<rqou> hmm, let's see if the minecraft server irc bridge is working...
<rqou> apparently not
<fpgacraft1> YanLuoWang has joined Minecraft
<rqou> or apparently it is
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> test
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> woot
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> lain
<jn__> yay
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> now i just need to write documentation on how to install the modpack
<fpgacraft1> YanLuoWang has left Minecraft
<rqou> blargh i forgot to transfer over the world seed
digshadow has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
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<balrog> blergh, now there's going to be minecraft server noise here :<
<balrog> (heh)
<rqou> only the chat transfers over
<rqou> not achievements or death messages
<cr1901_modern> I wish ##openfpga was still an anime channel
<balrog> heh
<fpgacraft2> YanLuoWang has joined Minecraft
<fpgacraft2> <YanLuoWang> nice
<fpgacraft2> <YanLuoWang> this is the vanilla server
<fpgacraft2> YanLuoWang has left Minecraft
<lain> :3
<rqou> just putting on finishing touches now
<rqou> btw i don't remember who suggested this but servers are now on "🛠.thatss.a.very.nice.fpga.youve.got.there.龘.香港" and "⛏.thatss.a.very.nice.fpga.youve.got.there.龘.香港"
<rqou> for those of you who don't have the fonts that's "hammer and wrench emoji" for the modded one and "pick emoji" for the vanilla one
<rqou> hrmm the vanilla one has broken dual-stack
<rqou> alright, that's fixed
<rqou> although apparently you still can't play minecraft if you're ipv6-only
<rqou> you need to be dual-stack
<rqou> but somehow vanilla decides it's a great idea to bind to explicitly by default
<rqou> you can change it to :: and it becomes dual-stack
<rqou> lain: i found a bug!
<rqou> swapping ic2 jetpacks in midair doesn't work too well :P
<lain> haha
<rqou> also the electric jetpack apparently lost the old hover mode
<rqou> also we're minutes away from launch (for real this time)
<rqou> lain i'll need your username for whitelisting
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<rqou> hrmm
<rqou> why does that keep happening?
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<lain> rqou: laincat
<lain> and lainbutler if you want to allow my butler (alt account, used for afk farming if we're not going to consoder that cheating :P )
<lain> consider*
<rqou> we have chunkloaders :P
<rqou> just don't try to chunkload the entire world and oom the server
<rqou> who else here plays minecraft?
<lain> ah right chunkloaders
<lain> I should get out of bed
<balrog> lain: this is modded?
<rqou> one modded one vanilla
<balrog> ah
<balrog> are you running sponge or spigot for the vanilla one?
<rqou> <strict server operator voice>read the rules :P
<rqou> nothing
<balrog> ahh
<rqou> strict vanilla
<balrog> I've found those to make management alot easier :)
<rqou> (i don't have much experience running vanilla servers)
<balrog> was somewhat involved with dev for a time but too many projects
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<gruetzkopf> time for a verilog->supercircuitmaker workflow
<rqou> already planned (for vanilla) for april fools 2018 :P
<rqou> lurk moar :P
<gruetzkopf> eeh
<gruetzkopf> 1.7.20 is kinda out of date :|
<gruetzkopf> *1.7.10
<rqou> 1.7.10 for modded, 1.11.2 for vanilla
<gruetzkopf> i'm kinda spoiled by forgecraft chasing -latest
<rqou> wait, are you a forgecrafter?
<gruetzkopf> yes :D
<gruetzkopf> FC1 is on 1.10.2 atm
<fpgacraft1> YanLuoWang has joined Minecraft
<rqou> lain and everybody: servers are up!
<lain> woot
<lain> domain still doesn't resolve for me :P
<rqou> um wat
<rqou> you are using xn--s88h.thatss.a.very.nice.fpga.youve.got.there.xn--xi7a.xn--j6w193g ?
<balrog> rqou: is that the correct domain?
