<xfbs> Well, basically I got a bunch of errors when compiling crystal-diff, so I fixed them (was related to type declarations of instance variables), and then it just failed
<bew> I just tried to clone and run the specs of this shards, and all specs passes (I'm using Crystal v0.24.1)
<xfbs> So do I.. that's weird
<xfbs> okay wait
<xfbs> Okay that's odd, works for me as well
xfbs: does the usage example work for you? just tried and it worked for me, no changes needed
<bew> @xfbs then your errors comes probably from the code that is using the shard
<xfbs> Okay, got it compiled without error, usage example works for me standalone
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<xfbs> Okay this is super weird
<xfbs> When I clone the shard, run `crystal spec`, all is fine.
<xfbs> When I add the shard to my project, `require "diff"`, and use `Diff.diff` somewhere in my code, I get:
<bew> are you sure you have the lastest version of it?
<bew> In the version I just cloned, the initialize looks like `def initialize(@a : A, @b : B)`
<bew> not `def initialize(@a, @b)`
<xfbs> Yeah, wait, something is fishy here.
<xfbs> I think I know why, shards is using v1.0.0, whereas the version I cloned uses `master`
<bew> maybe you have a shards.lock file, which is blocking the versions?
<bew> or use `branch: master` in your shards.yml
<xfbs> Yep, that fixed it! I deleted `shards.lock` and put `branch: master` into the shards file. 👍
<bew> I think this is because shards uses the last tagged version of the shards you're using, and @MakeNowJust didn't add a tag for the last version. I think you open an issue on his repository to fix this
<bew> I'm glad it worked ;)
xfbs: instead of deleting the shards.lock file you can always use shards update iirc
<xfbs> Gotcha. :)
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<bew> @xfbs are you going to create an issue to fix the tag of that shard? (else I'll do it)
<xfbs> Sure, why not :)
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<xfbs> Alright, all done, git commit -a -m "wip" and off to bed!
<bew> don't forget the push :p
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Does anyone know why I'd be getting the error `undefined method 'mapping' for JSON:Module`?
<bew> how and where are you calling it?
<bew> note: it's a macro, not a method, so something is wrong with how you call it I think that make the compiler think that you're trying to call a module-method
Yeah I figured the issue out. I was putting a space between the key and the type
So I guess it thought it was a method
<bew> Cool! "I was putting a space between the key and the type" I don't see what you mean, can you give an example?
<bew> yes, the `a : Type` syntax has been introduced not long ago to restrict the possible types of `a`, but it's usually not recommended to use iirc
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<bew> @watzon I've open #5700 on this
<bew> I think it describe the problem, what do you think?
Yup seems to do the trick
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<aisrael> Hmmn. So it’s easy to get confused between `a : Type’ and `a: method`. Out of curiousity, why wasn’t the `Type a: method_or_value` syntax considered?
<aisrael> (And why won’t the Gitter iOS client let me edit or delete messages!?!)
<bew> (try to double tap the message for edit)
<aisrael> (I keep trying to. It’s not saving my edit it seems.)
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<bew> @aisrael I think it's because the type is optionnal, and maybe it's hard to tell when there's a type and when not without using a specific syntax like ` : Type`
<bew> and also, where `a : Type` is used, `a: method` is not used and vice & versa.. `a : Type` is usually used (or not as it's optionnal) in method definition, and `a: method` is used when calling the method
<aisrael> Right! In general `a : Type` is used in method declarations, whereas `a: method` is used when calling the method, except in very narrow edge cases (e.g. passing a `Class` as a named parameter or hash).
<bew> even when passing a class to a method: `method_accepting_class arg: Int32`
<aisrael> (Was just thinking the `Type a` prefix restriction could still be optional, but then it’d also clash with the `def foo : Type` post-fix declaration style.)
<bew> you're right
<aisrael> @bew Yeah I think that’s what sometimes gives even me some confusion. A single space can throw you off
<bew> the specific cases where you can have things like this: `some_macro a : Bool` is with macros
<bew> because macros can take anything as parameter, even class/method/etc.. declaration
<bew> but that's another story... :)
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<Qwerp-Derp> @straight-shoota I guess
<Qwerp-Derp> I think I'm blaming him too much, in which case I'm sorry
<Qwerp-Derp> I'm going to start my separate branch of libui anyway
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That example is exactly what I'm talking about avoiding though. You have to create two classes and then compose class B into class A, even if that's the only time you're ever going to use class B.
