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<Sync> pretty small I guess
<B0101> like how many MM or UM?
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<soul-d> note to self don't buy bulk "high" concetrated chems hard to pour out :P took just 3 spills
<soul-d> mmmkay lets hope shed survives
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<azonenberg> Sync: Depends on how good your cleanroom is :P
<Sync> azonenberg: rather, how good you want your yield
<azonenberg> That too
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* soul-d supposidly created nitric acid and survived
* azonenberg has used HNO3 but never tried synthesizing it
<azonenberg> i dont trust my chem skills quite that far
<soul-d> heh i just copied a youtube and ran
<soul-d> 2 small movies
<soul-d> warning sound might be bugged
<soul-d> first is experiment tring to dodge fumes
<soul-d> second is the result on piece of copper
<soul-d> clear picture of setup :)
<soul-d> baloon suprisingly survived
<azonenberg> "allows a huge 500MB file size" lol
<soul-d> and split archives
<soul-d> so for free host not to shabby i think
<azonenberg> Yeah, not bad for free
<soul-d> tried tinypic/ movie but it keeps nagging about codes not correct
<soul-d> and i got catpcha rick rolled
<soul-d> :(
<soul-d> most scary part of this experiment was getting 100ml of hcl (30%) out of 5L can wich took me 3 spilss and realy should wear respirator
<azonenberg> Lol 5L of HCl?
<azonenberg> I would not open that bottle outside a fume hood
<soul-d> heh its an open shed wich is my fume hood lol
<azonenberg> lol
<soul-d> wich means im not their when experiments run usaly in door opening or near the exit
<azonenberg> lol
<soul-d> but indeed still need to make that one so i can safley observe stuff
<azonenberg> you saw the pics of my hood?
<azonenberg> like $200 of plastic and duct/fittings, i could probably have gotten cheaper if i shopped around
<soul-d> i think i did i can rember a pic of your lab
<soul-d> thast a lot nicer then dodging airflow
<azonenberg> Yep
<azonenberg> nice acrylic sash (hard to tell since its clear and doesnt have a frame) going down halfway
<soul-d> tubing not chemical resistant
<soul-d> ?
<azonenberg> Just cheap dryer tubing
<azonenberg> i'm watching for signs of corrosion but havent seen any yet
<soul-d> yea still got some alluminum but donno about using that tbing
<azonenberg> Well the hope is that vapors wouldnt attack it too readily if you have high airflow and keep concentration low
<azonenberg> I have 0.2 ft^2 of duct cross section and am moving 240 CFM through it
<azonenberg> so that's 20fps airflow velocity
<soul-d> true and better it atacks tubings wich you can replace then one working in the room
<azonenberg> Exactly, as long as you catch leaks
<azonenberg> All of the chemicals i work with the PEL is above the odor threshold
<azonenberg> meaning if you can't smell it, you're safe
<soul-d> :)
<azonenberg> And even a brief whiff of HCl vapor is a lot better than a faceful :p
<soul-d> do have abek/organic respirator filter
<azonenberg> i have respirators too but the hood is so much better
<azonenberg> the only reason i keep them around is for spray painting
<soul-d> that a vacume bell thing btw ?
<soul-d> on your left
<azonenberg> Yes, i dont have it anymore
<azonenberg> was for a short-term consulting gig and the client took it back
<soul-d> mmm ah sadly looked solid
<azonenberg> yes, it was a nice rig
<azonenberg> i forget the pressure we hit but iirc it was under 100mtorr
<azonenberg> we started to struggle with slow leaks at that point
<azonenberg> this was using a 2-stage rotary vane pump, no diffusion etc
* azonenberg drools at the thought of one day owning a turbopump
<soul-d> :) yeah so much stuff to research still
<soul-d> still busy doing pigments was looking intro generating a bit of cuprous oxide (i) (red) oxide
<azonenberg> i see
<soul-d> copper
<soul-d> bit of expirimentation with ferric spoon and paper below is extracted with hcl other electrolise
<soul-d> paper on the picture below *
<soul-d> copper carbonate :)
<azonenberg> ferric... chloride?
<soul-d> yes what on spoon was desolved ferric cloride reacted with euhm i think it was sodium carbonate :P
<soul-d> realy should keep a log :P
<azonenberg> Lol you should
<soul-d> t is obtained by reacting ferric chloride with sodium hydroxide:
<soul-d> FeCl3 + 3NaOH → Fe(OH)3 + 3NaCl
<soul-d> close :P
<azonenberg> so iron hydroxide?
<soul-d> yeah
<soul-d> Yellow iron oxide (CAS [51274-00-1]) is used as a pigment, e.g. Pigment Yellow 42 or C.I. 77492. Pigment Yellow 42
<soul-d> was my goal :)
<soul-d> instead i got mars brown i think
<soul-d> :)
<azonenberg> so what do you think of the datasheet? any additional measurements you think i should add?