<rqou> this is for the modded one
<balrog> no A records
<balrog> no AAAA records either
<rqou> yeah, it's using SRV
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> hurr durr why am i still using irc and not the chat bridge? :P
<balrog> don't see any of those either
<rqou> hmm
<rqou> _minecraft._tcp.xn--s88h.thatss.a.very.nice.fpga.youve.got.there.xn--xi7a.xn--j6w193g. 14201 INSRV 0 5 25565 0a.hk.
<rqou> i see it for some reason
<balrog> yeah that's not vanilla
<rqou> vanilla uses srv records too
<fpgacraft1> YanLuoWang has left Minecraft
<rqou> lain: just try the raw ip/port for now?
<fpgacraft2> YanLuoWang has joined Minecraft
<balrog> what's the hostname for vanilla?
<rqou> xn--h9h.thatss.a.very.nice.fpga.youve.got.there.xn--xi7a.xn--j6w193g
<lain> rqou: yes, this doesn't resolve for me xn--s88h.thatss.a.very.nice.fpga.youve.got.there.xn--xi7a.xn--j6w193g
<rqou> just try the ip for now
<balrog> it's not resolving within minecraft?
<lain> it's not resolving anywhere
<balrog> it won't resolve elsewhere
<lain> looks like missing NS record?
<balrog> _minecraft._tcp.xn--s88h.thatss.a.very.nice.fpga.youve.got.there.xn--xi7a.xn--j6w193g resolves for me
<rqou> try dig SRV _minecraft._tcp.xn--s88h.thatss.a.very.nice.fpga.youve.got.there.xn--xi7a.xn--j6w193g
<rqou> how the heck can it be missing NS?
<balrog> it's a subdomain?
<rqou> i guess this is what i get for running my own dns
<lain> wait now it's working, ish
<lain> I'm confused
<fpgacraft2> YanLuoWang has left Minecraft
<rqou> oh it doesn't have the whole hierarchy
<rqou> the server will directly answer from the xn--xi7a.xn--j6w193g zone
<lain> yeah
<rqou> i thought this should be allowed?
<lain> hrm
<lain> it's been too long since I messed with dns
<rqou> hmm so the SRV resolves now?
<rqou> does 0a.hk not resolve?
<rqou> 0a.hk should definitely resolve
<lain> yes
<lain> that resolves
<rqou> but the srv doesn't?
<lain> when I query for an A or SRV record, I just get an SOA record
<lain> with no answer section
<balrog> lain: minor bit of trivia: when I first saw you show up in the other channel I was like "who's that, I've seen a 'lain' before, that being KHobbit's log bot on various minecraft related channels on Espernet"
<lain> just SOA in the authority section
<balrog> a quick /whois cleared that up :P
<lain> balrog: lol
<rqou> other channel?
* lain is in many channels
<balrog> so am I... heh
<balrog> perhaps you could say too many channels
<balrog> I am in 344 channels while connected to 37 networks. I have 0 o:lines, 15 ops, 0 halfops, and 16 voices with power over 423 individual users.
<lain> D:
<balrog> true, some of those are slack, but...
<lain> I'm in like 20
<rqou> anyways, i have no idea why the dns doesn't work
<rqou> just use 0a.hk:25565 for now?
<rqou> or 0a.hk:25566 for vanilla
<balrog> I'm in like 30 on this server
<balrog> heh
<balrog> used to be way more active
<lain> rqou: well I can't say why, but your nameserver isn't giving an answer for the query, it's just responding with "go ask ns1.xn--xi7a.xn--j6w193g or rqou.xn--xi7a.xn--j6w193g"
<rqou> hrrm
<rqou> mxtoolbox can see it for some reason
<lain> and if I query either of those directly, I get the exact same response (just ask <NS>)
<lain> wait, correction
<lain> the secondary nameserver doesn't resolve at all :D
<lain> yer dns is bork :3
<rqou> wait how can that happen
<rqou> ns1 and ns2 are the _exact same machine_
<lain> well
<lain> do the nameservers have glue?
