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<ec> wow, I want to love slack so, so badly
<ec> but just UGH
<ec> maybe Discord can be everything Slack refuses to? )'=
<ec> incomprehensibly: purr is dead long live purr, theoretically, idk
<ec> lol permuting tests over possible inputs results in ... a hell of a lot of tests, hella quickly
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<ec> alexgordon!
<ec> yeallo
<alexgordon> sup ec
<alexgordon> ec: still want to make a programming language community
<ec> this should be one. *I'm* just not very motivated to talk about other peoples' language-work, right now.
<ec> my life's pray fucked-up and low-spoon the last year and a half, or so
<ec> I barely code *at all*, tbh
<ec> and when I think/interact with Programming™ as a thing, it's to crank out a tiny bit of Paws progress /=
<alexgordon> yeah
<ec> there's theoretically other people in here who really do still want to discuss PLT, though? hilight some of the old guard
<ec> or invite new people :P
<ec> you're capable of recruiting, you know ;)
<alexgordon> wouldn't even know where to look
* ec nods
<alexgordon> need to find the micahs of tomorrow!
<ec> lmfao
<ec> micah )'=
<ec> so much miss
<ec> those were some of the best years of my life
<ec> hand-grilling and all :P
<alexgordon> :D
<ec> -didja @ alexgordon
<ec> -didja didja @ alexgordon
<alexgordon> WHERE IS OUR BOT
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<ec> <-> gq nipped out
<ec> idk alexgordon go fix him
<ec> like I said: zero spoons for computer crap in my life rn >:
<alexgordon> I dunno where "he" is
<ec> tfw ur moderator shits out
<gq> idk what's happening
<gq> oh, purr
<alexgordon> gq: ec lost his spoons
<gq> thought purr wa sa girl anyway
<gq> alexgordon: he just got new ones tho!
<gq> fuckssake ec :(
<ec> lawl
<ec> hungry hm bbl
<ec> come at me delicious filipino breakfast
<alexgordon> delicious... filipino...
<ec> put dat fried spam inside meeeeee
<ec> skirt steak is lyfe
<ec> longanisa is love
<gq> 'spam'
<gq> please love yourself
<gq> the rest, sure, yes
<gq> but spam no. :<
<ec> spam is <3
* gq retreats to mongolia
<ec> i will here nothing against it
<gq> i reject your cuisine and substitute this
<gq> maybe if you could spell 'hear' correctly
<gq> ^_^
<ec> noep
* alexgordon retreats to bhutan
<ec> write some code a slash a paws
<gq> i have
<gq> it's a horror
<gq> i'm very proud of it
<ec> what when where
<ec> ‘gquaws’
<ec> ‘geequaws’
<ec> geekooaws?
<gq> i already told you
<gq> it's called Feathers
<gq> and then we had an argument about you saying budgies suck
<alexgordon> feathers!
<gq> :P
<ec> when did I even teach you paws
<gq> i'll have to rename it tho
<alexgordon> gq: make a programming language with meeeeee
<gq> alexgordon: okay ^_^
<alexgordon> yay
* ec grins
<gq> ec: no. go away.
* ec gets alexgordon and gq a room
<gq> uh
<gq> why is the lights dimmed
<gq> is that a violin
* ec surprise: its the same room
<gq> ec: the last time this happened i dated mechtroid for two weeks
<gq> :P
<gq> alexgordon: i heard this is how they made python
<gq> how they made javascript tho
<gq> was just /fucked/
<gq> D:
<ec> hm
<alexgordon> one time guido linked to instead of and it was porn
<ec> Paws was conceived while I was being stood-up for a week or so
<ec> which probably says a lot
<gq> lmao alexgordon
<alexgordon> I like to think he did it intentionally
<gq> ec: yes.
<ec> alexgordon: I'm sure he did. I'm so very sure.
<gq> i actually code better when very stressed
<gq> or high
<gq> or both
<gq> wednesday was very both
<gq> .-.
<ec> ur mom is very both
<gq> stressed yes, high, no
<gq> lol
<alexgordon> I still want to make what I wanted to make before, but now I know how to do it
<alexgordon> want to make a persistent standard library
<gq> nice
<alexgordon> slash programming language
<alexgordon> whereby anybody can add code
<alexgordon> and it's content addressed by hash
<gq> ic
<alexgordon> and automatic testing
<alexgordon> like quickcheck
<ec> ahhhh that's the one you're still on?
<ec> cool :D
<ec> see I actually liked that idea
<alexgordon> yeah!
<alexgordon> all functions are identifiable by their hashes
<ec> you've heard about my versioned-callsites work, right?
