<aisrael> Isn’t that exactly what the `#to_json` method is supposed to do?
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<vonKingsley> I was hoping at first, but after checking the code I see that the to_json that is in JSON.mapping is on a instance level and only outputs a previously parsed string that may have been modified through the instance variables
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<aisrael> Oh—so you meant get the mapping itself as a JSON document, with empty values? Like that?
<vonKingsley> yeah thats what I was hoping for, I'm just being lazy. I have a configuration class that parses a json file to get config values, i was looking to see if there was an easy way to take my mappings and create a default config
<vonKingsley> thanks @bew that looks pretty slick, after reviewing the code I have some ideas on how i can achieve this. i'll play around a bit more and see what I can come up with.
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<aisrael> If I pass in a `&block` to a method, and then store the block (to be called later), how do I tell the compiler that I will be calling the block `with self yield`? That is, how do I let the compiler know the type of the default receiver of the block? ⏎ ⏎ See https://carc.in/#/r/3mq1
<aisrael> Alternatively, how do I call a `Proc` (the captured block) explicitly and specify the default receiver? `block.call(a)` makes `a` the first argument, not the receiver
<bew> you can't
<bew> you can't change the receiver of a proc
<bew> and when you capture a block as a proc with `def foo(&captured_block); end` you can't change the receiver..
<bew> The syntax `with ... yield` works only with non-captured blocks
<bew> what's your usecase?
<aisrael> Pretty much what’s in the code snippet. I’d like to capture a block (in a class level `self.captures_block` method), then later on call the block passing the actual instance as the receiver
<aisrael> I’m also trying using `|cmd|` as a block parameter, but now am getting some other compiler error about “block passed expecting 0” or some such
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<aisrael> (Ok, I got the `|cmd|` as block parameter working, just needed `&block : Command ->)`)
<aisrael> Ahh.. I must’ve missed that :D
<bew> ;)
<aisrael> I’ll probably reconsider Admiral if I get into anything more complex than what I have now. But then again, I’m patterning it after the `kubectl` and `docker` CLI so not sure how far Admiral can get here, either
<bew> I've been looking for a good cli builder too some time ago, and wanted docker/git, and was thinking about making my own too.. But Admiral seems to handle pretty much everything I want. Make sure to check https://github.com/psykube/psykube (a big project using admrial for CLI)
admiral is far too magic for my taste
too many classes and too few methods with blocks
and far far too many macros
<bew> true too, but I absolutely wanted to use classes for commands & subcommands, and not have too many blocks like some other does. So it's a good fit for me
well I much prefer blocks to classes in this usecase
I should make my own option parser...
<bew> \o/
nah lol
the stdlib parser is perfect
well not realy
it's most of the way there
it just needs a sane way to handle subcommands
<bew> yeah, which IIRC asterite doesn't want in the stdlib :/
it doesn't need to be fancy or overengineered
it just needs an option to just return the unparsed array
so what you'd do is have an optionparses for the global options
it'd consume them firast
then you *know* the top of the argv is the subcommand
you pop that into a case
then optionparser the rest
all it takes is a small patch
not reinventing everything
<bew> sure, nobody ever PR'd that though
<aisrael> I had the same sentiments about macros and “magic” in admiral. Oh, and I remember now I wanted to support both `--flag=value` and `--flag value` Ended up just writing my own `OptionPullParser`. Didn’t take too much effort.
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<anicholson> speaking of macros, I assume (given the presence of `Crystal::Macros::Block`) that it's possible to pass a macro to a block, a la: ⏎ ⏎ ```my_macro do ⏎ ... ⏎ end``` ⏎ ⏎ But I'm not sure how I would express that in the macro definition… [https://gitter.im/crystal-lang/crystal?at=5a90d984e4ff28713abc7415]
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hi, is struct just like a class (but use stack memory) ?
<anicholson> yup
<aisrael> IIRC you can’t `extend` a `Struct` unless it’s `abstract`
<anicholson> @aisrael do you mean inherit?