<rqou> it does have glue
<rqou> are you on ipv6?
<rqou> maybe that's related somehow?
<lain> I'm on ipv4-only
<rqou> ok, me too
<lain> (drill is freebsd's moral equivalent to dig)
<rqou> wtf
<rqou> the SOA is correct
<lain> yes, but the response should include the srv record :3
<lain> so ns1 doesn't seem to be aware of it, or something?
<lain> and I can't get rqou.xn--xi7a.xn--j6w193g to resolve at all
<rqou> when i do it i don't get an soa at all
<rqou> that's not a domain
<rqou> that's an email mangled to look like a domain
<rqou> soa records are weird
<lain> errr derp, I misread
<lain> yeah
<lain> I should know better, I've implemented a dns server and client from scratch... I blame lack of caffeine
<lain> ok sooo I can get an A record for ns1
<lain> but yeah
<rqou> you aren't somehow tripping my magic iptables rule are you?
<lain> maybe? what's the rule :P
<lain> though I wouldn't expect to get an SOA response then
<rqou> -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p udp -m udp --dport 53 -m string --hex-string "|016902306102686b00|" --algo kmp --from 12 --to 65535 -j DNAT --to-destination
<rqou> this rule is pure magic :P
<rqou> but yeah, that shouldn't be triggering
<lain> this happens from multiple IPs so it's not just the one
<rqou> wait
<rqou> you're doing the srv lookup wrong
<lain> oh?
<rqou> you need to lookup SRV on "_minecraft._tcp.xn--s88h.thatss.a.very.nice.fpga.youve.got.there.xn--xi7a.xn--j6w193g"
<rqou> you need the _minecraft._tcp part
<lain> oh, right
<lain> yeah, that works
<lain> my bad :P
<rqou> so that should give you "_minecraft._tcp.xn--s88h.thatss.a.very.nice.fpga.youve.got.there.xn--xi7a.xn--j6w193g. 14201 INSRV 0 5 25565 0a.hk."
<rqou> so 0a.hk port 25565
<lain> yeah
<rqou> so in minecraft you add "xn--s88h.thatss.a.very.nice.fpga.youve.got.there.xn--xi7a.xn--j6w193g" as the server
<fpgacraft1> YanLuoWang has joined Minecraft
<lain> yeah
<fpgacraft1> YanLuoWang has left Minecraft
<rqou> and it's not working?
<lain> no it works now
<lain> previously that wasn't working, I guess it wasn't public yet, and then the fact that I just woke up + the lack of 'A' record confused me, etc
<rqou> wtu
<rqou> wut
<rqou> so nothing changed
<lain> hm?
<fpgacraft1> YanLuoWang has joined Minecraft
<lain> no I'm saying it works
<rqou> it works but i didn't change anything
<lain> right
<rqou> so can you log in now?
<fpgacraft1> laincat has joined Minecraft
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> nice
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> yay it works
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> time to punch trees again :P
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> well shit the sun is setting
<fpgacraft1> <laincat> hmm framerate dropping occasionally, wonder why
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> typical mod problems?
<fpgacraft1> <laincat> probably
<fpgacraft1> <laincat> lol
<fpgacraft1> <laincat> oh man this is getting to be unplayable, I"ll have to investigate
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> ram allocation?
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> i'm doing -Xmx4G
<fpgacraft1> <laincat> ahhh whoops, forgot to update that
<fpgacraft1> <laincat> yeah it's hitting a wall :D
<fpgacraft1> <laincat> well I need to shwr and find food, and configure all these hotkeys
<fpgacraft1> <laincat> bbl
<fpgacraft1> laincat has left Minecraft
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<lain> rqou: so are we banning cave mode on the minimap?
