whitequark: the *via* placement looks good however the *cap* placement, while decent, could be improved
if you have big enough caps / small enouhg vias that you can fit *both* between the cap pads, that's great
in this case, you can only fit one so going in between with one via doesn't shrink your loop much
i think you're slightly better off putting the cap on the side of the vias
i usually place the cap so that the pads are tangent to or very slightly overlapping the annular ring
Such that you still have soldermask over the via preventing solder from wicking down into the drill
from the pad
But the trace length is essentially zero
good morning world
azonenberg: oh you mean e.g. moving C10 a bit to the right?
Right and up or down
s.t. the via is tangent to the north or south edge of the pad
you'll still need a tiny piece of trace for kicad to understand that it's connected, but the length should be basically zero
I see. I think I can do that, yes
whitequark: it provides very slightly less loop area than the alternatives, at the speeds you're working with it *probably* doesnt matter
but unless you have a good reason NOT to, why use a less good layout?
i always use low-inductance mounting techniques unless forced to for some reason
if i have space i'll even put a second set of vias on the south side
for bigger say 1206 caps i even do four, one on each side of each pad
welll I'm worried about this close via placement somewhat
it's a cheap board house
as long as you have the full annular ring
even if there's a tiny bit of breakout you shouldnt have much solder wicking down
i don't expect it to be a problem as long as a) the interior vias are to ground and b) both interior and exterior vias meet trace/space relative to the smaller pads
You're tenting vias iassume?
interior non-ground vias i would be slightly more cautious but would still probably be OK, definitely tent though.
whitequark: i assume you're planning to assemble yourself? with hot air, presumably?
awygle: hotplate I think
ah ok, same difference
azonenberg: yes tented vias
95% of these "ooo that's pretty close maybe it will suck up solder" problems are completely irrelevant for low-volume hand assembly, i wouldn't worry much. it's more about manufacturing yield.
awygle: exactly
and you can always add more solder with an iron if there is a voiding problem (very unlikely)
ESPECIALLY with a one-off i'd put priority on good AC performance of the cap
Since thats not something you can easily rework
what kind of frequencies are we talking about here?
but I've gotten away with murder on things like this
this chip has an fcore=48MHz
It's likely overkill for that
oh you're fine
you're more than fine
I started my designs before knowing what decoupling was
But again i prefer to err on the side of too-good power distribution
I had entire micro designs at 8MHz with *no* decoupling *anywhere*
unless i actually have a reason
and, like, motors and shit
marcan: meanwhile, i learned quickly from the school of hard knocks
I had designs with PICs on breadboards not work
Because of no decoupling
marcan: well, the developer boards i have with this chip have one decoupling cap
your decoupling loop can be, at a rough estimate, 2.5 centimeters long at 48 MHz
and its not even close
the first design where I realized maybe I needed decoupling was a PIC on a board that also had a big relay and a 12V halogen lamp
toggling that made it reset
breadboards have massive parasitic L and C and apparently the L dominated :p
awygle: oh that explains why the devboards work
(derived by 1/100th wavelength rule in FR4)
awygle: yeah i dont have a good gut feel for what i can get away with at low speeds :p i'm used to targeting parts with GHz range PLL VCOs on them etc
So i decouple everything well and if i spend an extra $0.10 on caps for a $250 board with a $100 FPGA on it... big deal
marcan: that sounds more like insufficient cap than an inductance problem
I've had more interesting things break badly on breadboards later, heh
awygle: yeah agreed
but I don't recall issues with PICs most of the time
unless I was doing some analog stuff
marcan: this was a dspic with a PLL on it
i think the pll was glitching
yeah okay
I only used dsPIC once
i had a coworker convinced we had decoupling problems on our MSP430 design
marcan: its such an obscure arch IDA doesnt have a cpu plugin for it
sadly that design never made it to orbit due to... shitty management
(it was a cubesat)
(we even had the funding)
turned out to be a bad filter on our ADC input - it was a sample-and-hold ADC and we didn't have enough charge on the node to fill the cap
azonenberg: ha
marcan: *nod* that life
we're dealing with PICs again?
