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kbeckmann, hurray, PR is merged. Didn't notice it before until mmicko asked for a review
Kinda confusing that Gowin has a PLL and rPLL thing... have not looked into that in detail, but this one matches the rPLL so should be fine either way.
bleeeeeegh... feel like I should either make my db look EXACTLY like Nexus or throw out all remnants of Nexus code.
I have so much half commented out stuff that I'm not really sure what it does or how it maps to my stuff.
Or... start from nextpnr generic but "inline" setup with my bba and expand from there. I mean... I have working nextpnr generic stuff...
Only problem is that doesn't do deduplication at all. Which is kinda fine for gw1n, but might become a problem for gw2a.
Feels like it would be a lot more manageable to refactor working code than wade through broken code.
generic also likes to store many hundreds of strings to consume all memory
You'll just need 16GB of RAM to PnR for gw2a, no problem, right?
Well, maybe "inlining" the setup with proper constids will help with that. I think deduplication is the bigger problem.
Maybe I'm actually doing okay with the nexus-inspired mess I'm in. I just don't see any light at the end of the tunnel.
daveshah, any input?
I don't know
if you don't want to mess with a deduplicated db, looking at how the iCE40 db works is probably best
The odd thing is my db is already deduplicated, except I deal with the edgecases in a different way.
The only reason to do nextpnr-generic is so I can literally port the python code and take it from there. I don't think ice40 will be very beneficial.
I only have one chip per db, so I need to get rid of the chipinfo part. And routing is completely homogeneous except it wraps around the edges, so I don't have "neighbourhoods" but the function that looks up a wire just handles the wrapping
You could always keep the chipinfo part?
more than one chip per db can save space if a lot of the tiles are the same
stick with one chipinfo per db and keep the structure
I remember my not very good one doing PnR for an Anlogic Eagle would consume several GB just to build the routing db
Yea okay so basically go with the "make my db look exactly like Nexus" option.
The neighboourhoods are to deal with the edge reflections? or was there something else in nexus that required them?
no, edge reflections aren't even handled yet
they are used for all the connectivity, they aren't for any particular special case
What makes the connectivity not homogenous?
anything other than logic tiles
global networks as well
Gowin is basically completely homogeneous except the first 32 or so wires map to different things, which I basically ignore and have a portmap on the bel to connect it up.
ah so you include the global trees in the same DB I guess?
And yea global stuff, which I handle seperately.
and all kinds of other things like special interconnect between DSP cores, edge clocks, DQS groups, etc
But does the PnR want it separately?
ripple carry connections?
compared to ecp5 where it was a bit separate, it's much easier in nexus where it is all one db
well those are pretty homogeneous
those just go up and down in one grid direciton generally right?
not really different to the x1 general interconnect
fk im going nextpnr_yolo
Mmm, pepijndevos_?
Rather than jumping in at the deep end and drowning, going to try a more incremental approach. It wont be much better than what I have currently but... it will be better for my wellbeing.
I feel like nextpnr kinda *requires* a deep end approach
yea... but I have a working nextpnr-generic setup, so by making that un-generic... it will be bad in startup time and resource usage, but with incremental steps I think I can improve ergonomy and fpga utilisaiton a lot.
I don't enjoy drowning so much you see...