but given no central registry it's not taken forever yet ;)
If all fails I still can write my own crystal implementation and call it Meth, like I did with my scheme implementation when I called it ponzi :)
You can always do your thing
its just that the only person doing your thing will be you
txdv: That's how all things start anyways...
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back in the day we used o have gangs of hackers who would start a project together
now everyone is out for himself
is that so
everything that survived to today seems to have started as a one-person effort
txdv: Did you read the announcement of PHP or Linux in UseNet?
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dostoyevsky: no
o, i guess yes
yeah, linus famous "this is nothing big, check my OS out"
Just some guy with an idea, started something themselves and it took off
yeah, i dont like php
php's terrible function naming is because the guy couldn't be bothered to write a proper hash function for his toy project
Still haven't learned PHP... I guess I dodged that bullet for long enough :)
php is just an accumulation of awlful things
people who use it tend to write horrible code too
it's easy to beat on php but that's beside the point
I remember that maybe 5 years ago, you could get paid quite well being a PHP developer... because that's what most websites used
txdv: Facebook was written in php, so it must be good
oh goddammit
and even they moved from php to something with types
Linkedin moved from Ruby to Java iirc
twitter too
get big, use static typing
scripting languages are always nice for small projects
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I really like node for speed... v8 ist just so fast... best jit ever imho
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and I do not think I could write faster code in C or Rust for some of the regular expression parsers I use
regex is already slow
because PCRE's jit isn't going to be as good as v8's
getting big means not using a single technology as your do it all tool anymore, whether it fits the job or not, but hire people that can do the job well with whatever tool necessary to do it well
this "big X" uses/does not use bullshit annoys the hell out of me
yeah, but if you'd hire people to write something to write with crystal, they'd have to write some libs for it first
to write something with crystal*
this is why so many people jump on the java train
*there is already a lib for it*
jhass: you may never know for sure what Big X is using anyways :)
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"I can't code with language X because it just doesn't have the ecosystem fo Java" - my most hated argument
I see it more as "there's already 10 libs for it and I'm never sure which one is remotely sane" but yeah
dostoyevsky: more importantly, it's completely irrelevant to my own projects
it's an argument to appeal rather than technological demands
I think the days where a company sticks to certain technologies are over anyways... most companies just use everything, and have no problem migrating to something entirely new...
and yet even that is irrelevant to you
you're not big
And then you have mainframes, java, and lots of modern stuff all of a sudden in normal companies
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you'll have resources to worry about it if you get, now you don't
I'd say the tipping point was just how you could communicate with other infrastructures and for a long time there was only Corba as a standard and then they had this EJB idea... but since simple http/rest apis with json have gained traction pretty much anyway, interopability is not an big issue anymore... and even on mainframes, you can have REST/apis in python or other scripting languages too
I was checking this http://helloworldcollection.de/ then -> "For a collection of programs that tell more about what programming in the languages actually is like, have a look at the 99 Bottles of Beer collection." But seems that no one has sent examples before???
is the most active community of that kind I know of for Crystal
nice!!!, thanks you jhass. Rossetta looks better that 99 bottles of beer (99bb seems outdated)
99 seems awfully small too... today it should be 99 gogols of beer clouds
Hmmm... so the current Xeon E7 intel processor takes 3TB of ram... using a GC based language will be something of the past soon, imho
If you are writing apps that use TB of ram, that is
(Looking at you, Chrome)
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well, how likely is it that those TBs of data are frequently changing
it's more like you read them and then scan through them repeatedly or flip a couple of bits here and there
you wouldn't dealloc/realloc them
jhass: In my uses cases I really used it like a big database... writing all the time... mostly indexes for TB/log files a day, but with custom allocators in C... Still, someone from my team used Rust with similar successes
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yet, was the amount of data that you permanently dealloced/realloced in the TBs, or would you say it would be average usecase that they are? Or is just that you keep a big chunk in memory and realloc/dealloc small chunks over time
jhass: In my use case I would get like 100G/s of data, so like 10TB a day via a 10G ethernet connection... I wouldn't realloc or dealloc, just use my own O(1) allocator that used fixed block sizes, so memory doesn't fragment... basically I implemented a lookback window for this kind of data that would expire after a week, too much for a traditional database that we used for more long-lived data
s/100G/100M/ :)
so you have a constant pointer that you always have a reference to, you mark it as opague to the GC (not containing pointers to any other objects) and it wouldn't bother about it
jhass: Well, it had pointers, it was a big hashtable... but you probably could tell the GC just not to bother about it
Like I told malloc not to do anythingthing with this
anyway, what I'm trying to say is that just because you have lots of memory, it doesn't mean a GC gets useless for all usecases
just for those where it would have to scan it all the time
which I think are less than one would think initially, in scenarios when working with that amount of memory anyway
jhass: for now I am not sure how many GCs actually support more than 1G of heap... Maybe only the Azul one
I don't see any heap limit mentioned for bdwgc
<Sija> hi, anyone had any experiences with pointers un/boxing between Crystal-land and C?
