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<FromGitter> <damianham> I am planning for the future and considering the architecture of the backend APIs and databases. We will be developing a number of distinct services, each of which will have their own distinct set of database tables. I am most likely going to deploy the APIs on server clusters in distinct sub-domains for each service. Some of the database records in each service will be owned by a User and there will be one
<FromGitter> ... common user identity across all services. Should this grow to a very large user base we would need to ensure there are no bottlenecks with database access and I suppose the common approach would be to cluster the database and all services would use the same database cluster. An alternative would be to segregate the dat ... [https://gitter.im/amberframework/amber?at=6029569fe634904e609d2d14]
<FromGitter> <eliasjpr> Hello Damian, when I worked for Stash I was responsible the for user identity, authentication and authorization, and a Postgres database worked just fine with approx 5 million active users we also had a caching layer REDIS that offload the dB quite a bit