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<soul-d> morning azonenberg you know stuff on electrolosys ? was wondering how the sollution gets most amp's trough it for example with computer psu so far it seems based on mass off whats conted but there probably a sweet spot for electrolsis solution
<soul-d> conected *
<azonenberg> What are you trying to do?
<azonenberg> I've done electronchemical etching, which is close
<azonenberg> electrochemical*
<soul-d> creating rust iron oxide :)
<azonenberg> Haven't done that
<soul-d> solution is sodium carbonate
<azonenberg> generally higher concentration of electrolyte would mean lower resistance
<azonenberg> but there is also a limit of how much you can safely dissipate in the bath
<soul-d> yeah ph alrready was 14
<azonenberg> before your PSU starts to overheat or the liquid starts to boil
<azonenberg> you also want to be careful about gases
<soul-d> only 0.700 runs trougg
<soul-d> 700ma
<soul-d> 12v
<soul-d> in open shed ofcourse ventilated
<azonenberg> you don't want lots of H2 and O2 to build up
<azonenberg> lol
<azonenberg> and how much more power do you want to push?
<soul-d> max amps :P
<azonenberg> 8.4 watts is still quite a bit
<soul-d> yeah someone calculated that 1amp generated 50gr oxide in 24h ~ bbut still have to get back into that
<soul-d> this time i want to create lots of oxides or mostly all stuff that once was used as paint pigment
<soul-d> first the lesser toxic ones ofcourse
<azonenberg> i see
<soul-d> and tried a bit of metalworking so ofcourse now i need some tamahanage steel wich japan doesnt export :P
<soul-d> so best is to have lots of oxide's yourself and some trace metals and cook some steel yourself
<azonenberg> you want to make your own steel? o_O\
<soul-d> anyhow on electrolsys i see lots of people talk about using x/y lots of amps but als long as source can provide it
<soul-d> not by making the oxides myself :P
<soul-d> but i do someday
<soul-d> in japanese style oven
<soul-d> basicly a cube oven with air forced into downwards loaded with coal and then loaded with coal and ore from top
<soul-d> then you do that every 15 min
<soul-d> for a day
<soul-d> why did i say 2 times the same thing ?
<soul-d> lol
<soul-d> maybe time for coffee
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<Sync> soul-d: buying rust is much cheaper
<Sync> iirc it is commercially done by heating fine steel powder
<soul-d> i know just experimenting wasnt serieus about the part to make own steel with that but do want to make pigments for paint
<soul-d> iron should able to provide red black and yellow
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