elliottcable changed the topic of #Paws.Nucleus to: http://Paws.mu — coming soon™ ... or not.
alexgordon has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.]
prophile_ has joined #Paws.Nucleus
prophile has quit [*.net *.split]
alexgordon has joined #Paws.Nucleus
alexgordon has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.]
prophile_ is now known as prophile
<purr\Paws> [Paws.js] ELLIOTTCABLE pushed 8 new commits to copy-types+: https://github.com/ELLIOTTCABLE/Paws.js/compare/4da663d099e4...7bdddb974e4d
<purr\Paws> Paws.js/copy-types+ 5d9cea6 elliottcable: + Thing#compare test
<purr\Paws> Paws.js/copy-types+ 3bb6fab elliottcable: + Label#clone tests
<purr\Paws> Paws.js/copy-types+ a2bb150 elliottcable: (- meta fix) Excluding additional.coffee from test-coverage
<purr\Paws> [Paws.js] ELLIOTTCABLE force-pushed copy-types from 9fbcbcd to a76b14a: https://github.com/ELLIOTTCABLE/Paws.js/commits/copy-types