<charleystran> I ended up tracing down my error and fixing it. Thank you for the help yesterday
<charleystran> I am still pretty new to crystal and could use some help trying to sort an array of objects. I am trying to call this `sorted.sort{|a, b| a.score <=> b.score }` but I get an error like this `no overload matches 'Float64#>' with type (Float64 | Nil)` Even though the score is never nil, but I think at compile time it doesnt know that? the attribute was declared by `getter score : (Float64 | Nil)`
you can either make your sort comparison nil friendly, or deal with the nils ahead of time
I'd recommend the latter
you can #compact both your arrays which will remove all nils
(and, more importantly, the compiler type attribute that there could be a nil)