ChanServ changed the topic of #cubieboard to: is BUY NOW! - - - logs: - development wiki for chips cubieboards run on
<froese> depends on you power supply. i have a 2.5A one without SSD. and a tiny LiPo.
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<ausjke> what's the realistic SATA throughput on cubie
<ausjke> googled somewhere it says 60MB/s, that 480Mbps/s, is this true
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<jelly> ausjke: I got 100MB/s (yes, bytes) from or to an ssd.
<ausjke> with dd and drop_caches to 3? i mean are you sure you're writing to the disk instead of the DDR cache
<jelly> it was 60GB, whole device, so cache is not relevant
<ausjke> ok, that should be good enough. thanks!
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<dev1990> hi, I got problem with cubietruck uart0, it's just throw a lot of crap, my baud rate is 115200, and I'm connecting it via 3 wires that are hooked with my com1
<dev1990> my other board with imx works just fine with 3wires (gnd/tx/rx)
<dev1990> is there custom baudrate for cubietruck, I can't find any relible information and main website is down
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