awygle: and yes, capacitance matters in addition to inductance for decoupling
I remember the ugly GCC port
and the almost certainly GPL-violating optimizer pass blob
you need enough C to keep your voltage from browning out
i don't have a good "enough C" rule of thumb
before the PSU can respond
awygle: so you're saying that putting a cap on each pin of this CY7C68013A is overkill? :p
i suspect i overkill it (usually 100 nF/10 nF on every pin, or 1u/100n on power hungry stuff)
just do what everyone does and put 100nF on every power pin
* marcan
(plus a 10uF bulk)
awygle: My rule for moderately large/fast digital boards is, minimum 100 uF on every rail, 4.7 uF on every chip/bank, 0.47 uF on every vdd/vss pair
* awygle
remembers not to talk about overkill when azonenberg's around
Anything this is insufficient for is likely a large fpga/soc which will come with more extensive decoupling recommendations
marcan: optimizer pass blob? I don't remember that
balrog: there was some ugly thing involved
the way i see it is, passives are cheap and respins are expensive
I do remember them artificially limiting it and then having it check "licensing"
Unless you plan to make tens or hundreds
if you're talking about XC16/XC32
whereas every board i've made in the last... three years? has been BOM-cost-dominated
maybe it was open source, I forget
also C18 was fun
awygle: I make lots of stuff that's BOM dominated
but normally it's things like $40 comparators and $250 FPGAs
you could install the "upgrade" download by creating an .exe file full of zeros with the same size as the previous version, and installing over that
ah with one exception, the elysium was board-dominated because it was IPC 3/A
Not $0.05 caps
no license required
C18 / XC8 is another story
C18 was so bad though
I switched to SDCC
C18 had two modes: blatantly violating the C standard, and issuing 10x more instructions than necessary
no middle ground
ugh PIC
why is PIC so bad
PIC8 was my first microcontroller and I still have trauma from switching memory banks
why is PIC so *popular*
also why is it so sloooooow
I ported a USB device stack to PIC18 assembler
whitequark: thankfully i never had problems with memory banks because i never wrote ASM
PIC8 is not even pipelined
it's easy to design bad microcontrollers, it's less easy to get them widely adopted
I couldn't get it to work and I was convinced it was bank switching
whitequark: yes, i have no idea why the isa is so awful
so I printed the whole thing out and went over it with a highlighter to mark the banks
found the problem and it worked after that
I quickly graduated from pic8* to pic32
marcan: you have truly absurd amounts of patience
Which is actually halfway decent since it's a licensed mips cpu core
XC8 is supposed to be much better than C18
my first micro was the 16F84 (heck that's where my avatar comes from, the 18 pin PDIP is somewhat characteristic)
xc8 is a gcc port right?
unfortunately, it does not do much in the way of optimizing code unless you pay for it
azonenberg: no it's not
and I never really got on the AVR bandwagon much
i know xc32 is
and i think xc16?
never touched PIC32 either though
XC16 and XC32 are, and source code are provided
if I'm going there I might as well go ARM
marcan: see, i did it specifically because "not arm"
some people are working on alternate firmware for the tl866 programmer
and that thing's built around a PIC18
when I started ARM µCs weren't really a thing
marcan: mine was PIC16F648A
mine was 12f683
and that's why I will never touch PIC again
the first mcu i ever developed for and, fittingly
the first one i ever broke the code protection on :p
ah, I've used 628 (smaller 648)
see this is anonther thing that annoyed me
people *kept using the fucking 16F84*
because it was the first flash pic ever
my first mcu was an msp430g2232
and thus became the standard for hobby use
marcan: lol
* cpresser
started with the 16c84
marcan: there's a short story in russian about a programmer slowly going insane trying to fit a firmware into a 16f6?8a
even when the 16F88 was pin compatible, had a bunch more peripherals, ran faster, more memory, ADC, everything, and was *cheaper*
but people are terrible
it never mentions the chip by name but i KNOW
MSPs have some crazy stuff (20-bit address bus, split memory map) but at least the ISA is quite clean and orthogonal
awygle: yeah pic32mx had a few buggy peripherals and no MMU but overall it was a really nice platform
MSP430 has the worst JTAG ever
I had to write a programmer for those
(the tl866 uses an 18F87J50)
i outgrew it, wanted something with multiprocessing capability and they had no memory protection between usermode processes
they broke it so badly you can only use them as the first device in the chain
marcan: yes, that's fair
pic32mz didn't exist yet
TDI to clock the CPU lol
I don't even
oh and if you get the clockrate wrong the flash fries itself
(or so the datasheet said)
marcan: o_O
Spy-bi-wire is also pretty bad
the FRAMs had a serious reset issue for a while
i could corrupt the NVM in about thirty seconds
but they fixed it thank god
yeah, sbw is sad too
I also had to support that
me too
and i was telling whitequark the other day about how we solved the "only one device in the chain" problem
it was my first job at a company whose production cycle was plugging in the production board to the debugger, changing the #define SERIAL in the code, and hitting compile and run
also saved their ass when a production run had the wrong xtal compensation caps and thus clock drift... which they could work around in software, but they had 300 units programmed
awygle: to do *what*
I made a little self-contained updater on my first day, on protoboard
(having never used MSP430 at all)
whitequark: well see jtag can be run arbitrarily slowly, and all the pins are unidirectional, so...
that saved the parameter area and just updated the code
awygle: aaaargh
we later replaced it with an FPGA-based version. which was still awful because of dynamic chain sizing and "blind shifts" and other things, but was a _marked_ improvement
(the biggest improvement was that they gave it to somebody else so it wasn't my job anymore)
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awygle: lol
JTAG... over JTAG.
just. why.