<azonenberg> "Several speed grades (“IQ”) available for highly differentiated low-cost applications"
<azonenberg> "Available in two peripheral sets (-F and -M) to allow nerd deployments to be customized to customer needs"
<soul-d> no was just lookign how to order a hot inteligent female :P
<azonenberg> There's no "ordering info" section at the moment
<soul-d> withc good unclothed ratings
<azonenberg> oh, just got a hilarious idea
<azonenberg> for "ordering information" suggest several resellers
<azonenberg> aka dating sites :P
<soul-d> :) they could be obviously fake though but yeah somthing along that lines
<soul-d> and about male / female interaction problems
<azonenberg> i might add something to that effect
<azonenberg> I also want a lot more timing characteristics
<soul-d> warnings it might not be compatible
<azonenberg> for example "CLK_ALARM to CLK_BRAIN stable"
<azonenberg> how does page 5 look?
<azonenberg> (redownload)
<soul-d> make it bit more obscure like * unfortunaly due to long manufacturing process direct ordering is unavailable at this point in time
<soul-d> about the brain stable part you might want to include people that realy need a cup of coffie or somthing to stabalize ofcourse you would write the chemical forumla of coffee :P
<soul-d> some people *
<azonenberg> soul-d: how about just listing a 9-month lead time? :P
<soul-d> well entire proccess is kinda vurnable
<soul-d> so no guarantue's there
<azonenberg> maybe mention "yield rates not guaranteed" or something
<soul-d> but be sure to include that the F version can cause erroneous behavior in the M kind
<azonenberg> lol
<azonenberg> crosstalk?
<soul-d> either far end crosstalk or alien crosstalk one would asume
<soul-d> :P
<azonenberg> Lol
<soul-d> anyhow need to do some grocery shopping bbl
<lekernel> azonenberg: there might be a MBE workshop at EHSM. still not coming? :)
<lekernel> Sync: and you can add MBE workshops to things C3 doesn't do
<Sync> I do MBE for a living :P
<Sync> but it is bad timing, I just finalized everything for c3 last week
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<azonenberg> lekernel: as in molecular beam epitaxy?
<azonenberg> and yeah, i'm too busy :( :( :(
<lekernel> yes, as in molecular beam epitaxy
<lekernel> there will also be a DIY vacuum chamber + evaporator
<lekernel> (from different people)
<Sync> lekernel: you should do that as part of the c3 :P
<Sync> the cch is huge
<lekernel> Sync: the space would have cost 14k euro
<lekernel> we're running the complete conference on half that sum
<Sync> so what? 14k is not that much
<lekernel> Sync: you pay it then? :)
<Sync> I could, yes
<lekernel> well, maybe you should offer azonenberg two turbopumps instead
<azonenberg> lol
<Sync> it should have been possible to integrate that event into c3, the new rooms certainly make that possible
<lekernel> it's a better use of that money than fattening real estate managers
<lekernel> if we paid 14kE, yes, it would have been possible
<lekernel> we actually discussed this
<lekernel> also I didn't like the terms "integrate" and "subconference" which kept popping up (and they just did)
<Sync> what is the problem with them?
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<Sync> it seems to have gone by me, I actually read some of the orga lists and did not see anything like that
<Sync> it's just that I find it sad that there is a segregation (worse now because of the different cities)
<lekernel> there is a "segregation" anyway (hw talks at c3 are pretty much a half-hearted "oh, cool..." type of thing) so I only care that much about the physical one
<lekernel> also if 3 hours of train are enough to demotivate you, well...
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<lekernel> finally - we announced it before, and c3 used to be in berlin, so tell them, not me
<Sync> haha. you cannot pull the we announced it before card.
<Sync> your event does not exist for over a decade at the same date
<Sync> and no, the 3h ride does not demotivate me, but getting a place to sleep in two cities does
<lekernel> at the same berlin
<lekernel> besides I tend to judge events by their content, not how long they have been around
<Sync> it was pretty clear that it would not be in berlin the next year
<Sync> I do not go to events because of their content, but because I want to meet people I only get to know over the interweb
<lekernel> no it wasn't clear until a few days before the announcement, and I only care that much about running after c3 people for the latest rumors (see "segregation" argument)
<Sync> then you have the wrong sources
<Sync> it was pretty clear that it would not be in berlin in feburary
<lekernel> source is cpunkt
<Sync> idk, just scrolled through my mails again
<Sync> it was decided in march that berlin was very unlikely
<lekernel> either way we wouldn't have spent 14kE on a room in hamburg (or anywhere else)
<lekernel> there is plenty of free space in unis at those dates
<Sync> I don't know how many people attend, but with around 200 you would have broken even
<lekernel> I'd rather spend it on things that C3 doesn't do, like quantum physics workshops and such
<Sync> you could hold them there
<Sync> I bet a lot would be interested
<lekernel> my experience shows otherwise
<lekernel> sorry
<Sync> aha
<lekernel> so I'd rather solve the problem at a conference level than at a workshop level
<Sync> I'm not so sure if that is the right way to do it
<Sync> from what I see there is a lot in common with both venues
<lekernel> look closer :) most of those things aren't actually popular at c3
<lekernel> also EHSM is guaranteed free of BS like conspiracy theories. C3 provably isn't.
<Sync> conspiracy is fun!
<Sync> bah fuck, I'd like to discuss that with you in persona, maybe I can manage to hit on 29th
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