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<Nicolab> Converting JSON translation files to YAML => oq => thanks for this tools @Blacksmoke16 👍
<Blacksmoke16> 💯 good to hear :)
<Nicolab> with pleasure, thanks
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<mattrberry> @oprypin Now that I'm working on a gba emulator, I'm starting to realize how much it'd be nice to have actually good sdl2 bindings rather than a hacky mix of ysbaddaden's bindings and my own. If you ever end up doing that, please let me know 👉👈
@mattrberry: haha oh i probably won't 😩. my thing has been to bind libraries which already have an object-oriented API so I don't need to think too much
so c++ libs and libchipmunk which somehow pulls off being OO in pure C
@mattrberry: i forget, what made you decide against sfml
IMO OO C == Good C. Fight me.
depending on what you mean by OO C of course. If you mean the old variants using *** pointers, then I feel your pain.
<mattrberry> @oprypin I initially used your sfml bindings, but when I tried them I had a lot of trouble getting them to work because of versioning issues. When I did get that to work, then I felt like sfml’s audio interface was more confusing than sdl’s. I’ve considered revisiting it since I didn’t know *anything* about audio at the time, but I’ve been happy enough with sdl to not bother
versioning issues 🤔
that one might have gotten a little better (it doesn't put its own additional .so file now)
<mattrberry> Iirc I had issues just getting sfml installed in the first place and I had to build from source just to get a reasonably recent build. Then I had issues with crsfml not liking my instal for some reason
audio - yea i don't know much about it. definitely know 0 about audio in sdl, can't comment
<mattrberry> I’d have to look at it again since the last time I tried crsfml was back at the end of April
<mattrberry> It might be worth a shot again because you’ve already integrated it with your imgui bindings, but I’d just be weary about the audio interface. I’d want to give it a try first. Tbh it shouldn’t be too challenging to drop in as a replacement for sdl if it works though. At least for graphics
dang, well then there's no big breakthrough in crsfml, all i can say is, I'd be glad to help :D
<asterite> @mattrberry yeah, I really wish there were really good, complete bindings for SDL2. I think we would need someone with: knowledge of SDL2, knowledge of Crystal and time/willingness to do it. But it would make doing things on top of SDL2 much easier.
<Blacksmoke16> i personally like the API doc approach, makes it harder for them to get out of date, and keeps the docs close to the code its describing
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<mattrberry> @asterite It’s somewhere on my todo list, but a pretty long way off tbh. Outside of work, I’ve only been finding about an hour or two per day to work on projects :/ I have a handful of projects queued up before that point. Hopefully somebody else with more time comes around in the meantime
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@Blacksmoke16: of course it's a good approach. just shit implementation
<Blacksmoke16> not going to get super fancy docs, but it does its job
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Hey guys, is it possible to create a scoped block in Crystal? I.E, I just want to create a scope temporarily so I can throw away some variables, similar to: `{ auto x = 1; auto y = 2; }` in C++ let's say
<Blacksmoke16> would that not just be a local variable?
I'm writing at the main file scope though
But yeah that's what I'm after, I want to introduce a scope so that I can create local variables temporarily
<Blacksmoke16> although im not sold on if this really needed?
I don't know, so many other languages allow for throwaway scopes for doing work like this, I wouldn't say It's needed
But it doesn't feel so great having to define methods for single time throwaway calls just to avoid having to come up with a lot of non-conflicting variable names
<Blacksmoke16> :shrug: cant say i never had a need to dod that
<Blacksmoke16> to do*
<Blacksmoke16> dont happen to have some example code of when this would be useful?
<Blacksmoke16> like in crystal lang
<Blacksmoke16> land*
Sure, I'll share what I'm writing in a moment if you're still around in 15 minutes
I have to fetch a few different things through an application that are all called proposals, and It's nice to be able to just re-use the variable names without worrying about the type unions growing out of control
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I also don't need the variables after so it feels kind of messy to have, val_proposals, prop_proposals hanging around through the whole script
Of course you don't have to code this way, I just prefer to I guess 🤷♂️
It's common in Rust
<Blacksmoke16> yea i guess i would try to do OOP it a bit more, versus just doing everything on the top level
<Blacksmoke16> like maybe use a module and class methods
<Blacksmoke16> just as a way to namespace/isolate the stuff
I'm not a fan of OOP when all it does is namespace something, It's a pretty imperative script
But yeah, different styles
<Blacksmoke16> or really its prob not a big deal if you redefine a variable later on
<Blacksmoke16> id imagine the compiler is smart enough to handle that
I just don't want to have to deal with is_a?() randomly, but yeah, true
I assumed it just grew out the union over time
I guess it does flow analysis
<Blacksmoke16> naw, new value new type
Very cool, first week with Crystal so It's all a bit new
<Blacksmoke16> can also restrict a local var to a specific type via like `foo : Int32 = 1`
Trying it out as an alternative to ugly bash scripts
<Blacksmoke16> wouldn't compile if you then tried to do `foo = "foo"`
<Blacksmoke16> imo wouldnt ruby be better in that regard? if you dont need perf having something that doesnt need to compile might be easier to work with
Compilation is actually what's making this easier, I have to deploy this into a pretty bare-bones image that I'm not allowed to install new system packages onto, but I can deploy binaries to
<Blacksmoke16> if the script is small, otherwise having a single binary that you can move around is also nice
<Blacksmoke16> 👍
`crystal` is turning out to be plenty fast for iteration also
<Blacksmoke16> not terrible yea, gets worse as it gets bigger, and when you introduce the release flag
<Blacksmoke16> but when you get it to a final state ofc just do an actual release build once and then you dont have to worry about it
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<asterite> blocks create a scope: if you declare a variable inside them (which isn't yet outside them) then the variable won't exist outside of the block. No need to use Proc or captured blocks
<asterite> So I guess you could do something like `def scope; yield; end`. Then use it like `scope { a = 1; whatever }; # a doesn't exist here`
<Blacksmoke16> `true_value if expression`
ugly and not readable if using many || &&
very difficult moving from ruby
<Blacksmoke16> what are you trying to port? got some example code?
my code ;-) I wrote in ruby and would move it to crystal
trouble is with types (default or not) and with 'then'
<Blacksmoke16> got some example code of the trouble parts?
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if trouble || nottrouble then make.size else make.other end
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<mgomes> You can use the ternary operator mentioned above: `trouble || not_trouble ? make.size : make.other`
if superhiper then a;b ; c; k; dd end
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<Blacksmoke16> solution here is to just not do that
<Blacksmoke16> just because crystal shares ruby syntax doesn't mean you should expect it to be 100% BC
<Blacksmoke16> with Ruby
<Blacksmoke16> `a; b; c if true` is valid code fwiw
<Blacksmoke16> so not really a big change required there anyway
syntax is very important when I must convert a programs
<Blacksmoke16> right, but there are bound to be changes you'll need to make in order to get it to work
<Blacksmoke16> having syntax similar to ruby helps reduce the amount, but there are still most likely going to be issues that'll need resolved
this is trouble for me
<Blacksmoke16> so to be clear you dont like that you'll have to change your Ruby program in order to make it work in Crystal?
I wrote ruby before crystal exist
<Blacksmoke16> so?
<Blacksmoke16> Sorry, I'm just trying to understand what the problem is