faustinoaq changed the topic of #amber to: Welcome to Amber Framework community! | https://amberframework.org | Developer happiness, productivity and bare metal performance | GH: https://github.com/amberframework | Docs: https://docs.amberframework.org | Gitter: https://gitter.im/amberframework/amber | IRC Logger: https://irclog.whitequark.org/amber | Amber::Server.start
<FromGitter> <faustinoaq> Hi @elorest @eliasjpr @drujensen and all amber community, also sorry for being offline all this time. Getting all my notifications updated, so I can see what to collaborate first. Feeling great this new year 😄
<FromGitter> <faustinoaq> New version v0.36.0 already available on AUR https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/amber/ 👍