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<DuncanHaldane> @Attie Current design does indeed use the TLP175A as an option for controllable termination. Discrete mosfets are also an option that was implemented.
<DuncanHaldane> I've got a better version of the schematic generated, let me push it to the repo
[libfx2] theedge456 commented on issue #5: i2c bus scan -
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<WillC> @Attie if you want help testing it let me know. I work on a number of different vehicles. Also an easy way to ground can low would be fun to have so you can do single wire can networks in a hacky way
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<Attie> @WillC re single-wire, that's an interesting idea... from my understanding it'd require a special single-wire transceiver, or at least one that can operate in both modes. is that correct?
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@Attie: I think you are correct that you usually need a special single-wire-can transceiver. but since WillC wrote "hacky way" it could be that he meant to ground for example can-l and just connect can-h to the other systems.
another hacky way would be to just use a open drain bus with cmos levels. this could be directly done with glasgow, no transceiver needed. but you probably should add a bit stronger pullup than the 10k of glasgow