<jaysneg> > @jaysneg make your model a view - when I am querying the database with joins I always create view models for that purpose. e.g. ⏎ ⏎ thanks
<Blacksmoke16> yea i dunno, i somehow doubt its a bug tho
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<pocketjoso> Hello everyone! ⏎ I'm seeing timeouts for requests to our crystal server, using the Amber framework, after around 120s. ⏎ ⏎ Is there any configuration for this in Amber, or even crystal itself, that can be increased? I know, it's not the most common use case... but I have this need currently. ⏎ ... [https://gitter.im/amberframework/amber?at=5fa03ee72a60f731f72ea2c0]
<pocketjoso> What actually seems to happen, for some reason, is that the relevant Controller (extended from Amber::Controller::Base) seems to restart, processing the same request again, but never actually responding.. For certain long running request handlers I've also seen some ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE errors returned.
<Blacksmoke16> what's the controller action doing that it takes this long? prob not a great practice regardless
<pocketjoso> yeah I know... it's crunching some numbers, outside of crystal even. ⏎ I don't have the option of changing that currently, unfortunately.
<Blacksmoke16> fair enough
<pocketjoso> my plan is to change this setup in the mid-term to avoid these very long requests. ⏎ ⏎ I was just hoping for a quicker fix for the timeout issues. :) Is there any timeout handling for the Controllers (or underlying crystal code) currently, that you know of? ⏎ ⏎ Or should I give up on that idea? I totally agree it's an edge case, but the behavior I am seeing still seems like a bug (that the Controller