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> cave mode is currently disabled
<lain> ok
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> hmm the easiest to access early game ore doubling seems to be tconstruct
<lain> that's usually the way, yeah
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> except expanding it takes either a lot of clay or a lot of time
<lain> smelteries can spawn in villages
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> hmm interesting
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> oh btw don't be one of my friends who was trying to double gold and silver at the same time
<lain> ahaha
<lain> alloying is such fun
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> ended up with ~10 blocks of electrum instead
digshadow has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
<fpgacraft1> laincat has joined Minecraft
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> i'm building a smeltery over here
<fpgacraft1> <laincat> kk
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> wait how did you not get that achievement earlier?
<fpgacraft1> <laincat> you have to get them in order - I hadn't opened my inventory yet
<fpgacraft1> <laincat> btw what difficulty is the server at? Normal?
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> normal
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<fpgacraft1> <laincat> k cool, so I can use wood doors
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> i thought it would be "cool i can stay at zero hunger and half a heart" :P
<fpgacraft1> <laincat> haha
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> woot a potato!
<fpgacraft1> <laincat> yay
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<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> hmm the irc bridge isn't seeing irc disconnects
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> i probably just didn't handle the right message type
<fpgacraft1> <laincat> things I'm used to having: shields
<fpgacraft1> <laincat> right, 1.7, don't engage skele.
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> meanwhile i still remember blocking to reduce fall damage :P
<fpgacraft1> <laincat> ahh right we can spam click though
<fpgacraft1> <laincat> that helps
<fpgacraft1> <laincat> did this version have baby zoms?
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> i think so?
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> leaky abstraction: noun, see entry for Minecraft
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> :P
<fpgacraft1> <laincat> lol
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> as is typical i now have no copper
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> because caves are too low
<fpgacraft1> <laincat> I have loads
<fpgacraft1> <laincat> need some?
<fpgacraft1> <laincat> wait I exaggerated, I only have like 17
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> arrgh my friggin stone is still melting
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> oh wait it's out of lava
<fpgacraft1> <laincat> welp
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> can you chuck a copper into the smeltery?
<fpgacraft1> <laincat> soon as I retrieve it from my dead body
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> i swear this got nerfed and the lava consumption is higher
<fpgacraft1> <laincat> ah good we have graves
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> yeah
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> they spawn skeletons though
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> usually not a problem in the overworld, but in the nether...
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> since when was the smeltery only 4 buckets?
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> minecraft unit conversion: 1 ingot and 18 millibuckets :P
<fpgacraft1> <laincat> hokayy you wanted copper?
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> actually not yet
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> i was originally going to add a TE tank to the smeltery
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> but it turns out we don't have pipes yet
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> arrgh i get tons of vsync tearing
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> thanks linux
<fpgacraft1> <laincat> I deserved that
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> hmm i should forward death messages to irc
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> also i think i just let the ocean into my mineshaft
<fpgacraft1> <laincat> hahaha
<fpgacraft1> <laincat> ffs lol
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> hmm i should publish the source code of the irc bridge
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> do you have a bed yet?
<fpgacraft1> <laincat> nope
<fpgacraft1> <laincat> want me to disconnect so you can sleep
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> yeah do that real quick
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> or wait
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> there are monsters nearby
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> nvm
<fpgacraft1> <laincat> need to restart client anyways so it switches sound devices to my headphones
<fpgacraft1> laincat has left Minecraft
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> eh it worked
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> aand a skeleton sniped me
<lain> rip
<fpgacraft1> laincat has joined Minecraft
<fpgacraft1> <laincat> thx
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> there's some sheep somewhere nearby
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> why is your door weird
<fpgacraft1> <laincat> weird how
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> it's not one block further in
<fpgacraft1> <laincat> oh
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> so it's not flush
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<fpgacraft1> <laincat> I hear slimes :3
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> ohai
<fpgacraft1> <laincat> lol you scared me
<fpgacraft1> <laincat> >.<
<fpgacraft1> <laincat> I avenged you
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> wait did you place this?
<fpgacraft1> <laincat> ooh uranium
<fpgacraft1> <laincat> place what?
