dominikh changed the topic of #cinch to: The IRC Framework | Latest version: Cinch 2.2.3
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Hello, I tried `m.user.away` but I'm getting a NoMethodError for #<User nick={{nick}}>
djbkd has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
please show the exact, uncensored stacktrace, as well as the actual code
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usandfriends: you can't change the bot prefix, but you can change plugins... it's a bit hacky, but you can set a prefix per plugin and reload them one by one
catepillar: I'm not using plugins unfortunately, but that's cool to think about
dominikh: #<NoMethodError: undefined method `away' for #<User nick="usandfriends">>
dominikh: It's an eval bot
that's not a stacktrace.
dominikh: I don't have a stack trace
then get one.
I can't
well then there's nothing for me to do here
you should also use plugins
much easier to manage functionality with plugins
dominikh: It's running in a thread and it's not giving me a stack trace. :(
what i generally do is make changes to the ruby file that is the plugin, then reload it
but you could write a new plugin and load that
the link i gave you actually uses the ruby `load` method to reparse your ruby files
Yeah.. Currently I just have a hash of lambdas and the main :channel event just checks if the key exists and executes the lambda with the string after the prefix
I can "bind" new lambdas by running `.bind name lambda { |args| ... }`, which eval()'s the lambda and stores it in the hash
I don't have access to my server while I am at school (port 22), so this is the way around it
I don't think the dynamic plugins would work for my case since I don't have the ability to upload the plugin file
But it would make my code 10x cleaner
dominikh changed the topic of #cinch to: The IRC Framework | Latest version: Cinch 2.2.4
update to 2.2.4 if you want User#away to work
dominikh: you are amazing
But thanks a lot for the gist catepillar, I'll keep it and maybe find some way to bypass the block
ah, i remember the shitty hacks i ran around school port blocking
school port blocking is so ridiculously easy to get around :P
pretty sure I had ssh run over HTTP with some sort of hacked system that if you preformed a "GET" it displayed a blank web page
ssh server run over port 80, with a web page if a GET was called