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<yann> (on rk3399) when calling drmModeSetPlane under X11 with margins around a smaller framebuffer (eg. crtc_w < src_w), the margins show content from the X11 framebuffer - i've tried to call drmModeSetPlane with a cleared framebuffer, which does get displayed all alone, but as soon as I SetPlane the smaller framebuffer, the X11 contents show up again. What am I missing ?
<yann> there are hints in various place in drm docs that planes may be composed to produce the scanout buffer, although I can't find any concrete details - is that possible on a midgard gpu ? I'm only seeing 2 planes and can't seem to use the other one...
<yann> could it be that the other plane is precisely the one used by Xorg ?
<yann> ok - deconfused myself about planes, I'm drawing in a scalable overlay and I see the primary plane beneath.
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