<alexgordon> I think you told me last time
* ec nods
<ec> very similar idea, with the addition of a centralized mapping of ‘name@version’ to hash
<ec> monotonically-increasing `version`
<alexgordon> with this there are different hashes for different keys
<alexgordon> which can then be combined depending on which keys you're interested in
<ec> rephrase
<alexgordon> like if you hash the function's type, you then any functions that share a type will share that same hash
<ec> point is: what do you type at a call site — are you typing hashes all over your code, do you have a local name → hash mapping that's maintained by tooling, or do you have some sort of global name → hash mapping?
<alexgordon> add :: (Int, Int) -> Int
<alexgordon> subtract :: (Int, Int) -> Int
<ec> oh lord typing stuff 🙄
<ec> okay not my thing and/or over my head
<gq> lol
<alexgordon> lmao
<ec> wait, that immediately makes no sense
<ec> how could add and subtract share implementation.
<alexgordon> they _don't_
<alexgordon> but they have the same signature is all I'm saying
<ec> I thought this was content-addressed? you're saying it's just signature-addressed?
<alexgordon> noooo
<ec> lost >:
<alexgordon> wait
<alexgordon> ok I'll start from the begninning
<ec> lolol k
<ec> but leaving for food v. soon
<alexgordon> ec: each function will be a dictionary with different keys
<alexgordon> e.g. name, interface, implementation, tests
<ec> ah yes I remember that
<alexgordon> so you hash each value separately, and then combine those hashes to build a query
<ec> “and then combine those hashes to build a query”
<ec> qbc, not qft. :P
<alexgordon> e.g. H(name)+H(interface) identifies a function by its name and interface
<alexgordon> or set of functions, possibly
<alexgordon> point is you need different hashes for different circumstances
<alexgordon> H(interface)+H(implementation) identifies an implementation of a function
<alexgordon> but doesn't help you find other implementations of that function
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<incomprehensibly> ec: I will never understand why (Int, Int) -> Int is opaque to you
<incomprehensibly> int add(int a, int b)
<incomprehensibly> int subtract(int a, int b)
<jfhbrook> What is this? A center for ints??
<gq> lmao
<ec> jfhbrook++
<ec> incomprehensibly: it's not that that's opaque to me
<ec> although yes a little bit of me is like “okay fine why not express this to programmers the way those programmers have been expressing it for ages”
<ec> but that bit of me is pretty small — I recognize the gains in flexibility, especially w.r.t. higher-order arguments
<ec> what I *don't* get is what you *gain* by expressing that
<ec> people talk about how you express something *just* by its signature, and then not actually talk about the *meat* of it, the implementation
<ec> add and subtract being perfect examples: they do *wildly different* things, and yet share a signature?
<ec> any time you share a signature, you're leaving out so much useful information that it feels useless and pointless.
<ec> *especially* once you get more complex than simple operations on primitives?
<incomprehensibly> lmao jfhbrook
<gq> also ec & incomprehensibly
<gq> fu
<gq> D:
<incomprehensibly> ec: well the point is like, if things share a signature but not an implementation they can be compatibly plugged into the same spots
<gq> re: hunter2
<incomprehensibly> like it's like a plug schematic for hardware devices or like plumbing pipes measurements and specs
<incomprehensibly> it deliberately omits implementation details
<incomprehensibly> and i mean...there are type systems that include lots more implementation details
<incomprehensibly> Agda gets crazy with it
<incomprehensibly> but like what you gain is just
<incomprehensibly> a clarity of thought and expression regarding the *shape* of your program
<incomprehensibly> and, when you avoid side effects, it tells you a LOT more about your implementation than it does in a side-effect-heavy language
<ec> jfhbrook: I think that's your first 'channing
<gq> oh god that still exists
<gq> top kek -_-;;; lol
<ec> very rarely gets posed to ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<jfhbrook> hah!
<incomprehensibly> ec: yeah totally the other day i mailed a package and i was just sobbin
<ec> incomprehensibly: wat.
<ec> < purr> beep.
* ec hugs spotify and giggles and wobbles
<ec> god coffeescript
<ec> seven years' working in CoffeeScript has bent and warped me beyond repair
<gq> i see that
<gq> stfu web!spotify
<gq> i will not disable adblock
<jfhbrook> ublock breaks a number of vendor dashboards
<jfhbrook> so you have to like turn it off to use google analytics or chartbeat, as someone that wants to look at the collected data
<ec> still immensely proud of this vile monstrosity
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<ec> alexgordon: I've gotten verification that you're welcome in snek
<ec> alexgordon: want an invite?
<alexgordon> ec: sure
<alexgordon> should I use a fake name? lol
<ec> idk use whatever you usually use ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
<alexgordon> ec: I'm in!
<pikajude> is there a term for the use of the words "basically" and "essentially" every 5 seconds
<ec> grandstanding
<ec> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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<gq> pikajude: fedora syndrome?
