<Blacksmoke16> https://play.crystal-lang.org/#/r/5dii pp with `JSON::Serializable` and not nilable property `throws invalid memory access` error
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<girng> what is CON::any? New?
<dscottboggs_gitlab> it's a new object representation @j8r is working on, it's supposed to be easier on the eyes and around as efficient as JSON to parse.
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<girng> Sounds cool
<girng> Seems pretty fast too
<dscottboggs_gitlab> yeah, I'm not sure how I feel about it but it certainly looks like a fun project
<girng> I recommend Derek in the comments a few months to do a tut on Crystal too
<girng> Glad its going more exposure
<proyb6> I love Crystal as its easier to add C binding for any missing feature l
<proyb6> more easier than Swift
<dscottboggs_gitlab> that's a nice tutorial but I feel like he covers a lot more than the core of crystal. one of the things that I like so much about crystal is that at its core all you really need to know is that EVERYTHING is an object which returns, and then point to the docs. I mean, there's a lot more to it but I feel like that should be front and center in any introduction.
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<girng> Yeah, he mostly just goes over the syntax
<girng> Maybe in future he can make more in-depth tutorials
<dscottboggs_gitlab> well, like right after going over data types he goes straight into string methods and like that's useful but I don't see any reason for a demonstration of that it's more of something you look at a reference for until you're familiar with
<dscottboggs_gitlab> but tbh I've never seen one of his videos before that might just be how he does things
<girng> Yeah he's got a video for every language, just like that
<girng> Lol
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<sam0x17> lets say I have an abstract class `Opp`, and I want to make a hash of `Hash(String, T)` where `T` is any class that extends `Opp`. How would I write that?
<sam0x17> ` @@opp_to_class = Hash(String, Opp).new` does not work as when I try to assign to it I get `no overload matches 'Set(Nojs::Opp)#add' with type Nojs::PlusOpp.class`
<sam0x17> where `PlusOpp` extends `Opp`
<sam0x17> basically I need to take string operators and map those to Opp classes, and I don't want to write a giant case statement
<Blacksmoke16> whats all this for?
<sam0x17> a compiler
<Blacksmoke16> gotcha
<sam0x17> I'm writing a very simple language that compiles to js called nojs
<Blacksmoke16> neat
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<sam0x17> it's basically opionatedly stripped down ruby and in a way that will be performant instead of the Opal way
<sam0x17> best part is the CLI gets to call itself "no"
<Blacksmoke16> sounds like a plan
<sam0x17> originally I was just going to add ruby/crystal-style require statements to js to replace those horrible js modules, but I was like screw it I'll just bring over everything I want. Web assembly is taking too long for shit I want and I know compiler theory enough to make this work
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<sam0x17> like my biggest gripe is nodejs making you do all this exports bullshit when I'd rather just dumbly import a file at the current scope like php and C and C++ and crystal and Ruby and everything else does
<sam0x17> and I want to support real closures (I'm not 100% sure I can though, haven't worked on that part yet)
<sam0x17> so ruby/crystal style blocks
<sam0x17> map, etc
<Blacksmoke16> sounds like you got some work to do :p
<sam0x17> yup
<sam0x17> tokenizer is 95% done so that's nice
<Blacksmoke16> good luck, imma get to bed for the night
<Blacksmoke16> #progress
<sam0x17> night
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<valamorgon> how can I get class property from string like this[myString] in javascript ? like self[myString]
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<girng> gn
<valamorgon> nvm I solved it with macros
<kimvex> Hi, i have a question... how export a module since an file and import from other file and use this module importa
<kimvex> *imported
<kimvex> ?
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<melonlub> can I have optional arguments in macro?
<bew> @melonlub yes, just give them a default value
<bew> @kimvex you simply require the file, and your module will be available everywhere
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<kimvex> @bew thanks,
<melonlub> thanks @bew
<melonlub> can i definie aliases inside macros?
<bew> nop, no function in function either
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<j8r> @melonlub group them in the same module
<melonlub> okay, I am using macro to generate class and then adding them to a hash. Is there any way to initialize a Hash without specifying the type of the value?
<rishavs> Is there a known issue where `DB.query_one?` returns a DB::Error if there are no rows returned? According to the docs, in case of no rows, it should return nil
<melonlub> Is there a method similar to slice in javascript for crystal?
