<sam0x17> anyone have a neat redirect-http-to-https thing I can throw in as a before filter or routing rule in amber?
<Blacksmoke16> no easier to use nginx or something?
<sam0x17> somewhere in the chain there actually is nginx but I have no idea how to get at it's configuration as I'm behind docker elastic beanstalk
<sam0x17> in rails it's just `config.force_ssl = true`
<ninjapanzer> Morning, wanted to support the project monetarily but saw this over on librepay `Cannot be renewed because the account of the recipient isn't ready to receive new payments.`
@sam0x17 if you're using aws, just do it on the elb
the elb is free when it's attached to something, and you can do 301s there all day
<sam0x17> yeah you are right
<sam0x17> @Sija do you have an example of how to set raven.cr to capture errors in amber? Or should it work out of the box if DSN is set
<drum445> when I do a find_by on user, I get a user object back correctly, but it doesn't have a game array
<Blacksmoke16> did you call `.game` on it?
<Blacksmoke16> id do like `has_many :games, class_name: Game`
<Blacksmoke16> then `user.games`
<drum445> okay, I get something back `<Granite::AssociationCollection(User, Game)...`
<drum445> is this an iterable?
<Blacksmoke16> it lazily executes your query
<Blacksmoke16> so like `.each` or `.to_a` would execute the query then
<drum445> ah perfect, that got it
<drum445> thanks
<Blacksmoke16> 👍
<drum445> was this orm library inspired by another one?
<Blacksmoke16> :shrug:
<drum445> what do you call your class names?
<drum445> `UserRepo` ?
<Blacksmoke16> `User`
<drum445> or just `User`
<Blacksmoke16> i call them what a single row in the database would be
<Blacksmoke16> `Post` and table `posts`
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<drum445> makes sense, cheers. And do you just add normal business logic to those classes, or have them as single purpose for DB interactions?
<Blacksmoke16> depends on the logic
<Blacksmoke16> like say you have a `Customer` model that has various fields that determine if that customer is "active"
<Blacksmoke16> then you could ofc define a like `.active?` method on it to abstract that logic
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<Blacksmoke16> but id try to avoid putting too much in there that doesnt exactly fit in
<Sija> @sam0x17 I’m afraid that missing file names and line numbers are related to compiling with `—production` flag set, see do they get reported when compiled without it
<drum445> Thanks for your hepl again @Blacksmoke16, think I'll stick with Granite for my Ruby Active Record alternative 👍
<Blacksmoke16> 👍
<drum445> another question sorry, is it possible to perform a query in one find_by but across two tables, something like `User.find_by(user_id: user_id, post.category: "test" )`
<drum445> which would be ⏎ `select * from users inner join posts on posts.user_id = user.id where users.id = '1234' and posts.category = 'test';`
<drum445> and I'd want a user object to be returned, with one entry in the posts array
<drum445> that works, but I imagine that will be making two db calls :(
<Blacksmoke16> this is essentially STI
<Blacksmoke16> which granite doesnt support atm
<drum445> STI?
<Blacksmoke16> single table inheritence
<drum445> ah
<Blacksmoke16> in this case tho, might be able to do like `User.first("inner join posts on posts.user_id = user.id where users.id = '1234' and posts.category = 'test'")`
<Blacksmoke16> no idea if that would work
<drum445> yeah, that seems to have worked
<drum445> n1, although as I'm only using a foreign key atm I can just do `Post.find_by!(user_id: user_id, category: "test")`
<drum445> not really ideal as I want a user object and only works as the post table has user_id, will probably use the explicit SQL for now then, ta
<Blacksmoke16> if/when STI is enabled, idea is you would have some abstract model that defines common stuff and children for each specific type
<Blacksmoke16> then you could do like `TestPost.find` which would add a like `type = 'test'` behind the scenes
<drum445> ah right, that's what activerecord uses I believe