<bew> ah misread the first line, why `without create multiple classes`
<bew> ?
It's just a little more verbose than I like
Especially for large JSON objects
I have to go create a class for each and every sub-object
<bew> then no, there no way to do that, you'll have to create a class (or a struct?) for every sub objects
<bew> note, if you don't want to have all classes at the same scoping level, you can put all the sub object' classes inside the parent class
That's what I thought. It would be nice if we could find a way to change that behaviour
<bew> another way would be to not use the JSON.mapping macro, and write your mappings manually
<bew> this is not that hard
You mean by just making `to_json` and `from_json` methods?
<bew> you can look at the code generated by the macro to see exactly how things works
That's kinda going in the opposite direction though. Making things more difficult instead of easier ^.^
<bew> the `from_json` is in fact a `initialize(pull : JSON::PullParser)` (iirc)
<bew> well, if you find a better way to do this we can see if it's worth adding to the stdlib
Wouldn't it be possible to have the macro accept a named tuple as a possible option and then have that named tuple create a struct automatically? Basically the key would be upcased and become the name of the class, and then it would get its own JSON.mapping.
Which would generate a Chapters class and a Characters class each with their respective mapping?
Why not?
<bew> because the use of `JSON.mapping a: Type` is already a shortcut to the real: `JSON.mapping a: {type: Type}`, and this nested namedtuple allows you to specify options for the field
Ahh right
<bew> those options are documented in the link I gave you earlier
I feel like I already know the problems with this though
<bew> yes but no, the nested JSON.mapping are not macros here, and won't be expanded
Oh can you not have nested macros? Or is it because they don't expand to anything valid?
<bew> the arguments you give to a macro can only be descriptive, it is not dynamic, macro calls won't be expanded, it will jus be sent as 'a call to a method JSON.mapping' with this, this and that param
<bew> to handle this syntax, the JSON.mapping could detect the `JSON.mapping` call, and rewrite it to be expanded later, or something like this, but I feel that it will just not work, or you will hit limitations from the current macro system while trying to do that
<aisrael> Yeah the lack of nesting in macros does indeed impose a strong limitation on what you can do with them
<bew> well, you can have macros in macros
<bew> but you can't expand a macro and directly give the result to another macro
I see. Hmm.
Really we just need a better system anyway. Personally I like the idea of decorators or metadata tags, but I don't know how that would solve this problem , unless you decorated a class or struct inside of another class or struct.
But that is still basically the same issue. Go just has a very elegant way of doing serialization.
<bew> the metadata is in discussion since quite a long time now, but this will still require you many classes for the many sub objects
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[crystal] r00ster91 opened pull request #5701: Use double quotes in html_renderer.cr, begin_code (master...patch-2) https://git.io/vALMi
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[crystal] asterite closed pull request #5675: Support BigDecimal comparison with and initialization from BigRational (master...bigdecimal-with-bigrational) https://git.io/vNAIv
<straight-shoota> but I don't really know why you would need that
<straight-shoota> what are you doing?
<xfbs> It's just semantically cleaner to write `File.split(path)` than `path.split(File::SEPARATOR)` I think
<straight-shoota> yeah, but why do you need the individual path components?
<straight-shoota> if there's a use case, sure it would be better to have a method for this to be able to handle different path flavours (windows/posix) transparently
<xfbs> I need to swap "/some/path/a/to/file" to "/some/path/b/to/file"
<straight-shoota> So you actually want to traverse the parents of a path?