<drum445> @rishavs Not sure tbh, although I hope that isn't a plain text password ;)
<rishavs> its a bcrypted one
<bajro17> @melonlub you can just use array[1..3]
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<bew> @melonlub but note that it will create a new array
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<proyb6> Can we actually include C header file in Crystal without writing it manually in LibC scope?
<j8r> So for now, you can compile statically linked binaries for x86-64, arm64 and x86 (compiling on x86-64 with cross compilation and linking in x86)
<fenicks> > So for now, you can compile statically linked binaries for x86-64, arm64 and x86 (compiling on x86-64 with cross compilation and linking in x86) ⏎ ⏎ Understood
<dscottboggs_gitlab> is there a way to build a spec executable for running with lldb?
<proyb6> @bew I see, was reading on Swift programming, I wanted to compare the pros and cons in Crystal and Swift approach. Libvips is not yet bind despite discussed
<dscottboggs_gitlab> @j8r holy shit definitely gonna have to give those a try
<bew> There's bindgen from Papierkorb (it's used to bind to qt)
<dscottboggs_gitlab> I tried `crystal build spec/spec_helper.cr --static`and that didn't actually run any of my specs
<j8r> @dscottboggs_gitlab because the helper contains nothing
<dscottboggs_gitlab> @bew I saw a comment from Papierkorb that he "doesn't have time for crystal anymore" and I can't get bindgen or qt5.cr to compile so I would consider those projects abandoned unfortunately
<dscottboggs_gitlab> oh right the specs require the helper not the other way around
<kimvex> @j8r yes, know but does not have something similar to the cluster in nodejs?
<proyb6> @kimvex You can used fork keyword on multiple Crystal process with cluster something like Nodejs, find the "cluster" in gist for some examples or Github, it's feasible.
<melonlub> How can I cross compile to windows?
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<fridgerator> @melonlub Crystal does not have windows support yet
<bew> Not fully at least
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<fridgerator> If cross compilation to windows were to work, i'm guessing it would require WINE or something else
<melonlub> okay. Is there anything equal to eval in crystal?
macros are as close as you come, but that is compiletime
<dscottboggs_gitlab> you could, of course, imlement an `eval` function somewhere, which accepts a string, writes it to a temp file, builds it, then runs it. But eval() functions are a huge security hole and should never be used IMO. ⏎ ⏎ not to mention, with crystal, you're not "executing" text, you're executing a binary which is optimized. doing an "eval" in crystal will be even slower than just using an
... interpreted language anyway because compile-time is longer than it takes to interpret an interpreted language, even without optimizations
<melonlub> ah. I was just wondering if it was possible since there are packages for go that allows evaluation of simple expressions.
<dscottboggs_gitlab> like I said, it's feasible
<dscottboggs_gitlab> it's just highly discouraged
<dscottboggs_gitlab> also, compile times for crystal are slower right now than go's compile times
<dscottboggs_gitlab> probably always will be
<bew> What kind of expressions?
<roblally_twitter> I've heard, here, that the crystal team are moving it towards support for true concurrency. Has a concurrency roadmap been published anywhere?
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<bew> There is no roadmap for concurrency afaik, fwiw @ysbaddaden is working on it, he recently made a few PR to clean the current concurrency code in order to prepare for fibers over real threads
<bew> @dscottboggs_gitlab indeed but that's not a roadmap, and devs don't think to update it (maybe it'll come^^)
<vladfaust> Hey guys, do you know if I could trigger top-level require in `included` macro? https://carc.in/#/r/5dp1
<vladfaust> It says `can't require inside type declarations`
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<roblally_twitter> @bew Are the sentiments in the links @dscottboggs_gitlab still current? There seemed to be questions about whether a preemptive scheduler would ever be part of the design.
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<bew> No you can't @vladfaust, would be nice though
<vladfaust> Yeah, would be...
<vladfaust> I'm afraid if I create another feature request issue I'd get banned
<bew> Lol
<bew> What's you usecase for this behavior?
<bew> (the require)
<vladfaust> I have `Atom::Model` module for ORM objects. And I have `atom/model/repo` which defines app-level repository while requiring `DB_URL` env. Right now I have to write `require "atom/model"` explicitly in my app when I want to use models. I'd like `atom/model/repo` to be required only if there is at least one `Atom::Model` included.
