DerisiveLogic has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
>> x :: Int32; x.class
a5i: Int32
i don't understand why some of Ruby's methods are missing, mainly in Array. maybe it's recently added ones?
BlaXpirit: because nobody had time to implement them yet, contributions welcome!
it takes me a long time to believe in myself enough to contribute code
heh, if I could do it... ;P
do what
don't worry too much about forgetting an edge case, we can fix them as they're discovered
yeah but i'm also supposed to add tests
jhass: what happend with ruby's map.with_index replaced by single method of "map_with_index" in Array
cos it makes more sense?
ponga: cause we have no Enumerator yet
we dont have alot of things
asterite's plan is to add Iterators which are tailored to the class they're used with, but I hope I could convince him to add a general Enumerator too
BlaXpirit: writing specs is easy
but i havent familiarized with them
you just call your method and expect the result to be something known
nor am i particularly interested in it for now
jhass, maybe it's because of crystal debug build?
no idea, but here it's definitely growing
drcrystal is just my alias for the head compiler
maybe different libgc version?
7.4.2 here
wait.. what's libgc?
right, the package is just gc
so that's not it
there's a slight increase as the snake gets larger, but completely tolerable and I suppose its just because it has to draw more or something, raised to something like 28000 before I died ;)
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very strange, jhass.
here it raises until both snakes die
it starts at ~24 and then raises to a stable value, ~27200 for a release build, I suppose that's just the GC warming up
24000 of course
crystal build is release build?
crystal build --release
turns on LLVM optimizations
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what the heck.. it stabilized at 108 MB
or wait.. it's probably cuz i lost
no, it definitely stabilized, now at 101
my sfml is 2.2 btw
Private 90628 KB [heap]
is that good
omg, jhass, it definitely starts calling the finalizes only after it gets nearly 100MB of RAM
i played for a good minute, and only then i got debug output that finalize is called
what's your total free memory?
about 10 gig
actually 9 GiB free ram
and 16 swap
I only have about 3.7 free, maybe libgc inspects that?
* jhass
ponga has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
thanks for trying this
iirc there are some variables to tune it
is that good memory usage from the program ?
Yes, C enum and regular enum are the same
Some time ago enums were only in libs, but we realized they are useful outside them too
so how to convert an integer to enum value?
Probably to_i makes sense too
>> enum Foo; A; B; C; end;
BlaXpirit: C
ok, thanks.
Yes, that :)
Did you just answered yourself?
Hahaha :)
Note that `new` doesn't check that it's valid, but you probably get that value from C anyway so it'll be valid
>> enum Foo; A; B; C; end;
asterite: 10
BlaXpirit: crsfml is looking amazing. It's big and has lots of documentation! I also tried all the samples and they work great :)
the worst thing right now is inability to add things to structs
also, something weird was happening to me with GC
we talked earlier
Yes, I still need to answer to reply in that issue. And I read the logs about the GC, the usage growing to 100 MB
i did spend like an hour wrapping the structs
then i remembered about union
and it was all crumbling apart even without it
so i went ahead and abandoned all that
What about the unions?
well i'd have to wrap that too
And I think you should. Unions are unsafe
nope nope nope
Ok :) . It's better if we continue discussing this in the issue about struct methods, so the conversation is not lost and others can comment too