<dare892> Hey all! Still pretty new to crystal so just noob question. ⏎ Trying to use granite - is there a way to bulk delete with condition? (ex> delete from table where id < 1000;)
<Blacksmoke16> pretty sure you can do like `Model.exec "DELETE FROM TABLE WHERE id < 1000;"`
<Blacksmoke16> but ofc that wont run any callbacks etc
<dare892> gotcha, it would be nice to have the callbacks but if that's not built in then i'll have to find a way around it...
<dare892> thanks!
<Blacksmoke16> what are your callbacks doing?
<dare892> not much atm, but later I will need to keep track of few fields from the rows that were deleted. For now I think it will work, thanks!
<Blacksmoke16> 👍
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