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<FromGitter> <sdzyba> @eliasjpr `schema-validations` looks great, thank you for that! I see it's one of the goals to support validation for nested entities. Would it also cover cases with arrays of nested entities, but custom ones? I mean, you have an example User entity with `Array(String)` param in it. What if we will have something like `Array(Address)` in User, where Address is a defined schema itself? Would it also run validations
<FromGitter> ... check for them as well?
<FromGitter> <eliasjpr> @sdzyba that’s what I will be working next to support those cases
<FromGitter> <eliasjpr> If you load a JSON with an Array(Address) it should work since it uses the underlaying implementation of crystal JSON parser
<FromGitter> <eliasjpr> It would be nice if the library can do something like schema Array(Address)