<oprypin:matrix.org> @Sija pls use mkdocstrings :o
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<watzon> The thing is, writing super detailed "story" docs like Python has takes a but ton of time. But it would be amazing to see Crystal so meticulously documented.
<christopherzimmerman> @oprypin:matrix.org I'm moving my docs over to mkdocstrings now, really enjoying the project, looks great!
<christopherzimmerman> I've also been working for a while now on a way to dynamically insert the output of code into my docs (including plots), I wonder if I can do it as a plugin to mkdocs.
<watzon> I can see no reason why not. I would actually love to have a code runner plugin for running examples.
Volk has quit [Quit: See you next time!]
<watzon> Finally finished the Blake2b algo I've been working on
<watzon> Man that was a pain
<christopherzimmerman> Benchmarked it yet?
<watzon> 100000 iterations for each one
<watzon> I don't have anything to compare against though
<watzon> The ones that start with "hash` are creating a new `Blake2b` instance with each iteration, so they're a tiny bit slower, but .833 seconds to individually hash 100,000 1024 byte records ain't bad imo.
<watzon> Wait that's 10GB in less than a second isn't it?
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<mattrberry> Sometimes benchmark results confuse me, though... I was curious how bitwise and could compare to mod in applicable cases. I added the "xxx" report after the first 3 runs. For the first 2, the "mod" and "and" reports were similar, but once I added the "xxx" report, the "and" one was always faster.... ⏎ ⏎ ```code paste, see link``` [https://gitter.im/crystal-lang/crystal?at=6002ad66d5f4bf2965ed07fe]
<mattrberry> The "xxx" report was just for a generic modulo test to compare against, where it couldn't simply be converted to a bitwise and
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i wouldn't read into miniscule differences (less than 1.5x slower).. there's always some variation
oprypin, could you share in brief how to 'use mkdocstrings' ? :)
Ehm, wanted to do something quick with JSON... How do I convert Array(JSON::Any) to Array(String) ? (I know that the JSON::Anys are strings)
<Blacksmoke16> or `data.as_a.map &.as_s`
<Blacksmoke16> `.from_json`*
yes I think I can't use .from_json since it's already JSON::Any, isn't serialized
gonna try with the map thing
worked, thanks!
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<Blacksmoke16> yea would have to be the raw data, but that was assuming you're doing a json.parse first as well
<Blacksmoke16> like easier to go from data to string array than data json::any string array
<HertzDevil> what's the suggested practice for submitting a pr that depends on another pr
<HertzDevil> (of my own)
HertzDevil, lie on the floor and cry
<Blacksmoke16> prob make the first pr into master then create the 2nd pr to the branch of the first pr
more realistically, just include the exact same commits and more and then add a big text at the start of the description
<Blacksmoke16> then when the first one is merged github will auto change base to master
<HertzDevil> hmm
<Blacksmoke16> where the 2nd pr is a draft
Blacksmoke16, what you're describing would be a pull request to hertzdevil's repo. not possible like that
<Blacksmoke16> hmm fair point, not sure what gh would do in that case
>a pull request to hertzdevil's repo
I'd simply submit it as a pull request with the target pr as the base you pr into.
not possible
sure it is. Submit both, then hit edit and choose what branch you want to merge to
what branch of crystal-lang/crystal repo
ah, hmm.
<Blacksmoke16> if pr 1 was made fork branch1 to crystal master, and fork branch2 was made into fork branch1, is gh smart enough to update base to crystal master as well?
first of all, i've never heard of it updating anything, so i dont know
2nd of all, i dont think it would move a pull request to hertzdevil's repo to become a pull request to crystal-lang's repo
it definitely updates if both branches are local to the same repo.
<jrei:matrix.org> I remember my conversation with oprypin (https://matrix.to/#/@oprypin:matrix.org) when the 1.0 release will come :)
<jrei:matrix.org> I was planning end of 2020 - at the end, we were both wrong
<asterite> @HertzDevil I left a comment on your commit. I think we can go with your next PR if we check that the method definition matches exactly the one in the std
<watzon> I understand now, thanks @oprypin:matrix.org
<watzon> I agree that it would be nice to have another release asap rather than waiting for 1.0.0