<gq> >.>
<gq> also overdose of youtube atheists
<gq> ^_^
<ec> OYA
<ec> better than the OA
<gq> notta clue what dis means
<gq> ~
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<ec> there's a weird and pointless Netflix Original named “The OA”
<gq> oh
<gq> is it about green lanterns
<ec> no.
<ec> what.
<ec> bear motherfucking mcceary
<ec> mccreary
<ec> aerfosojgrthfjygkuhiloj.k/;
<gq> lmao
<pikajude> gq: do you think so?
<pikajude> fedora syndrome?
<gq> potentially
<pikajude> what if it's an indian woman saying it
<gq> depends
<gq> indian like grew up in india
<gq> or grew up bilingual
<pikajude> no, second one
<gq> because a frequent side effect of learning english as a 2nd language or not a mother tongue is overly formal english
<ec> I mean, makes a lot of sense to me.
<ec> The *actual usage* of “basically” is to express that, well, you've been struggling to express yourself, and that you're giving up and half-assing it.
<gq> yeah.
<ec> Often, amongst primary-english speakers who've picked up on that usage their entire lives, it's used as a subtle manipulative tactic: “I know a whole lot about this topic, but I'm going to sidestep actually *showing* that, and just *imply* it.”
<ec> but in any situation where there's not an abundance of familiarity, and abundance of spoons to preform such subtle planning in a conversation, it's more likely to be extremely innocent.
<ec> ↑ my 2¢
<ec> gq: contribute to my code b/cuz you love me
<gq> in what fashion would you like me to contribute
<gq> becuase yes i luff u
<gq> etc
<ec> I dunno )'=
<gq> hm
<ec> I'm fucking terrible at soliciting or integrating feedback and aid
<pikajude> no, i'm pretty sure the use of "basically" and "essentially" is just to fill space
<gq> i'll read over it on github later
<gq> and thinik of suggestions
<ec> as evidenced by seven years on Paws.
<pikajude> i think it's a "i'm thinking about this" word
<pikajude> it just bothers me
<gq> pikajude: in usage i generally see it as a nervous ticc
<pikajude> inordinately
<gq> tic*
<gq> pikajude: yeah
<pikajude> it's bad rhetoric
<ec> 🙄
<gq> pikajude: yeah but i don't think most people are aware of doing it
<ec> dirty prescriptionist!
<gq> hence, nervous verbal tic
<gq> if it's in text it's one thing, most people are more deliberate in text
<gq> speech, most people don't have a great filter.
<ec> my personal verbal tick is “I think”
<gq> so words like "uh" and "um" and "basically" etc
<ec> I can't fucking spit out a single sentence without prefixing it with “I think” or “In my experience” or “I believe” or ...
<ec> like. duh. If <person> is saying it, there's kinda an implied assumption that they're saying it because *they think so*
<pikajude> i try to be aware of verbal tics
<pikajude> which usually ends up with me just sitting there in silence for a second at a time
<pikajude> instead of saying umt
<pikajude> it's very difficult
<ec> but I've got this horrid deep-set fear of coming across as if I actually *know* something, or am in any way a professional and/or a competent adult w/ relevant knowledge and opinions
<ec> this usually only manifests itself out loud / offline, thank god
<pikajude> that sounds terrible
<ec> where I don't talk tech *anyway*, so it usually *is* unfounded opinion
<gq> ec: be fair i think that's a symptom of your childhood/adolesence
<ec> but it's frustrating/embarrassing as hell at tech conferences
<gq> i had something similar for a long time
<gq> because i'd changed so fast as a person
<gq> in a relatively short time
<gq> in terms of values, etc
<ec> “I think — no, I don't think, sorry about that; I *know* and am *asserting*, that <blah> works <blah> way and you should <blah> it.”
<gq> heh.
<ec> I'm pretty good at the “I build programming languages, motherfucker, don't argue with me” online, but terrible at it offline. -_-
<pikajude> you built paws though
<pikajude> does that really count
* ec sideeyes pikajude
<ec> do you *know* Paws
<pikajude> no but i've heard other people talk about it
<ec> presumably alexgordon. who doesn't know Paws. 🙄
<ec> :P
<ec> omfg bear mccreary?????
