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<dave0> maw
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<KipIngram> dave0: Wow - the joint's been jumping...
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<KipIngram> I'm joking - our hello's frome earlier are the last thing here; no traffic at all between your "maws" except for that.
<dave0> hey KipIngram :-)
<KipIngram> Evening.
<dave0> sorry i was helping my neighbor :-)
<dave0> wow i was gone for ages
<dave0> and only my maw?
<KipIngram> Right. Your earlier maw. My Howdy and your hey. And then your just now maw. :-)
<KipIngram> So you didn't miss a thing.
<dave0> lol
<dave0> how's lisp going?
<KipIngram> Haven't really looked at it much since I last mentioned it. Today was a little busy work-wise.
<KipIngram> And I have like four meetings tomorrow, and a doctor's appt.
<KipIngram> Getting my first covid shot.
<dave0> oh the vaccine
<dave0> are you worried about side effects?
<KipIngram> I'm not worried about the really small risk of serious side effects.
<KipIngram> But I'm a little worried it'll make me feel like crap for a couple of days.
<KipIngram> It did one of my daughters.
<dave0> oh
<KipIngram> I'm kind of a baby when I'm under the weather.
<dave0> lol
<KipIngram> I hardly ever get sick, so I don't have a lot of practice.
<dave0> it's nice to get taken care of :-)
<KipIngram> Yes. My oldest daughter has a baby on the way - my first grandchild. I don't want her to worry excessively about me being around them.
<dave0> \o/
<KipIngram> Yeah - exciting times. ;-)
<dave0> happy grandchild!
<KipIngram> A couple of months ago she started leaking amniotic fluid.
<dave0> cnn has a video of the derek chauvin trial
<KipIngram> If you look up the stats on that, it's grim as hell.
<dave0> ew
<dave0> not gonna :-p
<KipIngram> VERY common for it to lead to bad outcomes.
<KipIngram> But she's forging right along. She checked into the hospital yesterday, for the duration.
<KipIngram> So now whatever happens, the docs will be RIGHT ON IT, and the baby is way way past minimum viability nnow.
<dave0> are you talking about having a grandchild in a couple of days?
<KipIngram> No - more like a couple of months.
<dave0> is it due in a few days?
<dave0> ohh okay
<dave0> phew
<KipIngram> If she makes it to 34 weeks, at that point they deem it best to go ahead and take the baby early, when the mom has this condition.
<KipIngram> That's about six weeks early, but apparently it's the best thing to do under these circumstances.
<KipIngram> So she's 7-8 weeks from there.
<dave0> stay safe!
<dave0> i'm gonna watch the video of the judge reading the derek chauvin verdict
<KipIngram> Cool.
<KipIngram> There's just no other way that could have gone.
<KipIngram> I can't imagine it having turned out any different.
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<KipIngram> I wish we could get the guy's higher ups that tried to just make the whole thing go away. Their actions (not arresting him right away) is precisely what triggered all the pain we had in 2020.
<KipIngram> I think if they'd moved decisively to fire, arrest, and prosecute him, it would have spared the country a whole world of trouble.
<KipIngram> Anyway, "enjoy," I guess. I'm glad it's over.
<KipIngram> You know, I'm mostly interested in Lisp "internals." But every time I try to find stuff, I run into a problem - there's another meaning for the acronym "LISP." And I keep finding stuff on that instead.
<KipIngram> Locator/ID Separator Protocol.
<dave0> i found a jonesforth-like literate programming for lisp... it had lots of comments and was written in assembler
<dave0> let me just check if i can find it's name
<dave0> yep that's it!
<KipIngram> Taking a look...
<KipIngram> Oh, that has a section on ARM assembly...
<KipIngram> That's handy.
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<KipIngram> Excellent documentn, dave0.
<dave0> KipIngram: it even mentions jones from jonesforth !
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<KipIngram> Hey, they do the same trick with offsets that I do.
<dave0> nice!
<dave0> there's also this "make a lisp"
<dave0> it has a lisp in forth
<KipIngram> Ah, and they also work directly with syscalls, instead of with something like libc.
<KipIngram> I feel very at home already...
<dave0> hmm i think i have an older version of mal
<dave0> that's cool no worries
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<KipIngram> Very very nice. That's a great little project they laid out there.
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<proteus-guy> Which ARM asm are they using? Thumb? Is this 32 or 64bit? And what endianess have the selected? Looks pretty cool.
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<siraben> KipIngram: What do you mean Lisp internals?
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<KipIngram> Oh, just things like memory layout, any tag bits, and so on. To whatever extent there's a vm involved, its spec, etc.
<KipIngram> How it "works," under the hood.
<KipIngram> That's the part of Forth I most enjoy as well.
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<f-a> mhhhhhhhhhhh
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<KipIngram> If you can imagine it - you can find it in gforth...
<KipIngram> :-)
<KipIngram> When I burned the hamburger buns the other night if I'd thought to search I could probably have found a gforth bun recovery package.
<KipIngram> The gforth guys have also conntributed some nice research over the years. Performance studies and things like that. Definitely have made a mark.
<crc> f-a: that's missing both a copyright notice and a license :(
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<KipIngram> Well, just got the first covid jab.
<KipIngram> About an hour ago.
<kiedtl> congrats
<f-a> well done KipIngram
<f-a> my mum got AZ
<f-a> dad pfizer
<MrMobius> i was gonna get one but canceled since i already had it in 2018
<f-a> 2018?
<siraben> KipIngram: yay
<MrMobius> i kid
<siraben> the sooner everyone gets it quicker we return to normalcy everywhere
<KipIngram> This was Moderna. They said that each of the two shots gets you about half the benefit. So in a couple of weeks I'll be around "half protected."
<KipIngram> I really like the format of that doc that dave0 posted the link for last night. Long, massively detailed narrative comments, with the code interspersed. And buildable.
<KipIngram> And they didn't cram a bunch of comments into the code - where there's code, it's CODE.
<KipIngram> That feels like what I want to do when I get my system so it can rebuild, in the blocks file, not in the nasm source.
<KipIngram> Well, they do have some comments "interleaved" with the source. It's just a minority of the commenting.
<KipIngram> Most of it's in big block comments between code sections.
<KipIngram> Those big block comments are exactly the sort of material I envision putting in shadow screens alongside my code.
<KipIngram> Or in a "comments database" if I implement such a thing. Main advantage that would have would be that the comments could be as voluminous as I wanted them to be - not limited to a "block per block of code."
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<KipIngram> Ok, I'm going to work on that some now. Start hasing out the architecture of this "comment database."
<KipIngram> I think each "attach point" in the code will just be a (block / line / col) triple, and the comment entry itself will be located at (block / line). And perhaps I'll specify there how many lines the block is, and if it needs to flow to another block I'll be able to chain one on somehow.
<KipIngram> Each entry will have some attributes - I envision being able to flag a comment as "inline" and be able to turn off and on the rendering of inline comments.
<KipIngram> Feels to me that something along the lines of a B-tree might be in order here, for organizing all the data.
<MrMobius> ive always thought autogenerated stack pictures would make life so much better
<MrMobius> in a separate pane to the right
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<MrMobius> that would be very un-forth like though
<KipIngram> Yeah, this would give me a place to put stack effect comments as well. The whole idea is kind of un-Forthlike, but really mostly due to "tradition. I guess shadow screens aren't reall un-Forth.
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