lkcl changed the topic of #arm-netbook to: arm-netbook: Don't ask to ask. Just ask! - EOMA68 spec - ML - Logs or - For Allwinner/sunxi discussions prefer #linux-sunxi - iMX6 Card - Flying Squirrel - Allwinner A10/A20 Card -
<jn> hi, i'm reading the EOMA68 spec and the mailing list discussion about the EEPROM format (from 2012). i just wanted to say that devicetree overlays and the beagleboard solution (capemgr) are probably worth a good look
<jn> i don't (yet) know how capemgr works, though
<jn> (raspberry pi's solution to "hats" (extension boards) is dt overlays plus manual configuration in the bootloader's config file, so that would not be enough for EOMA68)
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<klys> jn, thank you, and merry christmas
<jn> klys: thanks :) merry christmas to you, too :)
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