<fpgacraft1> <laincat> what did I place? lol
<fpgacraft1> <laincat> ohhh that is a lot of mobs D:
<fpgacraft1> <laincat> found the slimes
<fpgacraft1> <laincat> aw man
<fpgacraft1> <laincat> he was crazy fast
<fpgacraft1> GaussianOutlyer has joined Minecraft
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> alright, this is my roommate
<fpgacraft1> <laincat> omg
<fpgacraft1> <GaussianOutlyer> ooh, cherry blossoms
<fpgacraft1> <laincat> I can't believe that worked
<fpgacraft1> <GaussianOutlyer> I can go full weeb
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> this chat is logged btw
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> just fyi :P
<fpgacraft1> <GaussianOutlyer> come at me, NSA
<fpgacraft1> <GaussianOutlyer> ok, time to hole up till morning
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<fpgacraft1> <GaussianOutlyer> have you considered making the chat go to a different IRC
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> no, i haven't :P
<fpgacraft1> <GaussianOutlyer> you fuck
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> lain: this is how my housemates and i always interact :P
<fpgacraft1> <GaussianOutlyer> also, minimap with mob locations? laaaame
<fpgacraft1> <GaussianOutlyer> got hit by a creeper, took half a heart
<fpgacraft1> <GaussianOutlyer> is this easy mode
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> it's normal
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> lain i'm really confused
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> do you not follow the "torches on the right" convention?
<fpgacraft1> <laincat> sup
<fpgacraft1> <laincat> oh
<fpgacraft1> <laincat> haha
<fpgacraft1> <laincat> I usually do when branch mining, buuut when I'm caving I just go all over
<fpgacraft1> <laincat> is that going to be a problem? XD
<fpgacraft1> <GaussianOutlyer> you barbarian
<fpgacraft1> <GaussianOutlyer> what the fuck is a hobgoblin
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> daniel stop swearing in the chat
<fpgacraft1> <laincat> mythical creature? :P
<fpgacraft1> <laincat> this horse is playing a dangerous game
<fpgacraft1> <laincat> <3 F7
<fpgacraft1> <laincat> can we shear pigs in this?
<fpgacraft1> <laincat> no we cannot
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> wait wtf
<fpgacraft1> <laincat> lol
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> what would that do?
<fpgacraft1> <laincat> there's a mod that lets you shear pigs and some other mobs, it makes a "cold pig"
<fpgacraft1> <laincat> gives you meat
<fpgacraft1> <laincat> put a bunch of copper in the smeltery
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> blargh
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> did you switch it?
<fpgacraft1> <laincat> yeah, did you not want blocks of copper?
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> i wanted some more seared stone
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> wait what are you doing?
<fpgacraft1> <laincat> do we have the tables and stuff yet?
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> i have a set
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> i was going to make some tin but then you put copper in the smeltery
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> we need an ingot cast
<fpgacraft1> <laincat> yeahhh we do
<fpgacraft1> <laincat> oh, I put some aluminum in to make aluminum brass
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> wait what?
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> i put some gold in
<fpgacraft1> <laincat> k we can just use gold
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> ok i think we need only one person operating this at a time :P
<fpgacraft1> <laincat> yeahh
<fpgacraft1> <laincat> I dumped my ores in your double-chest
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> woops
<fpgacraft1> <laincat> lol
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> portable lamp? :P
<fpgacraft1> <laincat> okayyy I guess it's time to re-learn tinkers materials so I can make some good tools
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> oh right i really should make some TiC tools
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> PSA: don't shift right click a bucket of lava onto a portable tank
<fpgacraft1> <laincat> lool
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> alright going to make some TiC casts
digshadow has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
<fpgacraft1> <GaussianOutlyer> ugh, minecraft doesn't like hotplugging audio devices
<fpgacraft1> <laincat> yep
<fpgacraft1> GaussianOutlyer has left Minecraft
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> alright i made all the patterns
<fpgacraft1> <laincat> hokay
<fpgacraft1> <laincat> the majority of this place is lit up now I think
<fpgacraft1> GaussianOutlyer has joined Minecraft
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<fpgacraft1> <GaussianOutlyer> hey robert, can you whitelist rachel
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> nick?
