Also, are boards available, or is it "hit up oshpark?"
Foone was querying a board run
Idk what became of that
Would also be useful to know a part number for the usb jack that matches the outline.
Ah, it's in the schematic.
_whitelogger has joined #discferret
pjustice: nothing came of the plans to do a run (although I did order some PCBs). I'm working on another project first, but once that's done I'll probably do some discferrets.
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Foone: is there any good reason to do discferrets as opposed to one of the two projects I linked above?
(I do wish the latter shared hardware with the Domesday Duplicator, though)
cr1901_modern has joined #discferret
What I really wish is that more people worked on flux-samples -> bits conversion, and less on rust-on-plastic-cookie-flux -> flux-samples.
pjustice: the HxC software is probably what most people are using nowadays
(and is GPL)
it's got a graphical analyzer
I wish it was on Github though
The hxc stuff does imaging?
pjustice: they're working on an imager
it's expensive though
you're better off using a $20 Greaseweazle for the imaging ("rust-on-plastic-cookie-flux -> flux-samples") part, and the HxC software for the decoding part ("flux-samples -> bits conversion")