The best problem is one that's not on you :p
i mean i could give my boss' reasoning, but that would sound like i'm trying to justify that horrific decision
so it's a 74xx chip with JTAG
I had no idea this was a thing
this feels so wrong
the chip itself is kind of useful for board level test stuff
you can get a reasonable amount of self-test out of it
awygle: yeah i think that's basically why it exists
boundary scan shim
yeah that makes sense
but that architecture, sheesh
add JTAG to things without it
marcan: i did jtag over jtag over tcp/ip once, does that count?
iirc the main reason to use that chip is it's on like, 450 nm, so low chance of SEU
(this was also for cubesats)
this was for a completely different reason
i had a jtag master core for Antikernel
I needed to test it
I had a bridge from the antikernel NoC to JTAG
And a bridge from JTAG to TCP
So i could connect over the TCP socket and give commands to the IP in hardware to exercise it
awygle: ah, makes sense then
mmm i wouldn't go that far :p but yes, there were reasons
at least it wasn't sony-level ridiculous design
seriously, the stuff they manage to ship in a mass market consumer product is amazing
I'm amazed at how their engineers are allowed to piss so much money away
marcan: is there any interest anywhere from anyone in developing better compilers for 8-bit PIC?
there was an LLVM backend but it got removed because it wasn't properly abstracted
the original ps3 being sold at a loss... probably had something to do with the full SoC that was the "southbridge". complete with a MIPS CPU and a DRAM controller that went totally unused, and probably more silicon area than the damn Cell. or the 8-port Ethernet switch chip in there, of which they used 3 ports. Why? Because their WiFi controller wasn't a WiFi controller, it was a self-contained ...
...SOHO router daughterboard connected via *ethernet* to said switch, acting as a WLAN<->Ethernet bridge. oh and their HDD was SATA but the old SB only did PATA, so they needed a bridge for that too. And their boot Flash used a full custom NAND controller connected to the SB bus, because they couldn't figure out how to do it with a megabyte of NOR
eventually they figured out... some of these things... in the latter revisions.
except that PATA<->SATA bridge. their new southbridge was SATA... but the BD-ROM was still PATA... so they kept it, flipped around.
the original PS3 had a MIPS SoC in order to run PS2 games, it was the PS2 SoC
no, not *that* MIPS
*another* MIPS
unless you're referring to a *second* entire MIPS SoC
a completely separate one
the "southbridge"
the EEGS from the PS2 was a separate thing
which IIRC MITMed the video output of the PS3 GPU itself, passing through in PS3 mode
(and itself contained two MIPS cores)
basically their "southbridge" was a full STB SoC or so
much like the PS4 "southbridge" is a full ARM SoC
which also does I2C over message passing bytecode because why would anyone ever use the GPIOs that the APU has precisely for this purpose?
oh and the PS4 internal hard drive is connected... via an internal USB3-SATA bridge chip.
even though they *have* a SATA controller.
I've never figured that one out
marcan: bug in the controller?
or stupidity on the part of the engineering team not knowing it was there?
but they used it for blu-ray...
i usually assume stuff like this is the result of Gotta Go Fast-ing your way through a design project
both are equally plausible :p
the more entire SoCs you throw in there the easier it is to split up your engineering teams
yeah, this is why i could never cut it in consumer electronics
I'm not willing to cut corners
azonenberg: lol
if i ever switch careers from infosec to dev, i'd have to go to aerospace or medical or something where there's still gonna be BS but people care more about the final product working than FIFI'ing their way through it
meanwhile i kind of want to work on crappy consumer stuff now because i'm so tired of design reviews where people delay board fab by a week saying "nudge C10 to the right and up so you can get 0.1 nH less inductance on our 48 MHz processor"
shots fired
:p azonenberg just said "this is better, but you're fine", he didn't tell anybody what to do
I know I know :P
awygle: you havent worked on the kinds of things i've seen, lol
things where there was either no design review, or a woefully incompetent one
Things like boards coming back from fab and parts not fitting because nobody double checked the pin pitch
this wasnt a class project, i'm talking industry here
marcan: that PS3 stuff is horrifying
or... one of my favorites
a PMIC containing an LDO and a bunch of buck converters
Bucks are 15V Vimax, powered off 12V
LDO is unused
The geniuses connected the LDO Vin to the 12V rail, not reading the datasheet saying Vimax of the LDO was 6V b/c it was supposed to be a post-regulator for the buck
Is that the one that exploded?
