Paws.js/hello-travis 57e7656 elliottcable: + well lets make it a postinstall duh
alexgordon: lol right
I hate software development
I sit down for two minutes to try it again after half a year away.
Find out: it's still goddamn dumb.
oh well.
will voluntarily bang my head against this for *absolutely* no reason for a few hours.
* ec
wanders off to ‘create software’
eligrey has joined #elliottcable
haha ec
joelteon: ಠ_ಠ
ec: I'm not doing software dev anymore either
I'm writing node.js in IntelliJ
* ec
high-fives joelteon
wait wat
A) why and B) why and C) what
a) work and b) it has a debugger and c) :(
node.js is the ABSOLUTE BEST SOLUTION to _____________
said nobody ever about any problem
today and yesterday i've been trying to work around the fact that if you incorrectly stub an object member in a test, it breaks *every single test after it too*
and tests don't just fail; they time out
you can't set your timeout too low because the tests take at least 3000 ms
ec: please help me
send money
oh BTW i'm homeless now
so send money
what testing framework? o_O
and homeless wat
and shush I like Node.
framework is sinon
i'm homeless................it's a long story
basically my girlfriend let her mentally ill friend from arkansas stay with her for a month
my girlfriend is, medically speaking, not very good in general
and the stress from housing a girl with abandonment and BPD was basically killing her
so i moved the friend and myself into an apartment
and was going to pay rent until friend got a job
friend instead ended up in the psychiatric ward, then flew back home, leaving me on a 9 month lease with ~$2550/mo rent (not including utilities)
that + furnishing left me broke
i moved into *another* place once she was gone, but it's 35 min from work and in a bad neighborhood
the guy that leased me that place suddenly had to terminate the lease because he had to move back into the room
(he was planning on staying in asia for a few months)
so i had to evac by jan 20
so now all my worldly possessions are in a uhaul van parked on the side of the street next to girlfriend's house
alexgordon has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds]
are you staying with her, then?
i'm craigslisting my balls off
also dear god lol, I know the worldly-posessions-in-a-uhaul-wat-do-now feel
it's her uncle's place and he doesn't really want me there, heh
so i need a place stat
and a cat friendly place too
because somehow this fucking girl convinced me to get a cat
wat even
I've been on IRC for all of an hour or something
and already drama :P
no drama really
not in here anyway
i'm not pissed at anyone here
* ec
not like that
just, wow
weird few days.
* ec
goes back to code and laughs at your peril
th-thanks ec
also while we were staying up last night since gf is manic and hanging out in bathroom since she was moisturizing because her skin is so terrible, she found out i have a bunch of edema in my right leg
and my patella is twisted
so i fucked my leg somehow
I've gotten waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too fast-and-loose with my git commands since I got compfortable with the reflog
yeah, speaking of reflogs
My every-day git usage involves constant force-resetting and rewriting history willy-nilly
in all sorts of convoluted ways
it feels unhealthy
is edema a kind of animal
can you eat it, or cook it and then eat it, or feed it to another animal that you can then eat
edema is extra tissue and fluid that shouldn't be there
it's just a little message left by your body
"something fucked up here"
‘a little message’
talk to me, shinbone
now I'm picturing flesh sticky-notes, dripping of bodily fluid, slapped up all over my house, in unexpected locations
what kind of bodily fluid
(which I suppose is *any* location, when you're talking about a sticky-note made of human flesh.)
eligrey has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]