"The best thing to do is to only use structs with immutable objects" because what ?
<bew> @anicholson either use `{{yield}}` to paste the block, or use `&block` in the macro and use the macro variable `block` (it's a `Crystal::Macros::Block`)
<anicholson> @bew champion! 💯
<aisrael> @anicholson I meant, you can’t `struct Foo < AnotherStruct` yeah. Wrong keyword
<anicholson> @aisrael yup. Anyone who's done C will understand why that is :)
yeah, i came from html language
<aisrael> I’m a PowerPoint and Excel warrior myself, mostly
<anicholson> @codenoid do you know what "stack memory" means?
<anicholson> nice. So you don't want to inherit from structs, because then it's inefficient. If a `struct B `inherits from `struct A` and added extra fields, anywhere an A was expected, the program would have to allocate enough memory to fit a `B` in - because passing a `B` would be valid
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i've never use inherit, cuz i still doesn't need that, but thanks for sharing
<anicholson> <3
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<anicholson> Q: is there a way to use `crystal tool expand` over an entire file?
omg, named tuple is 122.66× faster than hash
<anicholson> that's not super-surprising to me :) it's a big number though!
<bew> @anicholson don't think there is a way no, I'd love to have that too
<aisrael> Cause `NamedTuple` is ‘evaluated’ at compile time, vs. at run-time for `Hash`?
<anicholson> There's all sorts of guarantees a compiler can make about `NamedTuple` that it can't about a Hash: its size & shape, for example (`NamedTuple`s won't ever have new keys, for example)
<anicholson> so it doesn't have to use a hashtable underneath for storage - it could do an anonymous struct, for example
<anicholson> that's already going to be immensely faster than a Hash, that could be any size, needs to handle data reorganising itself, etc. etc.
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Does anyone know of a good way of sorting hashes? Crystal's Hash doesn't have a sort method like Ruby's does
you use #{__DIR__} to create the correct relative path
is the makefile not meant for cross-compilation?
you are a cool dude RX14
i follow you on twitter
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<philfine> Can I do a binding with C where I pass an object together with a callback, and once the callback is called I can access the object
<philfine> The callback is called from C, but the object is a Crystal object
<philfine> Basically, the C function takes a void * and I wonder if I can pass a crystal object through that object. C side will never touch it
philfine, yes, you can do that
are you going to keep a reference to that object to keep it alive?
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<philfine> @oprypin Can you point me out to the documentation page ?
<philfine> Found it, missed the callback part from the bindings
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<faultyserver> is there a clean way to evaluate an alternate condition only when the value is `nil` (not `false`)?
<faultyserver> but that feels *really* bad
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Hi guys, I am completely confused regarding SecureRandom / Random::Secure... I simply want to generate a uuid like with Ruby SecureRandom.uuid ... how to achieve this in crystal? Thanks
Nik736, well doesnt Random::Secure.uuid work?
No, I think its UUID.random now
for whatever reason, anyone want to shed some light why this was changed? thanks
but shouldn't I be able to just use Random::Secure.uuid than?
Nik736, apparently not anymore
UUID is a concept of its own; there
UUID is a concept of its own; there is no reason that anything that could be random should be a method of Random
I can see your point, but from the outside it looks more messy now than it was before but I don't want to complain so I am just taking it as it is :P Thanks for your help
Nik736, how do you define messy? when it's not what you're used to because something else did it this way?
an arbitrary collection of things that might be wanted randomized
ye, this is why I liked it, all in one place and you know where you need to search, now it's all over the place
but I see your point and it was changed for a reason so I will take it as it is, no problem
whatever you say
my opinion is not important anyways
Nik736, the main reason is the unification of implementations
all the things you could do with SecureRandom, now you can do with any RNG, and all the things that you could do with any RNG, now you can do with Random::Secure
shuffle an array securely? why not. get a random integer in range in a secure manner? why not