<fpgacraft1> <GaussianOutlyer> rachelhazideas
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> ok
<fpgacraft1> Rachelhazideas has joined Minecraft
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> what?
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> what achievement was that?
<fpgacraft1> <laincat> picking up a mystical flower
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> btw want to organize the pattern chest? :P
<fpgacraft1> <laincat> mebbe
<fpgacraft1> <Rachelhazideas> hi
<fpgacraft1> <laincat> hi
<fpgacraft1> <laincat> :o
<fpgacraft1> <laincat> I'm setting up a chicken thinger
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> a chicken hopper thing?
<fpgacraft1> <laincat> just an are for some chickens so we have food and feathers
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> ah so not an inhumane "chickens trapped in a one block space above a hopper" :P
<fpgacraft1> <laincat> hehe
<fpgacraft1> <laincat> lovely weather we're having
<nats`> what is that oO
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> minecraft!
<nats`> the minecraft bot is spammin the channel....
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> hey, it's not spam :(
<nats`> you should look at the channel :p
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> i know, the chat goes both ways
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> we can't be productively working on fpga stuff _all_ the time :P
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> oh haha i looked at my real irc client
<nats`> :p
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> yeah it does look pretty bad
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> but that's just because nobody is talking about fpgas on the real irc side :P
<nats`> maybe you could add sort of prefix to talk in the channel
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> um, isn't the prefix the username fpgacraft1?
<nats`> like channel goes to minecraft and when someone want to talk in minecraft and channel he add special prefix
<nats`> nop I mean in the minecraft chat
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> ah i see what you mean
<nats`> like /sayall hello
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> maybe
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> i should publish the source code for this bridge script
<nats`> because I think most of things which will vcome from minecraft will be jabber about the game :)
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> it actually looks much less bad on the minecraft side
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> because the script can impersonate nicks on the minecraft side
<nats`> found a book to buy
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> a piece of dead tree? :P
<nats`> yep
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> who even does that anymore? :P
<nats`> FPGA-based Implementation of signal processing systems
<nats`> I like books
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> i actually do too
<nats`> YanLuoWang are you rqou ?
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> yes
<nats`> sent you a PM
<nats`> with a link to the pdf
<fpgacraft1> <laincat> brb
<fpgacraft1> laincat has left Minecraft
<fpgacraft1> laincat has joined Minecraft
<fpgacraft1> <laincat> the only way to get steel is a blast furnace?
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> yeah, but what do you need steel for?
<fpgacraft1> <laincat> was going to make a nice pick, until I can make some manyullyn
<fpgacraft1> <laincat> are there better starter pick materials for tinkers?
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> doesn't tic have that pink alloy?
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> the thing you need to use to get cobalt?
<fpgacraft1> <laincat> alumite?
<nats`> nerds :p
<fpgacraft1> <laincat> steel is also cobalt mining level
<fpgacraft1> <laincat> lol nats
<nats`> **teels the guy writing a floating point unit in verilog**
<fpgacraft1> <laincat> :D
<nats`> @7am :p
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> huh we do have a slime chunk
<cyrozap> Ugh, Minecraft spam
<cyrozap> Maybe we should have an ##openfpga-minecraft or ##openfpga-random?
<cyrozap> Or ##openfpga-offtopic
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> this won't be as much of a problem if more people talked about fpgas :P
<nats`> or like I said a command in minecraft to interact with the channel
<nats`> so minecraft people see what is going on in the channel and can answer
<nats`> but not all the minecraft jabber pushed to the channel
<cyrozap> Yeah, one-way by default
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> yeah i'll probably change it to that
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> this script was my excuse to play with asyncio
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> so i didn't realize this would be a problem :P
<cyrozap> Because otherwise you'll have a lot of "Where are you?" "I'm at X where are you?"
