yes, crystals metamodel is a bit different
@@vars don't have such an insane scope though, so you can use them
jhass, I basically want to initialize for a module
I don't think @@ is the right thing
well, do you have class methods on the module and want to use instance vars in them or do you have instance vars and basically want to add to the class constructor your module is included into?
*instance methods
jhass, I want an instance var in a module
that doesn't answer my question
I have a module with methods that use an instance var
what kind of methods?
instance methods or class methods?
the instance var is module's own
and i want to use these instance methods on instance var
no, a module doesn't have instance vars in crystal
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does Crystal encounter the diamond inheritance problem ?
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there is no multiple inheritance, so how can it?
including multiple modules, I assume puts them in inheritance chain in the order of inclusion
which means again, it is not a multiple inheritance => no diamond problem?
but still as with ruby modules still there is a problem of people confused, why their method didn't get called here
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because some module after module in the question have overridden this method
Only if modules acted like traits
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when you need to explicitly resolve conflicts when multiple modules define the same method
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waterlink: so a subclass cannot inherit the same methods and variables as 2 other classes?
only 1 other?
granted that the 2 classes are in no relation to each other
subclass inherits only its direct superclass
superclass inherits its own direct superclass
and so on
why doesn't Crystal have multiple inheritance like Java? 'class Kid extends Person extends SoccerPlayer'
why would you need it ?
>> class Parent; def a; :parent; end; end; module Mod; def a; {super, :module}; end; end; class Child < Parent; include Mod; def a; {super, :child}; end; end; Child.new.a
jhass: attributes #1 = { noreturn }
mmmh :D
anyway, it should say {{:parent, :module}, :child} or something
so instead of inheriting 2 classes, you inherit a class and includde a module ?
I will not inherit at all as far as I can :)
including a module is inheritance though ;P
If you were to ask me about importance of inheritance vs encapsulation vs polymorphism, and give me 100 points to distribute between them, I will come up with such answer
Encapsulation 80, Polymorphism 40 and Inheritance -20
Rust has things like `struct Kid {...}; impl Person for Kid {...}; impl Human for Kid {...}`
That is interfaces
not an inheritance
Whenever you inherit something, there is high chance, that composition (with delegation) would be better in long term
Because then you can use dependency injection =)
And if you start putting your domain logic in modules and including it all over the place
Then the codebase will become unmanageable in no time
modules are good, if you put there some sort unrelated behavior, or some dsl capabilities
and standard library modules are good, like Comparable for instance
On the other hand
if you define inheritance as just inherit interface, but not its implementation..
modules can also be useful to break a really long class into multiple files until you can extract smaller classes out of it
(can = have time to)
but isnt that Rust version inheriting the Person and Human structs for Kid stuct?
If you have really long class, then it violates SOLID principles
it implements Person interface for Kid and implements Human interface for Kid
and even more, in Rust if you want to accept Kid as parameter to some method, you will get only methods from Kid on it. But if you want to accept Person as a parameter to some method, and pass in Kid, then it will act like Person, and Human interface will not interfere
as far as I remember..
Yeah, and again implementing multiple interfaces for one object/struct/record/whatever is already a code smell (because it obviously violates single responsibility principle)
depends on the interfaces
Comparable, Iterator, things like that I don't see as code smell
I told already, Comparable and Iterator are just useful abstractions
They are good
or something that sets up associations to some common target, think include Commentable
And this is not good )
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why not? should I rewrite Comment or the logic connecting to it for each object that I want to be commentable?
instead of `class Post; include Commentable; end`, I would do: `Commentable.new(post)`
what's the concrete drawback of the former?
Violating SOLID ?
how is an association doing that?
I do not copy functionality into the Post class, I DRY up setting up the association
Ok, what if I want to have 2 different types of commentable and A/B test them on my production traffic ?
