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i just daisy-chained a power strip
should i feel bad?
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and i just discovered that my walmart-grade shelving has a 15-degree lean
and i never noticed before
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rqou: your ESR is bad and you should feel bad :p
also just assembled the characterization board for the STARSHIPRAIDER I/O buffer
<laincat> woo
azonenberg: STARSHIPRAIDER? that your greenpak work?
I just turned on the microwave in my apartment!
fire in 3... 2...
btw if someone other than me wants to reverse engineer a Broadcom switch, the eBay Quanta LB4M devices include some interesting information in their firmware
unfortunately it's a very old part
davidc__: No
This is the "bus pirate on steroids" project i've had back-burnered for a while
however, it will contain greenpak devices in the front end (it mates with the devkit for now) for level sensing etc
this will be my first production-y deployment of a greenpak
right we still need to hash out how the module interface will work
rqou: see pcb pr0n
unfortunately I'm currently stuck deep in the middle of the "unpack from 33C3 and clean my room" project
also gruetzkopf thanks for the Cisco console cable, works great
yay, finished microwaving without a breaker trip
hmm, i just realized my computer is using networkmanager for its wired connection and i have no idea why
azonenberg: cool; I've been meaning to build one of those. Source/Schematics anywere? (I might help, if you want some)
wow apparently everybody has their own secret "bus pirate on steroids" project
<laincat> lol
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davidc__: azonenberg/starshipraider is the github repo but for now its only the characterization board
Target specs are as follows
Four socketed I/O modules
i also had a project nicknamed "bus armada" that we're going to soon figure out how to duct-tape together
Each of the standard I/O modules can process eight single-ended inputs at up to 800 MSa/s, or use any of those same signals as outputs up to 250-500 MSa/s (depending on voltage)
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Operating voltage range is 0 to 5V
I/O modules are fully specified as tolerant to +/- 12V for an indefinite time period, however the channel (and possibly the adjacent channel depending on how my final layout works) will tri-state to protect itself and not be usable until the fault is cleared
The main board will be an artix-7 in FGG484 that contains a SODIMM of DDR3
gigabit and optional 10gbit ethernet for talking to the host PC
heh, thats a pretty fast frontend
FPGA contains a 32-channel GPIO module, a 32-channel LA, a crossbar switch, and a bunch of IP blocks for things like I2C, SPI, JTAG, UART, etc
800/500 Mbps *and* 5V operation *and* +/- 12V tolerance is VERY nontrivial
Hence why i had to prototype the I/O cell to make sure it actually worked
i just assembled the board and havent tested
obvs the real thing won't be loaded with SMAs :p
My goal is to be able to sniff/MITM/generate any digital protocol commonly used in embedded devices other than DRAM
Inputs are comparator based so you can specify a threshold per bank and work with any input standard you want up to 5V
Output voltage in the test board is supplied on a header, in the real thing it will be a variable SMPS that has a set point either set over the IP interface or tracking an external VCCO reference (but not drawing current from it)
yup. My goal was pretty similar, but about an order of magnitude slower
The design is scalable
There's no reason you couldn't make a pin-compatible host board that maxes out at say 100 MSa/s inputs and stores data in block ram only, and has gig-e or usb 2.0 as the host interface
Or a much less expensive I/O cell that doesn't use a $6 comparator on every channel
TBH, I haven't come across many things faster than 100Mbaud that I didn't want to build a custom interface for anyhow
Well, I wanted to be able to oversample things i dont have a clock for
100 Mbps data needs ~400 MSa/s to reliably decode without a clock
Also, suppose you dont know which signal is a clock
i want to be able to drop probes down on whatever
then figure it out ex post facto
once you have the FPGA and RAM, sampling fast is trivial - there's no reason not to
the big challenge in my i/o cell was the wide voltage range
also "custom interface"
the eventual plan is to support partial reconfig (or at least runtime bitstream loading) so you can drop custom interface IP into the FPGA for a special protocol
Some of the I/Os will be usable as sampling clocks too, thats TBD once me and rqou figure out the exact pinout between I/O modules and the host board
most likely going to be a samtec q-strip
maybe 30 pins
My recommendation is that we all try to make our projects compatible and scalable as much as possible
There's no reason you cant make a lower speed version, but it should be plug-and-play with the faster and slower components
In any case, this is something i expect to be using on a daily basis both at work and in my home lab
So i can justify the engineering time and cash to go all out
I mean, fair enough. I wouldn't tell you not to overengineer stuff; especially since given how often I do the same, it'd be hypocritical
The initial inspiratio nof the project
was when i killed a 1.8V flash chip not realizing the dumper i was using didn't go below 3.3
azonenberg: dumb question, does 10gbe have the concept of "jumbo frames?"
or when i got tired of looking for 2.5V FTDI dongles when all i could find is 3.3
rqou: jumbo frames etc are done at the link layer
1 vs 10gig etc is all physical
I guess I just usually have such a different probing strategy for high speed stuff (IE: micro coax + tap + amplifier) vs lower speed stuff
and if i change my mtu what happens when i try to talk to a 1500-only device?
the link layer is exactly the same
If you change your mtu the device is likely going to drop the packets or just get very confused
that by the time I get wires attached to the board I usually know my voltage ranges / signalling speeds
rqou: i just run 1500 everywhere
jumbo frames are kind of a hack IMO
like, trying to get a few percent more throughput
i assume my old 10mbps/half device won't like 9000+ byte packets very much :P
when you really should just roll out 10gig
right now i'm trying to set up a 10gbe to a switch with 48 1gbe ports
davidc__: well thats the point, i want one tool flexible enough to do everything
the plan is for the I/O boards to have a samtec q-strip that you can break out to anything from SMAs to 0.1" headers
depending on how fast the DUT is etc
azonenberg: I mean, fair enough :). Good luck with it!