<xfbs> Not really traverse, just replace the second parent of a file with another
<straight-shoota> yeah, you want to go up two levels and then down in a different tree
<xfbs> Basically, yeah. :)
<straight-shoota> #5635 has Path#parent and Path#basename
<stevensonmt> Think I just figured out a fundamental error I have been making with crystal. In ruby, `nil` is treated as `falsy` but in crystal it is treated as an exception. For instance ⏎ ⏎ ```code paste, see link``` ⏎ ⏎ would execute the else block in ruby but not crystal. Is this right? [https://gitter.im/crystal-lang/crystal?at=5a7f0b9418f388e62687a080]
no it shouldn't, because Hash#[] raises on not finding the key, whereas Hash#[]? doesn't
<stevensonmt> Oh, `Hash#[]?` not `Hash#[]`? :)
<stevensonmt> Thanks.
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If I have sth like `@sth = Set(UInt64).new`, how can @sth still be nil?
Eg. I'm getting `undefined method 'empty?' for Nil (compile-time type is (Set(UInt64) | Nil))`
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<bew> where did you set `@sth` ?
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is there a similar literal to %w[ ... ] for string tuples?
hm :(
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inside a initialize
bew ping
<bew> weird then, can you share a reproductible example?
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I could push the code, but haven't been able to find a reproducable example
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<straight-shoota> you could add `@sth : Set(UInt64)` to the type body
<straight-shoota> the compiler should complain if it could be nil someplace
<straight-shoota> helps you identify the issue
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good idea :)
Can someone ellaborate what `instance variable '@available_guilds' of DiscordBot was not initialized directly in all of the 'initialize' methods, rendering it nilable. Indirect initialization is not supported.` means?
<straight-shoota> you have an initializer which doesn't set this instance variable
<straight-shoota> that's what I expected to be the reason why it could be nil
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<bew> thanks @straight-shoota 🙏 I had no idea how to make this more clear 😄
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hm.. weird...
gonna do some digging :) Thanks
oops... yes... I actually was outside the initializer... gonna have to restructure this...
Getting: `Error in src/discordtipbot/discordbot.cr:10: instance variable '@available_guilds' of DiscordBot was not initialized directly in all of the 'initialize' methods, rendering it nilable. Indirect initialization is not supported.`
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<straight-shoota> whoa that's a huge constructor :D
<straight-shoota> have you tried removing all non-essential pieces from the constructor?
<straight-shoota> another idea:
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<straight-shoota> since the initializers don't really do anything, you might just put `@unavailable_guilds = Set(UInt64).new` in the type context where you already have the type declaration
oh. right...
thanks. that worked :)
<xfbs> Say I'm implementing a DSL in crystal for the first time and I don't really know how to go about it. I want the interface to be something like this: ⏎ ⏎ ```def self.message(regex, &block) ⏎ @handlers[regex] = block ⏎ end``` ⏎ ⏎ Then it won't compile, will it, because useful_method is an instance method but the proc is being evaluated in a class method context, right?
<bew> another way would be to 'generate' the initialize, but it's getting macro-heavy here.. probably not the way to go
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<straight-shoota> using macro, it defines a method and adds that methods name to a static list. when an object of the class is initialized, all methods in this list are added or executed or whatever
<straight-shoota> this could certainly work without macros, depending on what you need
<xfbs> How could I make this work without macros?
<xfbs> I'd like a nice clean interface but I don't want to overcomplicate things :p
<bew> this is the hardest balance to find :P
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<straight-shoota> well, without macros you can't simply execute the block in the context of the instance, that won't work as far as I know.
<straight-shoota> but you could pass the instance as an parameter to the block
because it can be nil in theory. (or wait... it would be 0)
* greenbigfrog
is stupid
on the other hand, you may have some trouble initializing them
unless you just write =0
yep... `instance variable '@transactions' of Statistics was not initialized directly in all of the 'initialize' methods, rendering it nilable. Indirect initialization is not supported.`
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* greenbigfrog
made the query's none nilable but left the instance variables be
<jwoertink> I'm not sure what I'm missing here. I think it's because I'm instantiating the hash with a default array. Maybe that's not sticking like I think it should?
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jwoertink, i dont think hash[key] is supposed to add anything to it
<jwoertink> hmmm
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<jwoertink> yeah, if I change this up to
it works with integers because i applied a fundamentally different operation to it
jwoertink, it's not really surprising once you know how References work. A block returns a new reference each time, while passing a reference into the constructor will always return that reference