End result: hot, unhappy board that shockingly worked fine after i cut the trace
that's china-level
i expected the pmic to be dead
I once bought a USB hub (does *anyone* make USB hubs that don't suck and actually meet spec?) that had the hub chips with a strap connected to 5V
except it was a 3.3V pin with an internal pull-up
guess how much power was going through there
marcan: this was a major publicly traded US company here
Re usb hubs, i did a pretty solid design a while ago that i want to redo with a new chipset (the old one is kinda obsolete now)
it had overcurrent shutdown AND a dedicated overcurrent indicator LED per port
So when you shorted you knew immediately
and fairly hefty esd protection on all the data lines after i blew out a port on my first iteration
I worked with a team that spent a _lot_ of time making a robust 128 port USB hub
what HASNT azonenberg made yet
whitequark: pad in via, lol
that's about right
azonenberg: I want one :P
marcan: it was meant as a developer's hub
the next-gen model was going to have full ethernet-switch-style port management
where you could query status and force resets of ports
But i never finished it
azonenberg: add charger mode emulation and power monitoring and I'm sold
If i get back to it, i'm going to switch chipsets
the old one had a single TT so it was slow for many usb 1.x chips
yeah i'd like one too
i'd go with a multi-TT one
so far my conclusion is that all hubs you can get at actual shops are crap, the only important difference is genesys logic chipsets are ultra crap (they instafry their ports if you so much as brush D+/D- against 5V, which is of course super easy to do, and blatantly violates the spec robustness requirements), and Terminus Tech ones, which are better
i've powered too many things off usb
so I try to stick with hubs that use terminus chips
preferably multi-TT, I have one with one of those which is neat
This was a Cypress chipset
or back-powered USB too many times
I havent looked if they have a good multi-TT one
awygle: oh that too, I just assume hubs back-power by default
grab an Artix, do it yourself :p
and if I need to power them off DC then I cut the trace
awygle: actually, i seriously considered it
except i hate usb so much i really dont want to :p
my surface three ?reboots? if you short something in the usb port
i usually do it by accident by trying to plug the micro usb into the usb
currently I just have a 16-port USB2 hub which at least doesn't back-power (not like it'd ever work bus powered anyway, so they didn't try) and is at least reasonably robust
i do want a solid usb 2.x hub down the road though
runs off 5 cascaded TT chips
and Twitter has become useless for me for the rest of the day
So i might get back to it at some point
i put 28V across my laptop's USB port and it was fine!
that was surprising
good diodes
* awygle
thanks whitequark for the recommendation once again
not bad
of course it shouldn't be designed so the charger connector fits in a usb port and perfectly bridges pins, but still
digshadow has joined ##openfpga
awygle: LOL
with the new square power connector?
it's a small barrel connector
the pitch is just unfortunate
oh those
... how does a barrel connector fit into a USB port?
awygle: wait what
marcan: by being really tin
its diameter is <(height of usb port)
it doesn't seem to fit on mine?
whitequark: this is a pretty new model, from this year, maybe it got smaller?
huh, maybe
also i have the 15 not the 13
whitequark: does yours have a pin in the center?
awygle: "Component U4 pad 0 not found in footprint" for the FPGA
whitequark: whoops.
that's one of VCC pins
which should it be?
5 or 30 are the vccs
aha 30
rohitksingh has joined ##openfpga
Guess I dropped the 3
* whitequark
very carefully connects IFCLK to a clock-capable pin
* whitequark
has fresh trauma from that board
whitequark: don't want to go through the internal fabric before hitting a bufg? :P
actually can ice40 even route fabric to a bufg without doing pin feedback?
* whitequark
is offended on behalf of ice40
is ice our most favoritest fpga arch
m_w has joined ##openfpga
is it better than X / A
for most of my projects FPGAs with non-FOSS toolchains could as well not exist
* pie__
draws an US / YOU line
* pie__
needs t ostop shitposting nad get somewhere with his life
Ooo new ryzens
(shitposting IS life)
i guess I've been doing too many things with weird CPLDs
xc2 needs pin feedback to feed a BUFG
although I need to test on hardware whether you can disable the actual pad or not
the actual pad?
each pin has an "OE mode" selection
eesh lots of stupid errors on new msop footprint, you can tell I'm getting sloppy.
gotta focus up this weekend
so I have a 48 MHz IFCLK track crossing I2C SDA and SCL
though there are two planes between them
eh, probably fine
add a "chicken" series resistor near the driver?
what would that do exactly?
azonenberg: so on this 48 MHz bus, do I do series termination? or not care?
it'd be a whole lotta resistors
it limit slew rate which maybe helps with noise?
whitequark: perpendicular crosisngs are normally OK
especially if you have planes in between
parallel is more of an issue but again with planes in between should be fine
whitequark: what's the bus coming from? ice40?
azonenberg: does a series resistor actually help?
rqou: with what? it helps reduce ringing on fast transitions even if the line is too short for transmission line effects to be a thing
there's still some LC resonance from parasitics
often you can get away without termination if you tweak drive strength down a bit
azonenberg: bidirectional between ice40 and cy7c68013a
azonenberg: yeah, that's what I expected. does it help with noise coupling into other lines?
rqou: That i dont know
crosstalk has never been something i've had problems with
But i normally err on the side of caution with SI
ice40 has 8mA drivers, cy7c68013a has 4mA drivers
Since a few passives are cheaper than a respin
whitequark: does the ice40 have programmable drive or no?
