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<davidepaolotua_gitlab> Hi everyone, just to be sure I didn’t miss it anywhere… In Crystal, it’s currently not possible to have intersection types, am I right?
<naqvis> Hi, got an example?
you're thinking like java interfaces or rust traits?
Crystal solves this through automatic union types and duck typing
just don't type restrict your method argument and assume the methods are there on what you're passed
<davidepaolotua_gitlab> yup, but that would ensure that objects are either Displayable OR Moveable
<davidepaolotua_gitlab> if I want them to be Displayable AND Moveable, union types are not what I should look for, or am I missing anything?
Give it a try, turns out most of the time you don't care, just that you can trat them like that :)
<davidepaolotua_gitlab> Ok then :) I’ll give it a try
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<RespiteSage> @naqvis Interesting solution. The working code I have uses a ternary operator to map to the element or Nil, but I like the version that rejects `Nop` better.
<naqvis> `Nop` one looks like a magical one, as one need to know why its Nop but not Nil. I prefer to be explicit in my code as it makes easy to read and reason about.
<naqvis> also don't know the reason behind this inconsistency of `map` in normal code and macroland. normal code it should have returned `nil` instead of an empty node `Nop`
<Blacksmoke16> oo i think i might actually know how to fix this one
<Blacksmoke16> whats the issue? `.each_with_index` returns `Nop` instead of `Nil` type?
<RespiteSage> Yeah, that's fair. Right now the code is a PoC for myself, but if I ever use it for anything, I'll need to make it explicit. I'll leave my ternary for now.
<RespiteSage> @Blacksmoke16 Yeah, I think that's it. Lemme write a quick carc example.
hello, im trying to write a class....i need to initialize the class with an array of arrays (specifically: [ ["a","b"] , ["c","d"], ... ]
i keep getting either: Error: wrong number of type vars for Array(T) (given 2, expected 1)
or: Error: can't infer the type of instance variable '@tokens' of Parser
<Blacksmoke16> can you share the code?
def initialize(tokens : Array)
@tokens = tokens
@tp = 0
<Blacksmoke16> prob would be like `def initialize(@tokens : Array(Array(String))); end`
ah let me try that
<Blacksmoke16> need to be more specific than just `Array`
still wrong number of type vars for Array(T):
ive been looking through the docs, but all examples are single dimension (Int32, String, etc)....not arrays of mixed, so not quite getting my syntax right
<Blacksmoke16> so two things going on
<Blacksmoke16> first the type of tokens is actually `Array(Array(String | Int32))`, since the inner arrays can contain either strings or int32s
ok, i see that
<Blacksmoke16> next you have to help the compiler a bit by adding a `of Array(String | Int32)`
<Blacksmoke16> otherwise the inner arrays that do not contain int32s would not be allowed to contain them
<Blacksmoke16> so that basically says, each inner array can contain either strings or int32s, even if they don't currently
so it isnt inferring that @tokens should be same type as tokens? even though i say tokens = ... and @tokens = tokens?
<Blacksmoke16> thats the thing, they aren't the same w/o the `of Array(String | Int32)`
<Blacksmoke16> like, look at the error message: It says the type is `Array(Array(Int32 | String) | Array(String)) | Array(Array(Int32 | String))`
hmm, let me test something, thanks
<Blacksmoke16> main problem being the inner arrays that contain only strings, the type of the array would be like `Array(Array(String |Int32) | Array(String))`
<Blacksmoke16> meaning not all inner arrays are allowed to contain int32s
yeah, right now all inner arrays are [String,String] or [String,Int32] ([String,String|Int32]), and given my current requirements im not sure that will ever change
so where would the `of Array(String|Int32)` be....should i declare @tokens with that type before trying to assign tokens to it?
im assuming tokens would be copied to @tokens (value instead of reference), which is fine
<Blacksmoke16> its at the very end of line 1, if you scroll all the way to the right
<Blacksmoke16> arrays are passed by reference
ah, hmmm....
well, thats fine, at this point it is immutable anyway, so
well, in this small example i statically assigned tokens, but tokens is actually generated by another class, and that is the i cant but `of...` at the end of tokens because it is already set somewhere else
my first class has this: tokens = [] of Array(String|Int32)
then that var has values added to it `tokens += [token]`
then tokens is passed to parser
<Blacksmoke16> prob should just use `<<`
<Blacksmoke16> but is that not working?
well gee, something somewhere, got it to working with this:
<Blacksmoke16> also you can add the `@` to the initializer arg, like `@tokens : `
<Blacksmoke16> so you dont have to do `@tokens = tokens`
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probably because i had String,String....i think i was thinking (for some reason) like a tuple, where i had to declare type of every index...but that wasnt making sense to me because an array is inherently variable...
thats working, thanks for the help
im from a c background, then ruby, so the cross between static and kind of dynamic is kind of weird
<Blacksmoke16> Tuples are also a thing in crystal land
im sure people have done it, but when i tried to load and access yaml it gave me errors because of not knowing the types (YAML::Any) basically yaml cant really be freeform, must have a schema
<Blacksmoke16> it can but you have to be a bit more explicit
<Blacksmoke16> i.e. instead of like `yaml_data["name"]` you have to do like `yaml_data["name"].as_s` to tell it it should be a string
yeah, i was mixing the two...can a tuple have a mixed type? (String,String|Int32), or must they all be the same
yeah, but that means you have to know ahead of time what type it is, which moves the data into the code, sort of
but im not working with yaml right now so im not investigating that further
<Blacksmoke16> if you're working with data it most likely has some predefined structure
<Blacksmoke16> so yes that means your code would know about the properties of that data, but it allows you to work with it in an easier/more type safe way
thanks for the help, i like crystal so far, i like the static binaries and no gc...well, not static binaries as such (dynamic doesnt bother me), but actually binaries rather than interpreted
<Blacksmoke16> however if the data is totally dynamic you ofc cant use that approach
<Blacksmoke16> crystal has a GC btw...
<Blacksmoke16> and you can get static binaries
<Blacksmoke16> make*
i wonder what crystals gc is, perf wise, compared to ruby, python, go, or java...mainly go or java....ive seen too many issues with java stop the world gcs
i was trying to do something with yaml some months ago, and the yaml i had was kind of freeform....basically a list of multiple types, so had to determine the type of that section before you could do anything with it...
yeah, thats kind of what i would have done...had code that checked if a field was present, and if so, then access relevant data through one method, if not, or had different fields, then do other things
basically unstructured data i guess, but thats not always great
thanks for the help, im going to continue with my program...
<Blacksmoke16> 👍
trying to write a compiler for 6502 assembly that can be run on c64....probably not necessary (there are others), but im learning crystal, and it is very nostalgic doing c64 programming again
<Blacksmoke16> :S sounds like a plan
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<wyhaines> I was a freaking wizard with 6502 assembler. Those were the days!
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yeah i programmed the c64 back in the fun stuff...people are still making games and demos for it