tardyp, buildbot-3.0.2 (maybe earlier) is missing ldap3 dep
p12tic, ^^^
IIRC it's optional and only needed if you're using parts of Buildbot that need ldap
Is that not the case?
tests failed due to missing import
maybe list it in test deps then
hmm, don't think I checked that list...
just checked setup.py for changes
yeah, is in requirements-ci
tests are passing for py3.9 :D
all except klein :(
which are just plain failing all pythons now
Zorry has joined #buildbot
I REALLY need to make a pkg bumping bbot for gentoo pkg maintenace...
but will be alot less work once Zorry gets his new tinderbox bbot up and running ;)
still alot of work left but geting there
any plan to add generators to irc reporter?
Zorry: I'm not aware of anyone working on taht
taht -> that
in principle this would be an improvement, but I haven't looked deeply into that part of the codebase and don't know how much work it would need