<cyrozap> It's definitely neat, but it's hurting our SNR
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> imho the SNR wasn't ever that high to start :P
<nats`> :D
<nats`> and now someone need to take the nick SNR :D
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> eh just use gold codes and your snr problems are fixed :P
<fpgacraft1> <laincat> ooh
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> only 2 diamonds
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> yeah that's probably a good idea :P
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> usually in modded minecraft i spend all the time building machines and never e.g. grow wheat
<cr1901_modern> I agree, this needs to be taken off the main channel... gonna be waaay too much noice
<cr1901_modern> noise* even
<cr1901_modern> we also need ##openfpga-anime while we're at it
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> only because of you and whitequark
<fpgacraft1> <laincat> hrhr
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> i should obtain food
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> (irl)
<fpgacraft1> <laincat> I seem to have inadvertently trapped myself
<fpgacraft1> <GaussianOutlyer> how
<fpgacraft1> <laincat> came in rqou's place to grab some tin I dropped off earlier, but he's standing so close to the door
<fpgacraft1> <laincat> that I can't open it XD
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> oh
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> i was fixing the irc bridge :P
<fpgacraft1> <laincat> ack creeper
<fpgacraft1> <laincat> you might want to use F7 more :D
<rqou> !!fpgacraft2 xxx nonce
<rqou> !!fpgacraft2 svu9s2JNAic+Z4m7LYpsvorilkAS33yuqSJ/rUfTB35dD7CjhxtcMr6Yqk9TM1iVlqe+F6uDmoM6z2FB5LMsBw all-shutdown
<fpgacraft2> Server exited with code None
<fpgacraft1> <GaussianOutlyer> uhhhh
<rqou> don't worry that's the other one
<fpgacraft1> <laincat> awww yisss
<rqou> the exit code logic is indeed broken though
<fpgacraft1> <laincat> bronze chestplate
<fpgacraft1> <laincat> oh hey that colour matches my minecraft skin, nice lol
<fpgacraft2> YanLuoWang has joined Minecraft
<fpgacraft2> <YanLuoWang> test
<fpgacraft2> YanLuoWang has left Minecraft
<rqou> ok, now time to restart fpgacraft1 as well
<rqou> !!fpgacraft1 xxx nonce
<nats`> time to go at work
<rqou> !!fpgacraft1 xulkkwcUpFh9llcrR6BzIcVZyvJ5sndt1bBKIHy5dpT/SdjQTQesa9RaM67q+7qfeYP/CSjctR3g4vS5AdlPDA all-shutdown
<fpgacraft1> Server exited with code None
<fpgacraft1> Rachelhazideas has joined Minecraft
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<fpgacraft1> laincat has joined Minecraft
<rqou> alright, now you have to prefix messages with ! for them to go to IRC
<rqou> by default messages won't
<fpgacraft1> <laincat> neat
<fpgacraft1> YanLuoWang has joined Minecraft
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> test
<fpgacraft1> Rachelhazideas has left Minecraft
<rqou> oh btw this is a fun easter egg:
<rqou> §kthis text is not visible to minecraft players
<rqou> in case anybody wants to enforce some "serious people only" :P
<nats`> there is nothing "not serious" about playing
<nats`> in fact in the human society construction it's an important part
<nats`> I only think 90% of game text will be purely jabber about the game itself :)
<cr1901_modern> I didn't say ##openfpga should always be srs bsns
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<cr1901_modern> in fact azonenberg stopped enforcing that rule like a week after the channel was made
<cr1901_modern> Just the SNR gets severely reduced for ppl who don't play Minecraft/who don't play game consoles made after 2000 :)
<fpgacraft1> Rachelhazideas has joined Minecraft
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<nats`> you should remove the notice of join and quit too maybe
<nats`> or make sort of a subscription system !