not really
I might put a resistor footprint in but 8 mA drive isn't too excessive so you'd probably be fine without
k, going without then
You definitely wont have transmission line issues with 48 MHz
s3 >= 16 mA drive trololo :P
as long as the lines are sane sized
let's see... 1/20 wave for 50 MHz is 30 cm
your max edge frequency is probably ~10x that
so 500 MHz or 3 cm
if your bus is shorter than that transmission line effects should be negligible
my bus is 28 mm long exactly
well the longest trace anyway
Yeah so t-line effects should be negligible and at that drive strength i wouldnt expect much overshoot
and lane skew won't be an issue either at those speeds
azonenberg: many years ago my father interviewed somebody who was using s3 with the 16mA drive and hitting simultaneously switching output limitations
whitequark: for reference, both the twlfpga and OV3 have a 60MHz bidir bus between an FT2232H and a Spartan (3E/6) and none of these things were particularly considered during design
apparently the fpga will behave _really_ strangely in that case
max length is ~3cm eyeballing it
since you're effectively glitching it
oh and there's also 100MHz SDRAM on the OV3 which worked fine once we got the clock phase right
on actually the OV3 has a big fat pin header in between, for debugging
so more like 5-6cm length
and a 1cm stub right in the middle
rqou: yes, reducing overshoot will reduce crosstalk (and EMI)
(and wider lane spread since it widens out)
so yeah, really, at these speeds... you can get away with a lot
unfortunately my father also mentioned that the candidate characterized the issue very well but never understood what the root cause was
in summary don't use parallel buses :P
spread spectrum parallel busses?
no, this was a dumb parallel bus
Spread spectrum parallel busses are not a thing
I was suggesting a comical solution for the problem
oh i misread
I thought you meant PCI-style unterminated buses
* rqou
wants nomz
didn't even PCI buses have spread spectrum at some point?
* rqou
is currently standing in the classic Stuffed Inn line (awygle i assume you're familiar :P )
of course
who mentioned food
how i want food
now I want food
and I had sushi for dinner and was going to go to sleep, but now I'm hungry
now I'm going to get food
mmm sushi...
rqou: is stuffed in in the corner of "Durant food court"? I think that's the one where the lady who ran it always gave me double portions
marcan: pci used really fun "reflected wave signalling"
basically, the bus is deliberately unterminated and the signal amplitude is too weak to do anything
yeah I seem to recall something like that
But the reflection constructively interferes with the original signal
awygle: no, the sandwich shop on northside euclid
and that's strong enough to trigger the input buffer
awygle: i see you deliberately didn't use the "not-PC nickname" :P
Ohhh yeah that place
Not a big fan frankly
* azonenberg
recalls his dad referring to gradd school as "Stevens Hoboken Institute of Technology"
how does reflected-wave switching compare to an uncontrolled unterminated bus?
awygle: not a fan of stuffed inn? heretic :P
marcan: the reflections are desired and intended
and in fact, if terminated it wont work
the receiver threshold is above the drive voltage
especially since it's currently Friday and they have clam chowder :P
The idea is, by requiring and only triggering on reflections
oh, it's above the drive voltage, not just a function of the current drive?
i think so?
The idea is that you can skip terminating
and be guaranteed good SI
by making the reflection actually part of the spec :p
but then wouldn't that be AC-only?
steady state you get the drive voltage
that sounds wrong
i dont know if pci does any kind of scrambling or something to enforce a min frequency?
i never looked into reflected wave signaling in great detail
pretty sure it doesn't
PCI is dumb
they might just be using the reflection to speed up edges or something
^ i think this is right
or just to avoid termination
no, it is not right
but that's what they do
whitequark: lol
what's that hoagie place on Durant called? I love that place
my father also had "fun" stories of engineers who didn't listen to him and used this huge expensive asic that bridged PCI to a sram interface
rather than just using the fpga directly
or a cpld
and then the asic went NRND as expected
good God pci actually does this?
the only reason I can think of to do this is cost
awygle: not sure what place you're referring to on Southside and not sure if it's still here
and maybe power
i noticed you don't call it the asian ghetto :P
rqou: IB's
awygle: hmm
should I squish this board into 5x5cm?