I take a stick and poke at it until it no longer crashes
in other words, what's your actual question?
<Sija> @jhass: I tried to explain the problem in #3140
RX14: you're probably the first to run the specs in release mode...
they SHOULD work
like sha failing in release mode
isnt that a big deal...
jhass, can you reproduce?
compiling the compiler specs in release mode takes too long
but with the stdlib split, perhaps we should add it for that to travis
asterite: ^
yes but shouldn't you test specs in release mode before releasing at least
RX14: I can, currently trying with 3.5 on master and then with 3.8 on master
ok, good
i thought it was my pc for a while
if the last works we'll probably not backport a fix
this PC actually doesn't pass memtest...
it looks like codegen bugs in release mode somehow
some bits changed around
well, yes, or rather codegen that leads to wrong behavior after LLVM's optimizer
hence if it works with 3.8 ...
i have no idea why the process spec fails though
3.5 on master is green already
so we just need to release :P
well i wouldn't trust that it's truly fuxed
Sija: this quite hard to poke at without being able to do it locally on code :/
<Sija> @jhass: It seems to me that either Proc docs are wrong in regard to holding the pointer (to callback vs boxed data) or I'm missing sth
optimisations will depends on the code around it right?
<Sija> I don't rly get this `Box` thing since I can pass `self.as(Void*)` and l8r on "unbox" it via `foo = data.as(Foo)`, so why would I need to create another object as a holder?
so it doesn't GC -_-
yes you don't necessarily need this Box indirection but then you can't pass closures
<Sija> @BlaXpirit yeah, I was using it exactly in this way, and it *got GC-ed* :/
<Sija> @BlaXpirit What I'm trying to say is that docs are stating sth that's simply incorrect
what part of "We must save this in Crystal-land so the GC doesn't collect it" is not clear?
<Sija> ... neither?
<Sija> which part of #3140 is not clear to you?
you know what? i think you're right, sorry
<Sija> uff, thanks for telling me that 'cause i got a bit frustrated already ;)
<Sija> docs say "save `callback`" and I say "save `data_as_callback` and (if u need it) `callback`"
<Sija> otherwise this whole `Box` thing doesn't work as advertised
<Sija> `Box.box` could also bake the reference keeping in somehow
nah, that's basically a global array
or set
<Sija> either this or fixing every `Box.box` in the code ;)
<alex-lairan> Hi everyones, I want to parse my YAML file into a data on my program, I have this code, but I think this is realy ugly ^.^
[crystal] jhass opened pull request #3144: run standard library specs in release mode on travis (master...release_specs) https://git.io/v60o4
jhass, why don't you run all specs in release mode? Might want to run that in parallel using a matrix build too.
RX14, i don't think that it being a proper matrix or not affects parallel-ness
I'm not confident travis has even enough memory for this
even if it does it probably will take 30+ minutes longer
this is why I would get my own CI architecture :/
sure, will you pay the servers for us? :)
you can get good servers for very cheap off ebay these days, then go for colo
people don't know the value of their own hardware
hardware is cheap
yeah, human costs i know
i have a server hanging around, running irssi and tmux
well as a student my time is free to me and servers are not, so using aws and the like is just not worth it for me
my internet connection has no public ip address, goes down sometimes, electricity goes down sometimes (not to mention it costs money) thats why i use a VPS
of course crystal would need a ton of RAM
only 8gb per job i would say
ram is cheap
16:13:10 up 106 days
most VPS services are not flexible enough to make RAM cheap. but yeah, u could probably find a good one
although my server has a shitty cpu
you can get some dual cpu machines with 32gb ram for super super cheap on ebay