i don't know what exactly is happening there, is it a touch of a directory or symlink or something
or is touch just broken?
<Sija> `File#touch` seems to work fine in other (win32) specs
what confuses me is the error output
it says "command failed: shards install" + normal output
and that's a FailedCommand, so the exit code must be != 0
but nothing written to stdout
*no error
straight-shoota: ah that's probably just because writing stderr is broken 😂
that explains
not stderr per se, it's just disabled because 2 streams at once is a deadlock
it would seem very likely that touching a directory isn't a thing on Windows. but not sure if that's what's happening, and not even sure that we *are* dealing with a directory here
<Sija> oprypin: seems like it: `File.touch(Shards.install_path)`
straight-shoota: anyway in the next 20hrs i don't plan to look into this one. if you do, first of course I'd suggest to try in CI if dropping just the part that touches the directory helps
first thing is getting error output
<Sija> there r no specs for touching directory either
<Blacksmoke16> either a compiler error that i cant conditionally define an ivar, or the ivar not to be defined, or the ivar's value to be 123 like it should
yeah i guess a compiler error could make sense
<wyhaines> If anyone is interested, I am going to be noodling around with some Crystal code on Twitch tonight: https://twitch.tv/wyhaines
<watzon> I think I figured out part of the problem. You put a `{% print O %}` below this line (https://github.com/j8r/crystalizer/blob/master/src/crystalizer.cr#L8) you'll see that the type of `O` ends up being `(Bar | String)`, and since that union doesn't have any instance variables it doesn't return any.
<watzon> An easy fix is to monkey patch `Object` with the `each_ivar` method instead like this: ⏎ ⏎ ```code paste, see link``` ⏎ ⏎ and then in the serializer just call `each_ivar` directly on the object being passed in [https://gitter.im/crystal-lang/crystal?at=600a652097132e2480f77556]
Hey do I see it right there's currently no OpenID Connect client lib for Crystal? Search for openid or oidc shards turns up nothing
looks like it
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Hi there.
Can't find soluton how to make JSON::Any object an Array(String)
Output of `JSON::Any` object is `["foo", "bar"]`
<Daniel-Worrall> `.as_a`
<Daniel-Worrall> will get you Array(JSON::Any)
<Daniel-Worrall> `.as_a.map(&.as_s)`
<Daniel-Worrall> Unless these are user provided JSON objects, you'll probably want to use deserialisation with a struct using JSON::Serializable
<Blacksmoke16> similar to `.as` but can use local vars
<jrei:matrix.org> that's the opposite of .as
<Blacksmoke16> how you figure? the example is the same as `number.as(Int32)` which is essentially what the implementation is doing
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<watzon> The problem is knowing the type to cast to. Since the type of `O` ends up being that union, we can't use it as a casting type.
<Blacksmoke16> where does the union come from? I assume its not from like `some_var : Int32 | Bool`?
<Blacksmoke16> `@some_var`*
<jrei:matrix.org> the method yields each ivar value
<jrei:matrix.org> It ends up being an union of all ivar types
<Blacksmoke16> ah
<Blacksmoke16> whats the reasoning for yielding them versus just macro for each ivar?
<jrei:matrix.org> It was working, I thought. I try using a macro instead
<jrei:matrix.org> this logic is shared in several places
<Blacksmoke16> fun fact not many people may know is you can access ivars of a type outside of the type generically via generics
<Blacksmoke16> may not know*
<Blacksmoke16> idk if that helps in this context, but i found it to be good to know
<jrei:matrix.org> I thought methods overload will dispatch to the correct method...
<watzon> So I figured out something that works, and this can definitely be refactored into a macro that will work for all of the serializers, but it might be a pain
<jrei:matrix.org> I mean, if a var has a type `Nested | String`, it will dispatch to either `serialize(v : String)` or `serialize(v : O) forall O`
<Blacksmoke16> :shrug: order might have some impact here
<Blacksmoke16> might get dispatched to the first one matching overload
<jrei:matrix.org> @watzon: right. I try to transform it to a macro, but I can't get iterating over ivars
<watzon> I think that unions like that will always get dispatched to to `serialize(v : O) forall O` because that's the closest matching overload.
<jrei:matrix.org> of course, I'm afraid this will cause lots of duplications :(
<jrei:matrix.org> but if there is no choice...
