faustinoaq changed the topic of #amber to: Welcome to Amber Framework community! | https://amberframework.org | Developer happiness, productivity and bare metal performance | GH: https://github.com/amberframework | Docs: https://docs.amberframework.org | Gitter: https://gitter.im/amberframework/amber | IRC Logger: https://irclog.whitequark.org/amber | Amber::Server.start
<FromGitter> <straight-shoota> Hey, could anyone familiar with amber/granite take a look at this SO question? ⏎ https://stackoverflow.com/questions/61575193/created-expected-created-to-be-time-nil-but-got-float64-string
<FromGitter> <Blacksmoke16> moment
<FromGitter> <Blacksmoke16> id ask why he needs `created`, `timestamps` macro adds `created_at` and `updated_at` for them
<FromGitter> <Uzay-G> How can I create a button that sends a `delete` request?
<FromGitter> <Uzay-G> I tried this: ```<form action="/bots/<%= bot.id %>" class="button"> ⏎ <%= csrf_tag %> ⏎ <input type="hidden" name="_method" value="delete" /> ⏎ <button type="submit">Delete</button> ⏎ </form>``` [https://gitter.im/amberframework/amber?at=5eb53b0b3d58de7a38017b7a]
<FromGitter> <Uzay-G> I tried this:
<FromGitter> <Uzay-G> ```code paste, see link``` [https://gitter.im/amberframework/amber?at=5eb53b4297338850a2f5a8dc]
<FromGitter> <Blacksmoke16> `<form action="/bots/<%= bot.id %>" method="delete">`?
<FromGitter> <Uzay-G> no that didnt work either
<FromGitter> <Uzay-G> I ended up doing this:
<FromGitter> <Uzay-G> ```code paste, see link```
<FromGitter> <Blacksmoke16> 👍
<FromGitter> <ikaru5> Anyone familiar with this warning: ⏎ ```In /home/ikarus/.crenv/versions/0.34.0/share/crystal/src/logger.cr:124:3 ⏎ ⏎ 124 | def initialize(@io : IO?, @level = Severity::INFO, @formatter = DEFAULT_FORMATTER, @progname = "") ⏎ ... [https://gitter.im/amberframework/amber?at=5eb572839f0c955d7db17a98]
<FromGitter> <Uzay-G> yeah same
<FromGitter> <Uzay-G> I noticed when using ECR with amber, nothing gets escaped, so for example if my username is `<h1>User</h1>` the html actually gets rendered
<FromGitter> <Uzay-G> is there anything to prevent this?
<FromGitter> <Uzay-G> Rails/ERB escapes by default
<FromGitter> <Blacksmoke16> @ikaru5 are you using the old `Logger` module at all? Or a shard you have required?
<FromGitter> <ikaru5> @Blacksmoke16 Yeah, for Granite: ⏎ Granite.settings.logger = Amber.settings.logger.dup
<FromGitter> <Blacksmoke16> granite will have a release coming out soon to fix it
<FromGitter> <Uzay-G> @Blacksmoke16 do you have any tips for the problem I mentioned above?
<FromGitter> <Blacksmoke16> in the mean time could maybe set it to master, or the latest commit in master
<FromGitter> <Uzay-G> it's pretty essential for web security
<FromGitter> <Blacksmoke16> no sorry, i dont really much about server rendering stuff
<FromGitter> <ikaru5> ah, okay :) Thank you!
<FromGitter> <ikaru5> Do I still need this setting in my database.cr than? Or should I change it to something new?
<FromGitter> <Blacksmoke16> uh no idea
<FromGitter> <Blacksmoke16> prob dont need it anymore considering `Granite.settings.logger` isnt a thing anymore
<FromGitter> <ikaru5> @Blacksmoke16 I have updated all shards to master... even micrate :D Removed also quartz_mailer, it had some Logger calls. But still getting some of this warnings... can i just disable them somehow?
<FromGitter> <drujensen> you can try adding `--exclude-warnings` to the `.amber.yml` compile command for crystal.
<FromGitter> <Uzay-G> I made this issue for the sanitization: https://github.com/amberframework/amber/issues/1198