and I did when I was there lol
whitequark: hmm
1x1 cm like esden :P
space is often good
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awygle: sooo if you look at PC hardware design in general
most of the atrocious design decisions were done to reduce cost
I respect the Will to Smolness but having space to manipulate connectors is nice too
just look at DDRx SDRAM having the bidirectional bus and DQS for example
instead of a sane source synchronous interface that needa few more pins
awygle: true
like e.g. RLDRAM does
I get the feeling the idea is to use a 3.3V driver with a low enough output drive that the incident wave coupled onto the transmission line drives it to 1.5V (but it's still a 3.3V driver)
then once the signal bounces back it actually makes it to 3.3V (and stays there)
yeah it seems like they're baiscally using the reflection as "poor man's preemphasis" almost
"the maximum length is limited to 15cm" riiiight
I was wondering about that
honestly this sounds more like "engineers wanted to use a cheap unterminated bus and came up with a fancy term to make it sound sophisticated"
it's a dumb approach somewhat optimized to actually work and not eat power / spew EMI :P
marcan: s/engineers/managers trying to cut costs/
managers didn't come up with "reflected wave switching" :P
no but, they probably told the engineers terminating resistors were too expensive and took up too much board space
and that they had to find a way to get rid of them
oh yeah, sdram is a huge pain with its DQS
Like i said, most of the awful design decisions in PC hardware are cost driven
or, as my old roommate used to say
"if it doesn't make sense there's probably money involved"
also, i really wish ice40 had idelay
azonenberg: tell that to sony
lol sony
rqou: i wish artix7 had odelay
7 series has odelay only in HP banks, which artix/spartan lack
idelay is everywhere at least
well ice40 has neither
nothing you cant fix with some luts configured as delay lines + muxes
of course your per-tap resolution will suck...
azonenberg: thoughts on RGMII "pcb trace delay"? :P
rqou: Never use it, i phase shift the clock with a pll or odelay
then route everything skew matched
adding that much skew on a pcb is HARD
you'd have to make the clock like a foot longer than the data or something
marcan: wait, the ps3 _also_ has a cpu core in its southbridge?
yeah, except the ps3 doesn't use it for anything
they just used a semi off the shelf southbridge for the first iteration with a LOT of extraneous shit
can it even be powered on?
not even sure if the hardware allows it
the RAM controller isn't connected to any RAM anyway so...
rqou: sounds like BS to me, the hardware was just crap
PS2s after v7 went downhill
there were a number of "fixes", some of them more voodoo than others
this is why I still have a v7 PS2 :P
also apparently the PS2 also has the classic sony "yeah, just ignore the security processor" design :P
btw fun thing i discovered recently:
apparently nocash dumped the ps1 drive controller mcu recently
it's apparently an HC11 and you can dump it by somehow fiddling with the boot mode straps
and supposedly there's a "backdoor unlock the drive" command
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so theoretically SCEx injecting was never necessary
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somebody made a demo of exploiting a save buffer overflow in some game and then loading a rebooter
rqou: did nocash publish this?
it was on some forum somewhere
does anyone want another ps1 board to play with?
hah, cute
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btw SH1s (e.g. in the Saturn) are vulnerable to being dumped by fiddling with the boot mode straps too
some H8s might be but i haven't tested
I should mess with older consoles again now that I have a vague idea what I'm doing...
well, I guess GBA is first
not today though, good night ;)
heh GBA
my first foray into embedded :P
my first foray into ARM and game console programming
embedded... well PIC came first
so my second foray? :P
I'm disappointed how much "emu people" are scared of hardware
wait wat
marcan aren't you much older than me?
I'm 27?
you're how old?!
so not "much" older
* whitequark
feels inadequate
* rqou
* marcan
is confused
since when does age matter anyway? :P
It doesn't IME. I'm 27 as well, and there's plenty of ppl younger than me who make me look bad
wait, so the ps3/wii stuff happened when you were ~19?
my first commit to the team twiizers repo I was 17, says git history
I didn't learn to navigate a file system (or program) till I was 18.
* whitequark
feels *extremely* inadequate
* marcan
feels like he wastes all his time these days
back then I was *actually* productive
I used to actually design boards and stuff
i occasionally feel that too
but i would never want to return to being stuck in K12 again
f*ck (USA) public K12 education
Date: Tue Mar 18 08:39:09 2008 -0400
jeebus it's actually been 10 years since then
I feel old.
although i did end up getting into $FANCY_UNIVERSITY, so K12 wasn't a total loss
marcan: i waste so much time these days
i guess i have the excuse of having had undiagnosed bipolar disorder
but still
I probably have some degree of undiagnosed ADHD... but there's also the fact that 10 years ago I never signed up for Facebook, Twitter and Reddit barely existed, and Slashdot could only take so much of my time.
I was going to add that as a student I had a lot of free time but that's lying, my current freelance schedule is barely part-time and I still waste most of my free time anyway
being a student sucks up a ton of time
being an employee sucks up more
my project productivity took a nosedive once I got a real job
and never recovered
hmm true enough
being a "lazy not-trying-hard-enough azn" in high school was great for free time
but not great for having enough access to resources
How were you in high school in 2003 if you're 27 now?
now until a couple months ago I hadn't designed a board in years... finally got around to using kicad during a meetup after CCC to put together a sync combiner for a VGA cable.
maybe it was middle school
lol 2003 i was in elementary school
that was 7th grade IIRC
heh, 7th grade i was failing to hack nprotect gameguard lol
i did eventually manage to scrounge enough resources to factor their rsa key though
Yea, in 2003 I was watching anime, surfing all the corresponding Angelfire/Geocities fanpages, playing video games and... not much else outside of school, tbh.
lol how bad was their rsa key?