<watzon> It might be unavoidable. You could almost definitely refactor it into a macro, but the resulting macro might end up being more confusing in the end
<watzon> The main problem is that the serialization is done differently in each of the serializers
<jrei:matrix.org> right
<watzon> And in some cases, like the ByteFormat serializer, you don't even need the key
<watzon> It's just a weird case
<watzon> Granted this can always be refactored later
<Blacksmoke16> ah i missed teh string version of it works
<Blacksmoke16> could do like `{{pp O}} to see what all is making it to it
<Blacksmoke16> `{{pp O}}`
<Blacksmoke16> i dont see why that wouldnt work given `obj.@ns` would be the obj which should create an overload for that type, which should get used 🤔
<jrei:matrix.org> @Blacksmoke16 already tried to move it
<jrei:matrix.org> it was my first guess
<watzon> Fixed it, but we'll definitely need a macro for this
<watzon> Basically checks if the type is a union type , and if so generates a case statement that iterates over the types, then uses `.cast` to cast the type
<jrei:matrix.org> I have done a `de_unionize` method
<jrei:matrix.org> which iterates over the union
<watzon> Won't the return type of that method still be a union?
<jrei:matrix.org> not sure, no return types are set
<jrei:matrix.org> at least tests pass
<jrei:matrix.org> you may be right
<watzon> But within the method it's returning on the basis of a case statement, so to the compiler it's still going to be a union coming out
<watzon> Better to use a macro in cases like this
<jrei:matrix.org> the return type does not matter here
<jrei:matrix.org> because we are building to a String or IO
<watzon> I really like the idea of crystalizer, especially the ByteFormat part. I've been wanting a way to serialize Crystal objects to binary for a while.
<jrei:matrix.org> thanks! I did want something as dumb as possible, just a sequence of objects represented by bytes
<watzon> Seems to be exactly that. Basically just JSON or YAML without all the markup getting in the way.
<jrei:matrix.org> Exactly, it is not needed to pass key names when we control both ends
<Blacksmoke16> isnt that what like protobuf is?
<watzon> Protobuf adds some extra metadata to the objects does it
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<Blacksmoke16> :shrug:
<watzon> Generally with protocols like that they have a header in each packet that tells the receiver what kind of object to expect, it's length, etc.
watzon, no protobuf relies on schema being already known to the receiver
<watzon> So it is just a raw byte representation of the object's properties?
<watzon> I just had a thought though. @jrei:matrix.org, the ByteFormat mode is order dependent isn't it? So if I were to serialize an object and then move a variable below another one in the class would that break things?
<watzon> I have no idea what order `TypeNode#instance_vars` returns variables actually
<jrei:matrix.org> @watzon: that's right, it is order dependent
<jrei:matrix.org> if you move the ivar, it will break. I planned to add annotations to explicitly define the order (but didn't yet)
<jrei:matrix.org> For my projects, if I modify any message, I just regenerate the JS bindings, recompile and redeploy everything
<jrei:matrix.org> @watzon I think you have confused with msgpack
<watzon> Might make more sense just to have a little extra metadata that acts as a key. That way ivars could change position, and new ones could even be added as long as they're not required to be initialized.
<watzon> That's possible
<jrei:matrix.org> Yes. Lots of annotations are also missing
<jrei:matrix.org> If you need those, I'll welcome any PR 😃
<watzon> I just might do some playing around
<jrei:matrix.org> I didn't feel the need because I use it for little projects, but I agree for large ones breaking the schema may be painful
<jrei:matrix.org> I use 0 annotations whatsoever for serialization (for now)
<jrei:matrix.org> Does Google use Crystal, at least :D?
<watzon> Hahahaha
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<watzon> Where does the default value for `#to_s` come from? I can't figure out how this `#<Foo:0x105d22e70>` is being generated.
<Blacksmoke16> you want to overload `to_s(io : IO) : Nil`
<Blacksmoke16> or `inspect(io : IO) : Nil`
<watzon> Ahh wait, it's coming from `Reference`
<watzon> I don't care about overloading, just trying to take a peek at how the method is getting the address
<watzon> So It's `Reference#object_id.to_s(16)` that's giving that hex value. Cool.
<Blacksmoke16> ah, 👍
<watzon> On an unrelated note, I wish we could do something like this: ⏎ ⏎ ```class Foo(T extends Bar) ⏎ end``` ⏎ ⏎ so that the compiler knows that `T` has to be a type that extends `Bar` [https://gitter.im/crystal-lang/crystal?at=600b4d61d8bdab473952b92e]
<Blacksmoke16> could prob use a macro for that check, ofc with not as clean syntax
<watzon> Yeah that's the problem, it would have to be in the initialize method
<watzon> I've done it, I just don't like it