tardyp changed the topic of #buildbot to: A Software Freedom Conservancy Project | Buildbot-2.10.0 | docs: http://docs.buildbot.net/current/ | tutorial: http://docs.buildbot.net/current/tutorial | logs: https://freenode.irclog.whitequark.org/buildbot
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<sknebel> nbjoerg: that's not out of the box, but you could probably write a custom source step that instead of checking out the actual repo just creates a symlink from a central location on the build machine?
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<rodrigc> tardyp, p12tic: for this https://github.com/buildbot/buildbot/pull/5797 , what is the way to introduce a Python 3.9 build environment? Need to a edit a dockerfile in one of the infra repos?
<p12tic> Incidentally, python3.9 is not installed
<p12tic> s/Incidentally/Unsurprsingly/
<p12tic> something like that, yes
<p12tic> I think you'll need python3.9-dev too
<rodrigc> p12tic: Thanks for your help with that Twisted patch. I made a conscious effort to test against buildbot before releasing new Twisted version
<p12tic> thanks to you too!
<p12tic> rodrigc: A quick question to you: do you have any idea why twisted may drop PYTHONPATH? I have two buildbots installed, one in PYTHONPATH, another in global site-packages.
<p12tic> Starting buildbot leads to taking modules from the global site-packages.
<p12tic> That's not a super important thing to solve, I ended up just using a virtualenv, but an interesting thing to know.
<rodrigc> Offhand not sure about that
<rodrigc> I tend to use venv for everything, and don't use the system PYTHONPATH much
<p12tic> Thanks.
<rodrigc> I've exchanged emails with people who also like to wrap Python packages in OS package managers like dpkg in Ubuntu or pkg in FreeBSD. I've stopped doing that stuff....
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<shurdeek_> p12tic: I tried your recommendationa bout customizing the StatusGenerator, I use a slightly older version and it isn't there.
<shurdeek_> I ended up making a subclass of GitHubStatusPush where I override the send method
<p12tic> that would work too short term
<shurdeek_> and just yield nothing for non-github repos
<p12tic> the status generator has been added to Buildbot 2.10
<shurdeek_> I also tried filtering based on the "scheduler", but unfortunately the GitHubStatusPush is ignoring it, even though it's defined in is_message_needed_by_props
<shurdeek_> it just doesn't pass it
<shurdeek_> this should be fixed, then I wouldn't have to fiddle around with it
<shurdeek_> i.e. if you add a "schedulers" argument to GitHubStatusPush instantiation, it's ignored.
<shurdeek_> I'll try to test your updates to my PR in the next couple of days
<shurdeek_> regarding ephemeral passwords for libvirt, it needs an update to the qemu hook, and the VM to support cloud-init. So it doesn't automagically work on any VM.
<shurdeek_> I think I'm still on 2.8.0 or 2.8.1
<shurdeek_> even though it sounds like I'm complaining, I really like buildbot as it's easy to modify myself if I need changes
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<shurdeek_> p12tic: I'm actually having problems with the reporter
<shurdeek_> I don't know what sendMessage is supposed to do with super
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<p12tic> It depends on which release you're looking at. There's been a bunch of compatibility stuff mixed in so things may not work
<shurdeek_> can you review my code and tell me what I'm doing wrong?
<shurdeek_> it now successfully skips for non-github, but doesn't report anything to github anymore either
<p12tic> it should be yield super().sendMessage(build)
<p12tic> in single line
<shurdeek_> ok let me try
<p12tic> though it should work the current way too...
<shurdeek_> I think I actually tried that before ...
<p12tic> ah
<p12tic> you're using wrong API
<p12tic> it's def sendMessage(self, reports):
<p12tic> i.e. you're getting reports, not build
<shurdeek_> oooooo ffffffffffff
<shurdeek_> I had 'send' before
<p12tic> check how this implemented in the 2.10.x branch for example, you'll see how build can be accessed
<shurdeek_> let me retry
<shurdeek_> I see it in 2.8 too
<shurdeek_> I think
<shurdeek_> ok another attempt ...
<shurdeek_> I think I should be using yield self._send_impl, not yield super().sendMessage ...
<shurdeek_> maybe it's not reporting because I just rerun the job?
<shurdeek_> rather than push to github?
<shurdeek_> maybe I should redeliver the hook call?
<shurdeek_> ok so I should be using 'send', not sendMeessage'
<shurdeek_> p12tic: still around?
<shurdeek_> I can't get it working, I updated the gist, can you look?
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<shurdeek_> ooo I'm mixing versions, probably that's why it isn't working
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<shurdeek_> I don't know why it isn't working, ended up editing the reporter directly rather than subclassing it
<shurdeek_> ok so it's working, I was running the incorrect builds / redelivering the wrong event :-)
<p12tic> that's great to hear
<p12tic> looking into differences between 2.8 and 2.9 the reporter implementation has been changed significantly
<p12tic> though the only thing that wouldn't work is sendMessage in 2.8
<shurdeek_> yes exactly
<shurdeek_> send works
<shurdeek_> i was just checking it incorrectly
<shurdeek_> I was running a job on an old version of a PR I was checking the results with
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