<vladfaust> That looks complicated, but it's really not :)
@vladfaust replied to your issue
<vladfaust> Haven't read it yet @RX14, are there any good news for me?
i replicated your desired interface exactly, well typed, without your proposed feature
or macros
<vladfaust> Give me a little time
<vladfaust> I see now. It looks nice, thanks, @RX14! Gonna use this approach for now :)
well that feature isn't going to get implemented
<vladfaust> Ever?
probably not
<vladfaust> Could you elaborate on reasons? Just because it's hard to?
mainly that
but I imagine the semantics would be super weird
<vladfaust> I'm far from understanding that deeply
basically your proposal is to put the defaults for a named tuple into the type
but types don't really carry values
and the type inference could only ever work when the named tuple was an argument to the method
just like the enum shorthand
and because there's a good alternative to the syntax
there's little motivation to clear up these issues
<vladfaust> Still not understanding, honestly, but it's me. I appreciate the effort to explain this and I believe you
adding a NamedTuple#deep_merge would be another strategy
then you'd just take **args and merge some stuff
then you could pass around the named tuple
however - it's not as well-typed as my proposal
and it's nicer to pass around records
if you need type aliases it's kind of a code smell already
<vladfaust> I like the errors your example brings, they're self-descriptive enough
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<vladfaust> Thank you very much.
I do agree with you that crystal needs to maintain ruby's ability to create powerful DSLs
and do so easily
<vladfaust> I'm glad you dive into the issue
<vladfaust> Yes, it needs a way to create API wrappers easily at least
<vladfaust> Because lots of software is built around existing HTTP APIs
other languages would probably reduce the nesting and use a builder API
<vladfaust> I don't understand, what building approach you're talking about?
it doesn't matter, it's inferior :)
<vladfaust> I believe so
<vladfaust> But in the end, do you like the syntax of target examples which are in the issue?
<vladfaust> The one of just nested tuples?
the ones which I replicated? yes
I like them as a DSL
or to put it more simply
I like the user-facing API
but transforming that nice user-facing API into records or other classes as soon as possible internally to gain crystal's typing advantage is a must for me
I wouldn't want to pass around named tuples very "far"
<vladfaust> Let's split it. Having exclusively tuple arguments is bad?
I don't think so
<vladfaust> In your implementation you still use records. Would it be better to use tuples exclusively, giving that we have Stripe API docs?
no, thats what I was talking about
I would always use records internaly
<vladfaust> But these are arguments only
<vladfaust> What's bad about it? Not-so-good errors?
I use records but the records are not in the API
or - don't have to be
<vladfaust> Yes, not in the public one
so I'm not sure what you mean
<vladfaust> What's the advantage of your "I'm trying to use records when speaking about complex arguments"?
well passing named tuples around is harder than records
because you cant add methods
and the syntax for named tuple types gets messy
its just not what named tuples are designed to do
<vladfaust> And what are they designed to do?
for passing ad-hoc data a small disatnce
maybe inside one class
ideally inside one or maybe two methods
<vladfaust> That's exactly the case I'm working on!
but definitely for for a whole project
but it's not so
because these types are global to the API wrapper
they're used in a lot of places
<vladfaust> These arguments are used exclusively for one method. The records *can not be shared* due to Stripe API "features"
so record fits better
if the named tuples never leave the method then you could use merge to add defaults
then maybe use .as() to assert that the resulting named tuple was the correct type
but it still wouldn't be quite as nice errors
try it out for yourself
<vladfaust> Yeah, I will. Thanks for `merge` idea
<vladfaust> You've helped me a lot, @RX14
I was imagining these records would be passed around a lot
but I guess since its an API wrapper it'll just be straight to json
you just wanted defaults and type checking
<vladfaust> Exactly (urlformencoded in this case :))
I don't think that you'll get as good errors
but it might be acceptable
<vladfaust> No, I don't even want defaults. I need ommit-ability
that is defaults?
<vladfaust> To skip some args
<vladfaust> NamedTuple isn't capable of omitting args, right? And MY issue is exactly about that
thats what merge is for
thats defaults
to me
<vladfaust> Please, how would you implement merge in this case? https://carc.in/#/r/5dq8 I would be even more thankful, because it's not clear for me now
<bew> Nice resolution RX14 ;)
<vladfaust> https://carc.in/#/r/5dqg how to handle non-nilable exp_month etc. in this case (remember, I want to get rid from records), @RX14?
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<vladfaust> I think I'm too tired for today
<vladfaust> I think there is no way to get rid of records, though
<vladfaust> You cannot define a strict list of arguments (with nested) using `merge` approach
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