<alexgordon> I don't know paws
<ec> gq: go listen to bear mccreary right now and share my feeeels
<gq> link me
<ec> can't, it's not online anywhere that I know of
<gq> alexgordon: nobody knows paws, it merely exists in proximity
<gq> omfg you took it offline
<gq> ec
<gq> put it back
<ec> It's the *only* music that I have imported into Spotify as actual sound files
<ec> weirdly
<gq> OH
<pikajude> "paws" is what your brain does when it tries to understand it
<alexgordon> it exists in ec
<gq> i thought you meant paws was offline
<gq> i was like how tf am i supposed to glance at it and help you help me help you
<gq> if i can't fucking read it online ec
<ec> oh lmao
<gq> D:
<ec> lord there's never been / at this rate never will be, any place where you can learn about Paws, except by asking me, or one of the handful of people who actually know it
<gq> pikajude: in 2000 years the word 'paws' will be a leftover word in New Mandrinski for a seizure occurred when sustaining extreme worldview challenges
<ec> I'm a fair hand at documenting *code*; but documenting *design* always leaves me scrambling and wildly spitting out incoherent masses of confusing mess. )=
<gq> i'm the opposite
<gq> my code is a horror that works as designed but makes any traditionally trained coder have fits
<ec> gq: → #Paws.nuck
<pikajude> ec: does that mean you're documenting design 99% of the time
<ec> argh tab fail
<gq> "you can't do that" "i did it, it worked"
<ec> gq: → #Paws.Nucleus
<ec> oh wait
<gq> "then you SHOULDN'T do that"
<gq> "but i did, suck it"
<pikajude> heh, this morning my coworkers decided on using the node http echo server and manually writing an HTTP response parser
<pikajude> rather than using httpbin and a JSON parser that already exists
<pikajude> mfw
<jfhbrook> huh?
<jfhbrook> idk what httpbin is but, like
<jfhbrook> writing a response parser?
<jfhbrook> that sounds annoying
<pikajude> jfhbrook: so the echo server returns the plaintext version of the request
<gq> wtf was that for ec
<pikajude> httpbin returns a bunch of metadata about the request in JSON format
<ec> I was doing some maintenance lmao
<pikajude> and i'm like dude, i don't want to write an HTTP parser for this
<purr\Paws> [Paws.js] ELLIOTTCABLE pushed 2 new commits to queueless+:
<purr\Paws> Paws.js/queueless+ 88bca11 ELLIOTTCABLE: + dumping all the work on walk(), preparing to use giraphe instead...
<purr\Paws> Paws.js/queueless+ c227b0d ELLIOTTCABLE: + bumping major-versions of a few dependencies
<jfhbrook> httpbin tbh sounds like the obvious move
<pikajude> doesn't it???
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<ec> wow, I totally forgot about this one
<ec> that's so fucking cool ahhhhh
<ec> I love you, past me, you made cool shit
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<ec> help im a terrible programmer
<pikajude> there's no hope for you
<jfhbrook> I am also a terrible programmer so don't feel bad
<incomprehensibly> 10:52:30 AM <+incomprehensibly> ec: yeah totally the other day i mailed a package and i was just sobbin
<incomprehensibly> 10:52:46 AM <+ec> < purr> beep.
<incomprehensibly> 10:52:38 AM <+ec> incomprehensibly: wat.
<incomprehensibly> ec: i 100% believed that was a real purr beep
<incomprehensibly> and just now saw and got sad
<gq> lmao
<gq> yeah i totes processsed it as one too
<gq> but realised almost immediately
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<ec> yw
<ec> glad I could give you a little slice of nostalgia
<ec> 4 the better deys
<pikajude> i'll never understand insurance companies
<pikajude> "coverage: 60% of expenses after $500 deductible"
<pikajude> actually comes out to 19% of expenses
<pikajude> because they take 60% of an entirely arbitrary percentage of the actual expenses
<jfhbrook> yeah, I just got one of my meds rejected by my new insurance
<pikajude> that's some fucking newspeak
<pikajude> it's actually "60% of 44% of expenses after $500 deductible"
<jfhbrook> as you might imagine I'm furious
<pikajude> oh, so that'd be 26%
<pikajude> why'd they reject it jfhbrook
<jfhbrook> because it's expensive
<pikajude> but they're an insurance company
<jfhbrook> doesn't matter
<pikajude> oh
<pikajude> ok great
<jfhbrook> in their mind there are other medicines that I could be taking instead
<jfhbrook> even though I've been on this one for like 3 years
<pikajude> nice
<jfhbrook> also scared cause the alternative med has massive weight gain as a side effect
<pikajude> water retention?
<jfhbrook> no
<jfhbrook> regular ol' weight gain
<pikajude> oh
<pikajude> how does it do that
<pikajude> yikes
<jfhbrook> it's just how most antipsychotics work
<jfhbrook> I'm taking latuda, the alternative is seroquel
<pikajude> oh, i see
<jfhbrook> yeah, side effects of seroquel beyond the basics ("tardive dyskinesia") include "too tired to do anything" and "fat as a whale"
<pikajude> i love medications
<jfhbrook> yuuup
<jfhbrook> tbh I'd totally be okay with testing out seroquel if I wasn't in the middle of fucking changing doctors
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<Strikingwolf> Hello, found out about the little Paws thing on the snek slack, I'm primarily a mathematician at heart, but I do a lot of Haskell programming. Want to try to contribute to the idea in any way I can (if I can)
<pikajude> somehow, i lost all my anti anxiety meds
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