<nats`> that would be cool
<nats`> people who want to be noticed of in game event get on the list :)
<fpgacraft1> <laincat> feature_creep++
<cr1901_modern> How the hell does one do that on IRC?
<fpgacraft1> <laincat> associated it with a registered nick?
<cr1901_modern> Nevermind... too tired to properly phrase my 1
<cr1901_modern> q* even
<nats`> lain yes
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<fpgacraft1> laincat has joined Minecraft
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<fpgacraft1> Rachelhazideas has left Minecraft
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<clifford> does anyone have the time and energy to answer this? I don't today..
<rqou> i don't even know what "adept" is supposed to do
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<rqou> wait, i just read the question again
<rqou> is he trying to use the proprietary flasher with the yosys toolchain?
<rqou> or has he not even gotten to that point yet?
<clifford> rqou, read it from bottom to top. (starting with the self-answer)
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> oh it's a self-answer
<clifford> the last thing is that everything seems to be fine, but the design he is using is totally bogus for the iceblink board
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> i am not good at the stack overflow
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> also, this is the minecraft chat btw
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> hello from minecraft clifford!
<clifford> he does not seem to understand that the numbers in the .pcf file are pin numbers of the ice40 chip, not something useful on his particular board.
<fpgacraft1> <YanLuoWang> blargh, seems like a lot of effort for an answer
<clifford> I've now posted a comment.
<fpgacraft1> laincat has left Minecraft
<fpgacraft1> YanLuoWang has left Minecraft
<nats`> god he's trying to use the digilent tool to flash the ice board
<nats`> their software is basically just a compatible probe for xilinx stuff :D
<nats`> and I think he's convince that bitstream is just a firmware for a mcu
<nats`> I guess there is no need to answer those question the guy is basically asking what goes through his head while he's reading
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<digshadow> azonenberg: why is this channel flooded with minecraft
<balrog> because rqou decided to set up a minecraft server for this channel complete with chat bridge
<balrog> I don't really care all that much
<rqou> the bridge doesn't bridge everything anymore
<rqou> prefix Minecraft chat with ! to send to IRC
<rqou> all IRC messages go to Minecraft
<rqou> also if you don't like fun prefix IRC messages with §k and Minecraft players can't see it
Bike has joined ##openfpga
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<felix_> imho that thing only adds lots noise to the channel :/ sure a bit offtopic stuff is often fun, but too much imho isn't good
<rqou> yeah, that's why I made it one-way by default now
<rqou> multiple people complained because I never thought about it :P
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<felix_> ok, sounds good
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<cr1901_modern> Where IS azonenberg anyways?
<cr1901_modern> Haven't heard from him in a while...
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<pie_> maybe he finally turned into an fpga
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<fpgacraft1> Rachelhazideas has joined Minecraft
<DocScrutinizer05> WUT?
<balrog> rah: can you turn off join events?
<balrog> ugh
<balrog> rqou: ^
<DocScrutinizer05> indeed, pretty please
<DocScrutinizer05> no idea what's minecraft, neither seems it newsworthy who joined or left there
<whitequark> it's a game
<whitequark> not sure what's the link to openfpga...
<DocScrutinizer05> ZILCH
<cr1901_modern> DocScrutinizer05: You are a better person for now knowing what Minecraft is :P
<whitequark> nah, minecraft is pretty great
<eric_j> someone created an fpga in minecraft, surely
<rqou> wow, you guys are boring
<whitequark> I think that happened more than once
<whitequark> even if you discount the fact that minecraft more or less *is* an fpga :p
<cr1901_modern> Holy shit... :o
<whitequark> I mean, there's a verilog-to-redstone compiler
<whitequark> now *this* is *quite* relevant to openfpga, DocScrutinizer05 :p
<whitequark> LOL
<whitequark> there's a redstone-to-verilog compiler too: http://redsi.me/
DocScrutinizer05 has left ##openfpga ["systemd breaking up recursion in dbus"]
* cr1901_modern snorts at that quit msg