while running 'buildbot checkconfig'. It run fine for me while running locally, but fails while running through buildbot.
p12tic: tardyp ^
p12tic: FYI, I got the production instance (which i was referring to yesterday) updated to Buildbot 2.10.1, https://ews-build.webkit.org/#/about
aakashjain: as the log is stating the environment varibles in your build environment are buggy
probably different from the one of your live shell
you should have something like this in the env
tardyp: thanks. This is what I see on bot:
ews151:~ buildbot$ env | grep LANG
ews151:~ buildbot$ env | grep LC_ALL
ews151:~ buildbot$
but maybe the environment of the twisted process is reset somehow depending on your daemonization method
or maybe the worker that is doing the checkconfig does not have that env properly setup
does it matter that currently i have two buildbot-worker packages on that bot, on pip3 i have buildbot-worker==2.10.1 and on pip i have buildbot-worker==1.8.2
I am not setting any environment explcitly
it was working fine when i was using buildbot 1.8.2
interesting, maybe you were running buildbot-worker with 2.7 python?
and now with python 3.x
the method of getting a default encoding has change between 2 and 3. I think we aready encountered this
jcarl43 has joined #buildbot
ok. the error i was facing might also have to do something with me installing both buildbot-worker==1.8.2 in pip, and buildbot-worker==2.10.1 in pip3.
I'm wondering if twisted accidentally picks up stuff from wrong environment when daemonizing
i.e. if it starts another process anywhere, it could potentially take wrong python, no? (well, less chance if there's venv, but still)