lkcl changed the topic of #arm-netbook to: arm-netbook: Don't ask to ask. Just ask! - EOMA68 spec - ML - Logs or - For Allwinner/sunxi discussions prefer #linux-sunxi - iMX6 Card - Flying Squirrel - Allwinner A10/A20 Card -
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<SPG> Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton master 728fba4 source suppliers/shenzen/frida_lcd.mdwn add Frida FTD280QF10-CT 2.8in LCD *;a=commitdiff;h=728fba4
<SPG> Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton master 22fdc62 source suppliers/shenzen/frida_lcd.mdwn add Frida FTD280QF10-CT 2.8in LCD *;a=commitdiff;h=22fdc62
<SPG> Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton master 38ef864 source suppliers/shenzen/frida_lcd.mdwn add Frida FTD280QF10-CT 2.8in LCD *;a=commitdiff;h=38ef864
<SPG> Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton master 96e15c7 source suppliers/shenzen/frida_lcd.mdwn add Frida FTD280QF10-CT 2.8in LCD *;a=commitdiff;h=96e15c7
<SPG> Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton master b1d2484 source suppliers/shenzen/frida_lcd.mdwn add Frida FTD280QF10-CT 2.8in LCD *;a=commitdiff;h=b1d2484
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<SPG> Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton master d96bceb source the_revolution_will_not_be_televised.html update poem *;a=commitdiff;h=d96bceb
<SPG> Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton master 36b2c20 source the_revolution_will_not_be_televised.html update poem *;a=commitdiff;h=36b2c20
<SPG> Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton master c1ac071 source the_revolution_will_not_be_televised.html update poem *;a=commitdiff;h=c1ac071
<SPG> Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton master 64c55f1 source the_revolution_will_not_be_televised.html update poem *;a=commitdiff;h=64c55f1
<SPG> Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton master db035ec source the_revolution_will_not_be_televised.html update poem *;a=commitdiff;h=db035ec
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