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<Johne> well now that i understand requiring local file, I'm starting to make progress :)
<Johne> I'm having issues with lines 12-17 just trying to pass through the date
<Gizmokid2005> Johne: error messages usually help too ;)
<Gizmokid2005> Not saying I know the answer but "it isn't working" doesn't typically help
<rails> if d.defined?
<rails> date =
<rails> that'll set the date to today if it is defined
<rails> perhaps you meant if !d.defined?
* rails pings Johne
<rails> this.. im not sure what you are trying to do
<rails> that API is not documented anywhere, lol
<rails> you need to give it a daterange
<Johne> yeah i was missing the !, I'll try to sift through the output to get the error
<Johne> I'm expecting d to be the captured part of the "match /nhl (.+)/"
<Johne> so if !nhl happens it sets todays date, but if !nhl 3/15 happens it grabs the "3/15" to parse
<leftylink> but "!nhl" doesn't match the regular expression /nhl (.+)/
<Johne> with the default prefix it doesnt?
<leftylink> it doesn't, because it's missing the space after "nhl", and it's missing characters that would match the (.+)
<Johne> I was trying to use this as an example to go off of
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<Gizmokid2005> Johne: what leftylink is saying, is that your match is requiring a space after nhl and then also looking for other input.
<Gizmokid2005> The google plugin does do that, because it needs a search term...
<Johne> yup which is what I'm doing
<Johne> just extra arguments after the match
<Gizmokid2005> Johne: right, which means someone just typing "!nhl" will not do anything.
<Johne> yeah I'll have to set up multiple matches
<Johne> here's my output
<Johne> from this
<Johne> i got rid of the if
<Gizmokid2005> Johne: line 15
<Gizmokid2005> where do decalre "dateend"?
<Gizmokid2005> You don't, so you should probably do that if you're going to try to use it ;)
<Johne> yeah good eye lol
<Gizmokid2005> Well, the output is very explicit ;)
<Gizmokid2005> /home/johne/cinch/plugins/nhl.rb:15:in `execute': undefined local variable or method `dateend'
<Gizmokid2005> nhl.rb line 15: "dateend" is missing lol
<Johne> yeah again good eye :) i dont know what I'm looking for but now i do
<Gizmokid2005> "teach a man to fish[...]" :)
<Johne> is there a preferred way to launch cinch or always in a new window? I'm used to eggdrop
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<Johne> how does this work for only certain variables in m.reply?
<Gizmokid2005> Johne: join a few formats together.
<leftylink> I wasn't sure what was meant by "only certain variables"
<leftylink> but as long as the question is answered that is OK
<Johne> ah thats a good example Gizmokid2005 ty
<leftylink> now I udnerstand what the question is asking
<Johne> yup like turning Washington 4 Washington 3 into Washington 4 Washington 3
<Gizmokid2005> +c means no formatting Johne :)
<Johne> ah freenode lol
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