With composition and dependency injection, I would just pass around a bunch of factories
but with `include Commentable` I will have to do some weird things, or even put this logic right to Commentable module
I'd actually tend to prefer having the switching logic in Commentable over duplicating it all over the place on the caller side
Why? My caller side will just do dependency injection of Factories. Once and for all
I'm not following your example I guess
And this place of code will be an entry point to my application of course
so no duplication
so you'd do ActualPost = Commentable.new(Post) or what?
so you do that each time you have a collection of posts
Yes and no
Here I have actual ability to just use post
without any commentable functionality
say you display a user page with the posts authored by it and an aggregate of posts of users the current user is following
because in current context I don't need it
you do A/B testing by determining in which group the current user is
how do you switch?
and where?
post_finder dependency injected as something like PostFinder.new(ab_aware_commentable_factory)
ab_aware_commentable_factory dependency injected as ABAware.new(user, CommentableFactory, NewCommentableFactory)
so now I have like what, 6?, classes I need to be aware of
opposed to 2 - 3
No, you need to be aware only on site of dependency injection (1 site in the code)
Everywhere in the code you work with instances that just implement certain interfaces
More smaller classes is usually better )
I think this leads no where, I'm not following you and I think it's complicating an issue just for the sake of somebody said all your classes must follow some principle and you see it violated
nope, not somebody said, I just have seen too much huge monolithic code..
and `include SomethingRelatedToYourDomain` is the first thing to take its "technical debt" with huge interest rates
small classes is actually about code size and less about API, at least for me, I can easily not think about functionality that's included, I don't need to scroll over anything when reading the code using inheritance
For me it is both
almost always single responsibility principle maps to having one public API
ie one method
and I don't need to know a ceremony of like 6 classes just to get a collection of posts
everything else private/protected
here you deal only with one object and one method
where does post_finder come from?
it is dependency injected in current class as a parameter to new/initialize
who does that?
class in the previous application layer
so likely me? sounds still like you just moved the ceremony elsewhere
you, or any other developer on team, or someone who already not on the team
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*on ~= in
ok then
see, it's the kind I dislike about most Java APIs and frameworks you have to go through, the huge ceremonies you have to go though to get to a simple method you want to call
er, s/you have to go through//
Yes, but if you look at any app of 100K+ SLOCs then you will see the problems that arise when you don't have such ceremonies
Everything is so tightly couples
To make a simple change to domain logic, you need to fix like 20 classes and 40 specs )
because they directly depend on the thing you are changing
If they were depending on it indirectly (ie through dependency injection), you could have just add new functionality just by adding new class and throwing it somewhere at the top of dependency injection chains
maybe I still have to gather experience there then, atm I do not see it as that much of a problem
means 3 sites of changes instead of 60
1 - new class, 1 - new spec and 1 - site of dependency injection
It is all about being fast in the start and then being very-very slow after some years, or being a bit slower in the start, but maintaining the same speed over tens of years
direct dependencies vs indirect (loosely coupled) dependencies
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probably not 3, but 4 sites of changes: +1 integration spec
And classes count bumps like crazy when doing things in that speed-maintaining manner, ie: from 70 classes of bad code to an equivalent code base of 1400 classes )
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can someone explain to me what the describe block does and what it's for?
you mean:
>> require 'spec'; describe String {}
waterlink: Syntax error in eval:3: unterminated char literal
And these description will be used as part of the failed example description
ie, if this spec failed:
Failure: User#save saves user record to data store
it has its origin in RSpec (ruby testing framework) and they were inspired by BDD (behavior driven development)
I see
thanks waterlink
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btw, @jhass, putting ABTest logic to Commentable is really a bad idea, since usually ABTest logic needs to know about http request (if we are talking about web), or some sort of session. It would be mixing domain and presentation logic. And it would be really troublesome to get this session data there right to the Post model. Probably every usage of Post model would have to be altered..
The other thing, if one will want to run ABTest only on Post and News, but not on Chapter for example (just making up some related domain models), but all of them include Commentable, here you got another problem..
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Syntax error in ./libs/csfml/graphics_obj.cr:5687: expecting identifier 'end', not 'EOF'
not properly indented? :P
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i want it to detect missing "end"s based on indentation
use python
and definitely not just point to the end of the file whenever there is a mismatch
jhass, i do use it
i'm not even saying crystal should be indentation-based
(that would be the best, but whatever)
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just realized my text editor can do it. for ruby, at least