<Blacksmoke16> been thinking about how i wanted to implement stuff in the annotation version of granite
<Blacksmoke16> i.e. handle relations via an annotation as well
<eliasjpr> you are turning into the annotation man
<eliasjpr> 😅
<Blacksmoke16> i try :p
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<alexanderadam> Hi folks
<alexanderadam> I'm new to Amber and experience a strange issue: I can apply migrations but the moment the application tries to make a DB query it fails with ⏎ ⏎ ```code paste, see link``` ⏎ ⏎ I did not much except setting up a new app and generating the auth stuff. [https://gitter.im/amberframework/amber?at=5c49dda483189945243fd7c0]
<Blacksmoke16> using granite?
<alexanderadam> yes
<Blacksmoke16> got some more code to share?
<Blacksmoke16> only thing i can think of atm is make sure your declaring your adapter url early and its correct
<alexanderadam> Are you interested in a particular code snippet? ⏎ I didn't change much.
<Blacksmoke16> a simple example of what you have going on that causes the error would be great
<Blacksmoke16> like in one file or something
<alexanderadam> The whole repo is very small. I've sent it to you. I run it with `docker-compose up` and that's it.
<Blacksmoke16> yea so your db is using the url defined in`Amber.settings.database_url`
<Blacksmoke16> which does not match the ones you defined in your docker-compose