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<Ch4mp> hi, im tryna understand formatting... #{m.user.nick} how do I make it bold?
<Ch4mp> could you give me an example? i tried something like #{m.user.nick.format(:bold)}
<leftylink> Ch4mp: the example is on the page I linked
<Ch4mp> i know im on it
<leftylink> Ch4mp: format is not a method on string, it is a method on Helpers, so it should be aviailable from a plugin
<leftylink> also, it is Format
<Ch4mp> try = Format(:bold, m.user.nick)
<Ch4mp> will this work?
<Ch4mp> it says second parameter is string
<leftylink> is m.user.nick a string?
<Ch4mp> no
<leftylink> why not?
<Ch4mp> how do i make a variable formatted?
<Ch4mp> i dont understand
<leftylink> I thought m.user.nick is a string, according to
<leftylink> unless I misunderstand what m.user is
<leftylink> please let me know if I have misunderstood
<Ch4mp> hh
<Ch4mp> isnt that an object?
<Ch4mp> wait User is a class
<Ch4mp> wait it returns a string
<Ch4mp> so that's the point that it returns a string
<Ch4mp> so that should work then?
<Ch4mp> are you a developer of this project?
<Ch4mp> I learn ruby i can do something already
<leftylink> I'm not a developer
<leftylink> I can't say for sure whether it will work. the only way to know is to try
<Ch4mp> do you have a bot?
<leftylink> 17:08:28 <~dosequis> [FACTION] JrJetu: Yup. I tried stopping it, but 0hio is a relentless psychologically unstable huuman being
<leftylink> 17:10:28 <~dosequis> [FACTION] WeaselSlapper: and he has a bot
<Ch4mp> i guess a do pretty well as a newbie
<Ch4mp> ok it doesnt work
<Ch4mp> oh my got it works!
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<Ch4mp> but do I have to create a variable? bcz this doesn't work: #{Format(:red, m.user.nick)}
<Ch4mp> leftylink:
<dominikh> Please learn Ruby first. I recommend reading
<Ch4mp> i do learn, but best to learn while practicing
<dominikh> You aren't practicing, you're throwing together random pieces of code that you find until they work, without understanding why they didn't work or why they now work.
<Ch4mp> youre wrong, many things i understand already
<Ch4mp> why cant you just help me?
<dominikh> Well, good luck. I'm guessing that leftylink's patience is running out by now, too.
<dominikh> This channel is for help with Cinch specific issues, not for asking how Ruby works.
<dominikh> There is #ruby for that.
<Ch4mp> so i cant ask anything else here?
<Ch4mp> ok
<Ch4mp> there is only one example
<dominikh> Because the documentation assumes that the reader knows Ruby. It's not meant to teach you the language.
<dominikh> It's a method, with arguments. There is not anything else to show. If you don't understand methods or arguments, I recommend, again, reading
<Ch4mp> method? its Format,... i assumed its a class
<Ch4mp> lol
<Ch4mp> and if its method, then that should wrok
<Ch4mp> #{Format(:red, m.user.nick)}
<Ch4mp> i call a method and 2 arguments
<Ch4mp> i understand methods in Ruby
<Ch4mp> why do you think i type here? because i solve this
<Ch4mp> cant solve dammit
<dominikh> And we have no obligation to help you :)
<Ch4mp> why are programmers so mean?
<dominikh> Because people like you waste our time. Now please take your Ruby related questions to #ruby.
<Ch4mp> if you break leg i also wont help you and let you die
<dominikh> I will have to ask you to leave this channel now.
<Ch4mp> no, kick me
Ch4mp was banned on #cinch by dominikh [*!*@*]
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