512 bit
cr1901_modern: i assumed you were older because of your love of vintage hardware
they've since upgraded
i have actually forgotten how old i am. i think 27? let me do the math...
awygle: No, I just like buses that can be interfaced w/ using 3 TTL chips :)
re: vintage hardware, it helps if you get started with computers early...
i was inspired to try it after the ti calculator factoring
my parents were software translators. I got all the junk PCs they stopped using. Starting with a 386.
As opposed to requiring length matched traces and a PHY blob
we also had a Spectrum
heh i started on a boring windows pc
yes, 27
funny thing is at one point I got tired of getting all the junk... so I asked for an actual new computer and ended up upgrading from a Pentium 133 to an Athlon XP 1800+
i have been telling people 28 for a while... hope that doesn't turn out to matter
minor bump there
but i did a bunch of experimenting with the GBA
in high school i did some PSP dev
that's actually the only console-y thing i've ever really done
Now, well I still watch anime, I don't play video games at all basically, and Geocities doesn't exist. So I play w/ hardware
the bitbang-capable link port and mode3 are actually pretty great for noobs getting started woth embedded
I think I still have the first program I ever wrote
on qbasic on that 386
somehow it has survived through multiple nested levels of backups all these years
(even though I do have a black hole in my digital history from when Seagate and ReiserFS conspired to murder my data through 8 very carefully chosen bad sectors)
(that was 40GB gone)
lol seagate and reiserfs
perfect storm
(I started using RAID after that)
lmao riserfs
I see what you did there
so i guess i actually have to thank devkitpro for helping me start out on embedded
oh, you had devkitpro
lucky you :P
only 8 bad sectors? :/
i didn't do anything that required hardware until college
oh wait
awygle: A tldr about why I like vintage hardware is that I like being able to see the interconnects of a bunch of single-purpose/specialized chips working together to become greater than the sum of it's part.
which is why i wanted to be an EE in college
balrog: I think it was the btree node for my /home or something
i was using hamlib before that
I tried, but couldn't get anything sensible recovered
not even with photorec...
and probably why i still have some "software is easy" cruft in my brain even though it's demonstrably not
well that would work, but what's the use for a whole bunch of random untagged files
cr1901_modern: that describes any modern chipset nicely
I had devkitadv, which is what it was called back then
and mostly wrote stuff without any libs, or with libpogo
yeah, i definitely started on hamlib and went to devkitpro around when they were making the EABI transition
i do remember tutorials talking about dka instead
as well as hacks to flip OABI .o files to pretend to be EABI
I still think pogoshell has the best design for a gamepad-compatible keyboard input method
I could actually play text adventure games on a GBA without too much effort
I'm really sad nobody copied that for other systems
whitequark: When I say "see" I mean "visually inspect" with my own eyes. Or read a schematic. I don't get that joy from modern hardware (which of course is inherent to it's complexity).
i used a SCSD because that had already existed
cr1901_modern: drain cleaner decap and a sweet microscope?
(i know it's not the same)
fortunately i never had to deal with nor flash "linkers"
oh I did
still have my F2A cart and linker!
You can access the PCIe bus directly from the CPU in the most recent Intel chipsets, right?
azonenberg: hm, can I abstract a part of schematic in kicad and insert it twice?
cr1901_modern: huh?
how else would you access it?
and it's looking like I'm going to wind up trying to write firmware for a TL866 I just ordered to see if I can make that flash carts instead :P
whitequark: There is a direct "physical" connection to the PCIe bus' pins from the CPU IC
you know digshadow/cr1901_modern are also working on hacking the tl866 right?
that is exactly why
they poked me about that and I just constructed that as an excuse to get one and mess with it
cr1901_modern: yes, the CPU has a PCIe bus
since otherwise I know I wouldn't :P
it also has a DMI bus that gets bridged to more PCIe inside the PCH
whitequark: you should be able to use hierarchical sheets to do that
you can decrypt Xilinx files by just loading the right .so and calling the decrypt function :P
the lattice stuff is at least part of the synthesis binary
I reverse engineered the 32-bit one because I didn't have 64-bit hex-rays
oh, they're using one of the standard(?) crypto extensions
took me a while to find the private key, I tried some blackbox approaches first (testing every possible offset to see if it worked as a key and such)
turns out it was lolfuscared by XORing
I think it's a synopsys thing?
but anyway
then I went to load it in gdb, so I switched to the 64bit binary
... and it turned out they forgot to strip it
it had an rsa_key symbol.
it probably needs to work with both LSE and synopsys, so there's at least two copies of the crapto
wait what "lattice encryption" are we talking about? the bitstream encryption?
no, RTL encryption for their softcores
nah, hdl encryption
which are just verilog
ohhh ok
I know the the LSE/neocad part of Diamond has quite a lot of oldschool xorfuscation in it
with comments.