And if i slip and probe the wrong pin
and hit actual RS-232 levels
azonenberg: do you consider running 802.1q tagged frames to linux a hack?
or a +12V rail with ground on a signal pin b/c i screwed up the pinout
it seems the normal scripts aren't really set up to work that way
it doesnt have to *work*
but it has to survive
rqou: i run .1q to my desktop
i have one subif to the DMZ that's bridged to some of my VMs
one on the main R&D network
and one on the sandbox network that goes straight to my FPGAs and devkits and doesnt route anywhere else
yeah i'm trying to make something like that
except with a cheapo undocumented switch
i'm using a $150ish ebay'd cisco 2970G
planning to eventually replace with a homebrew but that's a long ways out
i'm using an iirc <$100 lb4m whitebox thingy
the fans are super loud unfortunately
i'm still trying to figure out how to even set up the management interface
do yourself a favor and get a secondhand cisco
it'll be backdoored by NSA instead of the chinese gov so no big win one way or the other
but you'll be able to get docs, a cli, etc
i have docs, they just don't match my fw
and i have a cli via a serial port
<laincat> just get an ubiquiti edgeswitch or edgerouter :P
huh, apparently the ixgbe driver is magic: "8021q: adding VLAN 0 to HW filter on device eth2"
someone actually wrote the code to make the modules talk to each other! wow!
it's almost like the ixgbe driver actually needs to be used by _real_ companies!
unlike some ralink/asix crap
heh... don't overrate intel linux drivers. There's plenty of crap in there as well :)
like the sfp whitelist? :P
rqou: or any of the SFP code
sfp whitelisting is just stupid
with cisco gear at least you can service unsupported-transceiver
heh, ixgbe afaik allows all DA cables
and it works
which is what i'm using
the ixgbe driver has a similar flag too
let's be honest, they're all finisar in the end :P
but thats partly the fault of the SFP vendors
I had the joy of digging around in SFP EEPROMs a while back to try and sort out some detection/link setup code.. and holy crap are SFP vendors bad at following standards
i thought you didn't have to deal with that at all if you didn't want to?
The ones i dumped a while ago when tinkereing all made sense
A bunch of the vendor markup on the original finisar part is probably "putting a valid/accurate/WITH OUR STUPID QUIRKS" eeprom image on it
But yes you can ignore the eeprom most of the time
you would just spit a serial stream into the high speed pairs?
rqou: thats what i did in my 1g core
rqou: you do if you're dealing with "copper" SFPs
i just assume i have a 1000base-* sfp attached
spit stuff out and see what comes back
eeew copper sfp
why eeew?
Some copper SFPs take 1000-X, Some do SGMII, which is 1000-base X + some in band signalling
not nearly as weird as what i saw at broadcom
4x sgmii on a qsfp
Anyhow, end result of all of the above; after looking at a bunch of SFPs that might end up plugged into the HW
the only sane answer was "make a whitelist by vendor/model" and "fall back on trying what the EEPROM says with a big warning"
why can't it just be "ignore what the eeprom says, send data blindly?"
you only get screwed when somebody does something stupid like 10gbase-W
rqou: because then you end up with a copper phy that will happily autonegotiate to 100baseT (this is for HW that needs to interop with possibly legacy systems)
while the host is blindly assuming that its still a 1000baseT link
just don't support that? :P
rqou: product requirement for that particular piece of HW
broadcom internal hw just fixed this by putting mdio onto an rj-11 jack so that you can poke the copper phy
the rest of it became the customer's problem :P
in general copper phys sucked
optical works much better
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azonenberg, let's talk when you're back from your night :)
lot of changes going on on my side
but I should end up in a new company with an even more impressive lab and not against open source project :)
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wow the vlan settings on the lb4m are totally dumb
but it does work
unfortunately /etc/network/interfaces is still totally screwed
also i forgot how really slow 10/half really is
rqou: you're just using the stock lb4m firmware? or is this something custom/hacked?
even if i had something hacked i can't legally release it
eh; sure; well unless you'd done a linux port or something
i don't think i can legally release that either
i did an internship at broadcom
Oh, heh, right broadcom
on the switch team
Do they offer post-internship PTSD counselling?
heh, i was on the "deal with customers" team too
blarrgh the tds3054 web gui is useless
whatever, it's connected so i'll figure it out some other day
rqou: I actually designed with some of BCMs silicon ~10yr ago. It wasn't too bad, but getting datasheets was like pulling teeth. Vitesse (RIP) got the socket just because they would pick up the phone
heh, my father designed with bcm silicon around that time as well
it was similarly bad
anyways, apparently the tds3054 has a bajillion layers involved that eventually lets you tunnel gpib commands over ethernet
i don't know what the bajillion layers in the middle is for though