is to have something like `ATA → Partition Table → ZGSPartition → Image` and Image is the final block device i will use
<daurnimator> mq32: you can also probably do this: const embedme = struct { read: fn(self: *This(), dst: []u8) anyerror!usize, usingnamespace io.InStream(@This()); }; const block = { stream: embedme, pub fn init() @This() { return .{ .embedme = .{ read = readFn } } } fn readFn(stream: @This(), dst: []u8) usize { const self = @fieldParentPtr(stream, @This(), "stream"); // implementation here; } }
<daurnimator> which is pretty much getting back the old/current interface style from the mixin one.
<mq32> yeah, but the mixin doesn't fit my use casse anyways, was just curious
<mq32> i need the "old style" interfaces or tagged unions
<mq32> and the last ones with pointers, not object instances
<daurnimator> yep
<daurnimator> hopefully those lines show how you can derive them from the mixin style though :)
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<daurnimator> going the other direction is much more difficult and comes with runtime overheads
<mq32> hmm
<mq32> i think i'm just going to implement some kind of list for the UI
<mq32> "those are your available memory slots to load/save"
<mq32> like in older games where you have slot 1,2,3
<mq32> but this time with block devices in the backend
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<marler8997> zig is trying to get rid of llvm as a dependency?
<mq32> marler8997: "llvm is an implementation detail"
<daurnimator> marler8997: long term yes; short term no
<daurnimator> marler8997: but whenever there's something we want that LLVM doesn't have: rather than adding it upstream to LLVM, we are quite happy to implement it ourselves to get closer to the long term goal.
<marler8997> llvm has hundreds of thousands of hours of development time and a large ongoing support effort. it's developed to be shared amongst any language. We'd have to make a much better version to justify losing all that shared effort I think
<marler8997> would zig's version also be meant as a shared framework like LLVM, or just zig-specific?
<fengb> Zig was always intended to not depend on anything, including LLVM. The reference implementation might be using it as an implementation detail, but the core spec should not require it
<fengb> And there's a lot of naysayers about LLVM too
<mq32> it's good to have a spec that does not contain any dependencies
<mq32> code generation e.g. should be always an implementation detail
<mq32> compared to "behaviour specification" which just describes what memory transfers and operations happen when and what side effects those must/must not/may have
<fengb> We're tied in the short term for a good reason, but eventually we'll have at least a GCC backend. Plus all the embedded people hopefully want to write Zig compilers
<daurnimator> zig can't be truly "self-hosted" with an LLVM dependency.
<daurnimator> the intention is not to remove support for LLVM: but to turn it down from a requirement to an "optional"
<marler8997> actually zig could sort of be self-hosted if it added support to compile c++ code as well :)
<mq32> that's a very weak definition of self hosted
<mq32> also c++ code cannot implement a lot of features that zig has
<mq32> @addWithOverflow is one example
<fengb> __builtin_add_overflow 🙃
<mq32> ah yes, but that's "c++ for gcc"
<mq32> :D
<marler8997> __builtin_add_overflow, that's funny, I just patched a couple tools that were using that
<fengb> Well it's also for clang so just it's the defacto standard now
<mq32> heh
<mq32> i would like to see some more specific features in zig later
<mq32> but those are very post1.0 features :D
<mq32> but something like a scriptable linker would be neat
<mq32> so you could generate custom output formats or implement some more specific rules in the linker
<fengb> I'm really happy with LLVM too. Wasm was the main reason I started using zig :D
<mq32> some embedded processors require checksums placed in certain positions and that's always annoying to implement. simplest way is to patch ELF files, but that's also really dirty
<marler8997> in any case, I hope LLVM remains as a backend option
<mq32> i don't say we should drop LLVM as a backend, but make it optional
<protty> hey, would it be reasonable to assume that `std.time.Timer.start()` cannot fail?
<andrewrk> protty, nope:;time.Timer.start