never mind then lol
at least for part definitions
I have a full broken out verilog tree of their PCIe softcore
btw you should read the official VHDL spec for crypto
with a tiny patch to send all TLPs out to the debug/unknown interface
(since I didn't want it handling config transactions itself)
that's how we did the ps4 hack
iirc the only required algo is rsa-md5
and it's full of the classic "every scheme ever is optional"
DSA-MD5-GOST? sure!
hmm maybe not these specific algos, but you get the idea
it's not the modern approach of "RSA/X25519 with AES-GCM/ChaCha20-Poly1305 and no other options"
so much crapto everywhere
roughly how mad at you do east asian contries get when you do that?
er, what?
awygle: yeah this seems to have owned
rqou: if you try to sell something in (say) south korea and it doesn't support (say) SEED
rqou: we may reach critical mass on tl866 way before I thought we would. There's been a surprising amount of interest in the project
it's like cats attracted to chicken dinner
where "talking about the tl866" is a chicken dinner
sorear: i have no idea
china doesn't particularly have their own pet crypto algo, and i don't know about JP/KR
(or RU)
but it's not really widely used
also, it's funny how the name of the standards org became the name of the crypto algorithm in anglosphere
for a while somebody in mozilla or something was pushing CAMELLIA
it's like calling a crypto algorithm "NEMA"
you mean like plugs? :∆
whitequark: don't tell me you've never heard someone talk about "ISO files"
whitequark: the joke is that the 3d printing community talks about 'nema motors'? :P
or that.
sorear: hah.
rqou: what do you make of the addition of SM3 and SM4 to ARMv8.4
this has dedicated instructions in armv8.4
i guess the silicon required must have been small
awygle: 1) support chips that aren't supported with vendor firmware 2) additional control for specialized applications
in my personal experience I've never seen those algorithms deployed
ime everybody just uses aes ccmp like a normal person
awygle: It's essentially a swiss army knife of 40 pins in a nice form factor, with lots of voltages. Which with you can do w/ as you please w/o risk of blowing stuff up.
rqou: but I like my weird obscure national crypto standards
rqou: I want the freedom to choose who backdoors me dammit
rqou: and the freedom to use xorcryption, no backdoors there!
digshadow: cr1901_modern: cool, thanks
q3k: you can do that much more easily: Cisco - US gov, probably IL gov; Huawei - CN gov, US gov, possibly IL gov
well, cisco is actually quite clear on this
if you look at IOS features, you'll find one called 'lawful interception' :)
also, that's why I run Debian&BIRD on my routers, so that everyone with a Linux 0day can pwn me
oh everybody has that feature
i'm guessing IL means Israel but i keep reading Illinois
awygle: just don't tell the illinois nazis
* awygle
wishes that was a joke...
right, I was going to say, at this point that blues brothers reference probably stoppped being appropriate
wildly off-topic: has anyone used or taken a look at Matrix (the "irc replacement" protocol)?
oh what a timeline we live in
q3k: i mean "a half a pack of cigarettes" sounds anachronistic too, so it's not all bad
oh i just mentioned Israel because they seem to be really really good at pwning things
awygle: i know a dozen or so people who use it
and "everybody knows" that equipment is pwned by the country the companies are in
sorear: thoughts? is it a Good Protocol, or a Bad Protocol?
and the Snowden leaks revealed that the NSA pwned huaweo equipment
so use huawei for the maximum backdooring? :∆
(says someone who is currently using a Huawei phone)
i really need to get off of Mister Flagship's Wild Ride when it comes to phones
i keep buying Galaxy S(N+1)'s
every couple years
i should get a much cheaper phone, i would probably be happier
i mean, I'm currently using a flagship
for the SEA market :P
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rqou: You worked with the greenpak devices, right?
i didn't write most of the code
Just asking 'cause someone in ##fpga was asking if anyone had experience with them--not necessarily open source experience, but just experience.
yes, i have experience
but only testing stuff for azonenberg
never in "a real product" or anything like that
Would you like to talk to him in ##fpga?
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awygle: oh btw
the target port lines ended up over all three IO banks
hm. that is a bit of a sad. i think our power still works out though?
why is it sad?
IO bank 0 has 17 pins... but three of them are only open-drain
yeah it's not actually a big deal
I stuffed 14 target port lines into bank 0
two more go to 1 and 2
it used to be a bad thing but then we changed to using level shifters
so we're cool
what I meant is
we couldn't do this board without level shifters at all
i'm up to speed
k sorry
it's just that i just realized it
na it was me being slow :)
(or more charitably focusing on $ACTUAL_JOB)
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azonenberg: million dollar question
how do I route FPGA Vcore
it's just two pins at 1V2 that isn't used anywhere else
whitequark: i'd just do a bit fat bus from those pinsi to the regulator
put your core decoupling at thise pins and bigger caps further back toward the reg