faustinoaq changed the topic of #amber to: Welcome to Amber Framework community! | https://amberframework.org | Developer happiness, productivity and bare metal performance | GH: https://github.com/amberframework | Docs: https://docs.amberframework.org | Gitter: https://gitter.im/amberframework/amber | IRC Logger: https://irclog.whitequark.org/amber | Amber::Server.start
<FromGitter> <elorest> @faustinoaq are you around?
<FromGitter> <elorest> I'm trying to figure out why my tests are passing in travis even though they all pass locally? Ameba is fine and so are granite, crecto and standard amber.
<FromGitter> <elorest> Restarting the build doesn't seem to fix it.
<FromGitter> <elorest> They all passed before I added 4 more tests, which pass just fine locally.
<FromGitter> <elorest> @drujensen @kevinelliott What's up with --deps option? Is that default now? Or was that a mistake? ⏎ ⏎ It's it's default it would still be useful to have the option to turn it off right?
<FromGitter> <elorest> @drujensen @kevinelliott ⏎ ⏎ It looks like `--deps` is default now. Was this intentional? ⏎ ⏎ If so it would still probably be useful to have an option to negate it, instead of removing it entirely right? [https://gitter.im/amberframework/amber?at=5c57ad7d9221b9382d0ed67b]
<FromGitter> <sergiotapia> Hello! How can I configure cors to allow for `*`? The docs don't mention usage. https://docs.amberframework.org/amber/cookbook/cors
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<FromGitter> <sergiotapia> Thanks Isaac!
<FromGitter> <elorest> If you wouldn't mind fixing that in the docs it would be great. :) ⏎ ⏎ https://github.com/amberframework/docs
<FromGitter> <sergiotapia> @sergiotapia ⏎ I'm using the amber framework and I just added a file to `src/crawlers/mysite.cr` and in my file: ⏎ ⏎ ```code paste, see link``` ⏎ ... [https://gitter.im/amberframework/amber?at=5c57bebdc2dba5382ed8fd51]
<FromGitter> <sergiotapia> Will do Isaac
<FromGitter> <elorest> amber exec requires config folder which contains intializers and environment files.
<FromGitter> <elorest> I'd recommend requiring any non standard files or folders in ./config/application.cr.
<FromGitter> <elorest> I'm going to go for a run now so if I don't answer for a bit thats why.
<FromGitter> <sergiotapia> Added this to `config/application.cr` - thanks! `require "../src/crawlers/**"`
<FromGitter> <elorest> Sure thing.
<FromGitter> <sergiotapia> Hey all - having trouble with the app running on Heroku. In `config/application.cr` I set `settings.logging.severity = "debug"` so I can see the full error but the logs still only render: ⏎ ⏎ ```code paste, see link``` [https://gitter.im/amberframework/amber?at=5c57d320c2dba5382ed969d3]
<FromGitter> <sergiotapia> No further details on why the error is occuring. ⏎ ⏎ I also see `0 app[release.1610]: 05:45:12 Database | (INFO) No migrations to run. current version: 20190203224150859` so the database seems to be connecting properly and running migrations. I'm kind of stumped.
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<FromGitter> <Blacksmoke16> @sergiotapia make sure the creds of your db connection in your docker-compose file match whats in your database.yml
<FromGitter> <sergiotapia> In Heroku we use a `DATABASE_URL` env variable. How do I use this in the docker-compose.yml file?
<FromGitter> <sergiotapia> That seems unrelated though. For now I just want to see the full error in my heroku logs.
<FromGitter> <sergiotapia> Shouldn't `settings.logging.severity = "debug"` handle that?
<FromGitter> <valenciaj> Hi there!
<FromGitter> <valenciaj> I enabled session redis store, and I getting this error: `ERR wrong number of arguments for 'hmget' command ⏎ `
<FromGitter> <valenciaj> `crystal: 0.27.0`
<FromGitter> <valenciaj> `version: 0.11.3`
<FromGitter> <valenciaj> `amber: 0.11.3`
<FromGitter> <valenciaj> `crystal-redis: 2.0.0`
<FromGitter> <valenciaj> This error it's triggered at save session time
<FromGitter> <valenciaj> ```code paste, see link``` [https://gitter.im/amberframework/amber?at=5c5856e0975714406b92e797]
<FromGitter> <elorest> @eliasjpr any idea one @valenciaj 's issue above ^ ⏎ ⏎ If not I'd recommend just using cookie store as it storing a lot of data in sessions is generally frowned upon anyway.
<FromGitter> <elorest> @valenciaj I've never used Redisstore for sessions however since it's a part of the project it obviously needs to work. I'll test it a bit tonight. Could you do a bit of trouble shooting and perhaps submit a PR if you're actively using redis for this?
<FromGitter> <kevinelliott> Problem with using Redis for sessions is that the session data gets slightly munged … also the LRU algorithm will eject sessions sporadically.
<FromGitter> <kevinelliott> I don’t recommend it. Have had nothing but problems with it over in Rails land.
<FromGitter> <kevinelliott> Redis is better for caching data, but not storing it.
<FromGitter> <kevinelliott> You will have much more success with storing sessions in a DB (like PostgreSQL)
<FromGitter> <elorest> @kevinelliott Agreed. Db store was really popular in the early years of rails. Since 2011 though almost every project I've worked on has been more conservative about what is stored in sessions and just used encrypted cookies.
<FromGitter> <elorest> Still though if Redisstore is somehow broken it should be fixed.