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<FromGitter> <zaidakram> Guys, I've a question. I want to use ENV variables to dictate the configuration of the application. Can I use a simple production.yml file with defaults in production without encrypting it? Would amber pick it up?
<FromGitter> <zaidakram> Thanks in advance to this incredible community.
<FromGitter> <alex-lairan> Hi, I use the dotenv shard that will read my .env file.
<FromGitter> <zaidakram> I'm also using that. My question is can you leave the production.yml unencrypted? Would amber pick it up?
<FromGitter> <zaidakram> I would like to keep simple configs in yml files and override any secrets using ENV variables.
<FromGitter> <zaidakram> Actually I'm automating provisioning and deployment. And I don't want add more complexity of encrypting yml files.
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<FromGitter> <robacarp> I use it unencrypted without issue