faustinoaq changed the topic of #amber to: Welcome to Amber Framework community! | https://amberframework.org | Developer happiness, productivity and bare metal performance | GH: https://github.com/amberframework | Docs: https://docs.amberframework.org | Gitter: https://gitter.im/amberframework/amber | IRC Logger: https://irclog.whitequark.org/amber | Amber::Server.start
t1|Mike has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds]
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t1|Mike has joined #amber
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<FromGitter> <damianham> @drujensen @faustinoaq @eliasjpr @robacarp - the guides section of the amberframework.org website is crashing
<pracabor> @damianham what are you seeing?
<FromGitter> <damianham> the guides page loads then after 2-3 secs I get an error page "something went wrong"
<pracabor> https://docs.amberframework.org/amber/ is hosted by gitbook, I don't think theres much we're responsible for there.
<pracabor> that said, I don't see any failure even after having the tab open for a while