elliottcable changed the topic of #Paws.Nucleus to: http://Paws.mu — coming soon™ ... or not.
whitequark has joined #Paws.Nucleus
Rusky has joined #Paws.Nucleus
alexgordon has joined #Paws.Nucleus
<alexgordon> hi ELLIOTTCABLE
glowcoil has joined #Paws.Nucleus
<alexgordon> hi glowcoil
<ELLIOTTCABLE> give me a sec, guys
<glowcoil> hi
<ELLIOTTCABLE> cleaning up my stupid interface to deal with more than one channel.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> by which I mean, leaving two dozen channels.
<alexgordon> ELLIOTTCABLE: so what's the status of everything
<ELLIOTTCABLE> alexgordon: whitequark took the spec and ran with it, and then wrote a super-non-conformant-weird-ass implementation of Paws, and is now bringing some of his magical wisdom back for us dullards. :P
<alexgordon> cool
<ELLIOTTCABLE> alexgordon: spec, haven't touched, don't feel like I need to.
<alexgordon> do you still need me?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> if you read it, the only thing missing is locals. just, ask me about that when you need to. lol.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> whitequark is the polar opposite of you. He can give me nothing that you can give me, but neither can you give me what he's been giving me.
<alexgordon> LOL
<alexgordon> yeah probably
<ELLIOTTCABLE> Rusky, whitequark: as I was saying,
<ELLIOTTCABLE> what whitequark's suggested native “mailboxing” routine does, is act as a `yield` keyword would.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> specifically, an anonymous one, for which you can't access the yield-points *except for the next one*. Which, I'm sure, makes sense.
<alexgordon> this calls for late-night chocolate
<ELLIOTTCABLE> late night? what time is it, there?
<alexgordon> about quarter to midnight
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I'm side-tracked. Lost the point.
<glowcoil> par for the course today it seems
<whitequark> ELLIOTTCABLE: comment on my proposed design with pends and mailboxes
<ELLIOTTCABLE> yeah, right!? lol.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> mailboxes are largely irrelevant. Your implementation could be created libside, I believe.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> pends, holes, whatever the case … I want to think on it.
<alexgordon> lol holes
<ELLIOTTCABLE> Whatever it is, that change isn't happening *right now*. Too sweeping. (I also want to investigate solutions using the *current* architecture; I'm still vaguely seeing a solution involving responsibility / locks. need to think about it.)
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I actually *really like* holes. or pends, or whatever.
<alexgordon> I really like holes too, elliott
<ELLIOTTCABLE> still convinced they're the same thing, with the only difference being whether we provide some sort of “indiscriminate-unstage” primitive, mailbox(), unstage(), wtfever.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> but, again, I need to think about it a lot. It's the most fundamental change Paws will have ever undergone, because it'll be the first time Executions were changed (or, in fact, basically disposed of), and that makes me very uncomfortable.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> Change can be good, so, yeah. We'll see.
<whitequark> well so
<whitequark> I'm going to continue developing this weird version of Paws
<whitequark> ELLIOTTCABLE: so I will be very interested in discussing how would you do things, *if* holes.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> same thing I said to micah, though:
<ELLIOTTCABLE> if you're going to be doing things *that* substantially different, (like, not just deciding that your index-taking natives are going to need a numeric type, but actually changing the model of execution), then don't call it Paws.
<whitequark> wqPaws?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> is how I pronounce that. so, that's my suggestion :D
<ELLIOTTCABLE> alexgordon: we all know about you and holes >,<
<whitequark> ELLIOTTCABLE: just "Wick" ?
<ELLIOTTCABLE> your call
<alexgordon> ELLIOTTCABLE: 2x earholes, 2x noseholes, 2x tear ducts, 1x mouthhole ...I think that's it
<whitequark> no, I just didn't get what you're saying
<whitequark> I'm 100% fine not ever dealing with a naming issue
<whitequark> ok, Wick it is
<alexgordon> paws, hands, wick?
<alexgordon> man paws ecosystem is more fragmented than android
<Rusky> now we need posp
<alexgordon> ELLIOTTCABLE: ok so, let's talk business
<alexgordon> ELLIOTTCABLE: I'm in the middle of a making a website project right now, but it's not really urgent
<alexgordon> ELLIOTTCABLE: I can resurrect my paws implementation and try to implement it, if you're you'll pay me or give me equivalent sexual favours
<whitequark> lol
<ELLIOTTCABLE> equivalent sexual favours, I can do.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> hiring you to work on Paws, would be a different thing. And later.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I didn't even know Paws was -happening- again *wails*
<ELLIOTTCABLE> re: fragmentation, yes. I know. :P
<ELLIOTTCABLE> people are impatient for me to make big decisions about changes, or to make it the way they think it should be; and I'm dead-set on having something *coherent* instead of something theoretically perfect.
<ELLIOTTCABLE> alexgordon: the spec *should* be all you need to make it run code, I hope.
<whitequark> hahahaha
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I really don't want to have to revisit it and re-write it *right now*, but maybe I need to. Ugh.
<whitequark> ELLIOTTCABLE: I'm probably going to write the spec myself at some point
<alexgordon> ELLIOTTCABLE: well it's just I'm not really paying full attention while all this new stuff is going on because I'm busy with this django project
<ELLIOTTCABLE> yes, I know
<ELLIOTTCABLE> so what're you building?
<whitequark> simply because I had to read a lot of specs for other langs, I kinda have it burned into my mind
<whitequark> they're all similar, and all suit a very specific and same purpose for implementer.
<whitequark> or maybe I'll teach you to write them properl
<ELLIOTTCABLE> latter is better
<ELLIOTTCABLE> I wanna learrrrrrrrn
<whitequark> k
<ELLIOTTCABLE> bbl shower. really, now.